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in  certain  surgical maneuvers.  Patient  safety  is  optimized   to nasal tip should be  aligned and straight. [14,15]  Over
          with the use of specific surgical procedures, protocols,   reduction of the  dorsum can change the  orbito‑nasal
          specialized instruments  and staff training.  Endotracheal   relationship with subsequent flattening of the midface.
          monitored  anesthesia  care  is  preferable  and a
          nasopharyngeal pack can be a useful preventative measure   COMPLICATIONS OF RHINOPLASTY
          by helping to keep the larynx clear.
                                                              Clinical manifestations of complications  of rhinoplasty
          THE AESTHETIC ANATOMY OF THE                        and side effects may  be classified as functional,
          NOSE: DORSAL AESTHETIC LINES                        aesthetic,  or both. A  number of technical solutions
                                                              have been presented. [4,5,12,16]  After a review of these
          The  bony  cartilaginous  pyramid  of the  external  nose  is   potential  complications,  specific  attention  was  directed
          three‑dimensional  structure composed of three  basic   to the  surgical technique  for reconstruction of nasal tip
          regions: the upper rigid bony third, the middle semi‑rigid   projection  and the  dorsal aesthetic  lines  in  the  patient
          cartilaginous third and the  lower mobile  cartilaginous   with a prominent  dorsal hump. Functional insufficiency
          third. Nasal deformities result from the loss of support to   of the internal nasal valve occurs in conjunction with
          this tripod [Figure 1]. [4]                         the inverted V deformity (with disruption of the dorsal
                                                              aesthetic  lines) caused by collapse of the upper lateral
          The soft tissue components of the  nose include skin,   cartilages following removal of the dorsal hump.
          muscles, nerves and vascular tissues. The tissue layers and   This  combined  complication can be  prevented  during
          fibrovascular membranous structures of the skin envelope   component reduction of the dorsal  hump by avoiding
          in the inferior part of the external nose are divided into   excessive  resection of the  upper lateral cartilage as
          five layers, which are similar to the structure of the face:   compared with the septum  (midvault area) and by
          epidermis,  dermis,  superficial fascia, fibromuscular layer   placement of spreader grafts. [17]
          and perichondrium. The thin, dynamic musculoaponeurotic
          layer  of  the  nose  is  a  critical structure  of the  nose.   The nasal tip presents an exceptional challenge because
          Preservation of this layer is vital in restoring and retaining   of its mobility. [12‑15]   During dorsal hump reduction when
          nasal function and appearance. [8‑10]               the K‑area is disrupted and not aligned with the nasal
                                                              bridge, it may act as a pivot point; downward and inward
          The nasal dorsum connects the radix to the lateral   rotation  of the  septal cartilage  then  becomes  possible,
          projections of the crura of the lower lateral cartilages (LLCs)   disproportionally  widen the nasal dorsum and result
          by means of two diverging concave  lines. These are the   unnatural look of  dorsal aesthetic  lines.  Protrusion  of
          nasal dorsal aesthetic lines, which are unbroken extensions   the anterior septal cartilage  can create a polly  beak
          of the superciliary ridges [Figure 2]. The radix and supratip   deformity. The polly beak deformity is remarkable for
          regions have thicker soft tissue coverage, while the   protuberance with a rounded downward pointing tip
          midvault area contains thinner tissue. The supratip break   and  fullness  of  the  supratip  region.  Excess  scar  tissue
          occurs cephalad to the nasal tip where the contour lines   in the region of the dorsal septal cartilage or supratip
          of the nasal dorsum rise toward the tip‑defining points.   may become apparent once edema has resolved and is
          The tip‑defining points are composed of two equilateral   more likely to occur in patients with thicker skin. The
          triangles which extend from the supratip region to the   deformity can be prevented by maintaining adequate tip
          apex of the domes to the columellar lobule angle. [8,11,12]  To   support through columellar struts. In addition, suturing
          achieve a balanced dorsal profile with a supratip break,   the subcutaneous tissue of the supratip to the caudal
          it is necessary to create a frame with a slightly deeper
          nasion and tip projection beyond the  dorsum. [10‑13]  From
          an aesthetic standpoint, the area from the nasal bridge

          Figure  1: The keystone area, where the nasal bones overlap  the upper   Figure 2: The dorsal aesthetic lines originate on the supraorbital ridges
          lateral cartilages  and the  scroll area,  where  the  lower lateral  cartilages   and pass medially  along the  glabellar  area  to  converge  caudally at  the
          overlap the  upper lateral cartilages.  Restoration  of the  keystone  area   medial canthal ligaments. From there, they usually begin diverging at the
          anatomical structure during the primary rhinoplasty prevents open roof   keystone area and ultimately conclude at the tip‑defining points, which
          and inverted V deformities                          become the highest point in the nasal profile
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