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of breast reconstruction with DIEP flap after abdominal   abdominal liposuction was performed 5  years before
          wall  liposuction  will  be  demonstrated  in  addition  to  a   the  original  diagnosis  of  breast  cancer.  Three  years  after
          literature review.                                  the mastectomy, the patient underwent autologous breast
                                                              reconstruction with  a DIEP  flap. The patient  was
          METHODS                                             evaluated preoperatively for suitable  perforators by
                                                              computed tomography (CT) angiography and duplex
          An MEDLINE search was performed for all relevant    ultrasound. Examination revealed appropriate perforator
          articles describing the breast reconstruction with DIEP   vessels and extensive fibrosis throughout the subcutaneous
          flap technique following abdominal wall liposuction. This   tissue  caused by  the  previous  liposuction. The  patient
          study includes all published data on the topic from 1965   underwent delayed unilateral breast reconstruction with a
          to  December  2014.  The  PubMed  database  of  the  National   free DIEP flap. The postoperative course was complicated
          Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of   by a mild cellulitis that was successfully  treated with
          Medicine (Bethesda, Maryland, USA), was used to collect   antibiotics and no damage resulted to the flap [Figure 1].
          reports using the keywords “DIEP”, “DIEAP”, “deep inferior   Case 2
          epigastric perforator”, “liposuction” and “free flap”. All   A  59‑year‑old,  smoker,  female  with  breast  cancer
          articles were reviewed for reports of clinical cases including   underwent a right mastectomy in 1998 followed by
          complications, age, liposuction amount, time since   implant‑based reconstruction the same year. She later
          liposuction and the number of perforators for comparison.
                                                              underwent radiation therapy and subsequently developed
                                                              severe capsular contracture  [Figure  2]. In 2012, she
          RESULTS                                             underwent right breast capsulectomy and reconstruction
                                                              with DIEP flap. Eighteen years earlier, the patient had
          A total of 8 cases  of autologous breast  reconstruction   undergone conventional abdominal liposuction. The
          using  a DIEP  flap after liposuction were identified  in   patient  was  evaluated preoperatively  for suitable
          the  literature  review  in  addition to  the  2 cases  we   perforators  by  CT  angiography  and  duplex  ultrasound.
          present  here.  A  study by  De Frene  et  al.  describes five   Examination  revealed  appropriate perforator  vessels.
          consecutive cases,  and Jandali  et  al.   reports one  case.   Three days following the DIEP flap procedure the patient
          In  addition, Farid  et  al.   reported  2 cases  involving  DIEP   developed a hematoma that was evacuated and the
          flap breast  reconstruction after  multiple  liposuction   patient had a stable postoperative course without any
          procedures.  The  results  of these  studies  including our   flap compromise.
          cases are summarized in  Table  1. The preoperative and
          postoperative course for all prior liposuction cases was   DISCUSSION
          uneventful except for our 2 patients: one who had a mild
          cellulitis that  resolved with  appropriate therapy without   Previous  literature  suggests  that  harvesting  perforator
          any compromise of the flap and another who experienced   flaps from liposuctioned donor sites may not necessarily be
          a hematoma which was subsequently drained. The                                                 [5,7]
          average patient age was 52.2 years ± 6.4 years old, and   a contraindication to free‑flap breast reconstruction.   The
          one perforator  was used in all cases except one report   largest reported series of DIEP flaps after liposuction was
          where two were used. Of the reported cases, the average   published by De Frene  et  al.  with five successful cases
          amount of liposuction collected was 1,084 mL. Two minor   of breast reconstruction. The DIEP flap, introduced by
          complications out of the total 10  cases were a mild   Itoh and Arai  and Koshima and Soeda  and popularized
          cellulitis and a postoperative stable hematoma. No major   by Allen and Treece,  Blondeel and Boeckx,  and
          complications were reported.                        Blondeel  has been described as the most appropriate
                                                              way to reconstruct a breast to minimize  donor
          Case 1                                              morbidity. [6,14,15]  The effect of liposuction on a free  flap
          A 50‑year‑old, nonsmoker,  female underwent  a left  sided   donor site  months or years before flap transfer remains
          mastectomy  for invasive  ductal carcinoma.  Conventional   to be clarified.
          Table 1: Summary of studies performing DIEP reconstruction in patients who have had previous liposuction
           Study           Age     Number of perforators  Liposuction (mL)  Years after liposuction  Complications
           Jandali et al. [1]  42           2               Not reported             9              None
           Farid et al. [8]  57             1              240 + 300 + 300          1.33            None
                            54              1               100 to 160 × 5          0.5             None
           De Frene et al. [7]  52          1                  1,300                 4              None
                            58              1                  1,000                 11             None
                            41              1                  1,100                 9              None
                            52              1                  1,500                6.5             None
                            57              1                  1,200                 4              None
           Our study        50              1               Not reported             5              Mild cellulitis
                            59              2               Not reported             18             Hematoma
           DIEP: Deep inferior epigastric perforator
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