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of which are important in modulating mesenchymal    RESULTS
          cell recruitment, proliferation, and extracellular matrix
          synthesis during the healing process.  Autologous PRP is   Twenty‑four patients with 33 nonhealing ulcers of various
          a safe, easy, and cost‑effective method with good results   etiologies were treated with PRP at weekly intervals for a
          in the management of chronic nonhealing ulcers. PRP has   maximum of 6 treatments.  The mean  age  of the patients
          been a breakthrough in the stimulation  and acceleration   was 42.5 years (standard deviation [SD] 12.48) [Table 1]. Of
          of bone and soft tissue healing. It represents a relatively   33 ulcers, there were 19  (57.75%) venous ulcers, 7  (21.2%)
          new biotechnology that is part of the growing interest in   traumatic ulcers, 2 (6%) pyoderma gangrenosum ulcers, 2 (6%)
          tissue engineering and cellular therapy today.      diabetic ulcers, 2  (6%) trophic ulcers, and 1  (3%) vasculitic
                                                              ulcer  [Figure  1]. The duration of the ulcers ranged from
          METHODS                                             2 months to 1 year with a mean of 4.75 months [Table 2]. The
                                                              mean duration  of  healing of the  ulcers  was  5.6  weeks  (SD
          The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of   3.23). The baseline mean area and volume of the ulcer was
          PRP in the management of chronic leg ulcers. This was   10.93 cm  (SD 7.791) and 5.1 cm  (SD 4.3). The final mean
          a  nonrandomized,  uncontrolled  study  conducted  from   area and volume of the ulcer at the end of 6  weeks were
          January 2011 to September 2012 at a tertiary hospital in   1.3 cm   (SD 2.72) and 0.4 cm  (SD 1.27). The declining
          Bengaluru. Ethical clearance was obtained before beginning   trend in the reduction of sum of the area and volume of the
          of the study from Ethical Clearance Committee. A total of   ulcers is shown [Figures 2 and 3]. The mean percentage of
          24 patients with 33 nonhealing ulcers of various etiologies   improvement in area and volume of the ulcers was 91.7%
          were included in this study. Inclusion criteria were ulcers   (SD 18.4%) and 95% (SD 14%), respectively [Tables 3 and 4].
          of  more than 6  weeks duration. Patients with a bleeding   The  confidence  interval  is  been  shown  in  Table  5.  P  value
          disorder, uncontrolled sugar levels and ulcers with active   was set at less than 0.05 and hence the results were found
          infection  and  saphenofemoral  junction  incompetency   to be significant. About 100% improvement in the area
          were excluded. Detailed history including the name, age,   was seen in 25  (76%) of the ulcers and 100% improvement
          sex, address, contact number, occupation, and history of   in volume was seen in 24 (73%) of the ulcers at the end of
          medication was noted. Patients were thoroughly examined   the 6th  treatment [Figures  4 and 5]. There were no side
          and ulcer size (length, breadth, and width) was measured   effects noted. The before and after PRP therapy photographs
          by the “clock‑face” method described by Sussman using a   are shown  [Figures  6–11]. We also noted that there was a
          cotton tip applicator and ruler.
                                                              Table 1: Age distribution
          Under aseptic precautions, 20  mL of venous blood was
          drawn and added  to  a  test  tube  containing  acid citrate   Age group (years)  Number of patients  Percentage
          dextrose in a ratio of 9:1 (blood: acid citrate dextrose). It   <20            0                0
          was centrifuged at 5000  rpm for 15  min  to separate the   21–30              7                29
          red blood cells from platelet and plasma.  The lower part   31–40              3               12.5
          of the plasma was then collected  and centrifuged again   41–50                5                21
          at 2000 rpm for 5 min. The bottom layer of about 1.5 mL   51–60                9               37.5
          was harvested, and 10%  calcium chloride  was added  to   >60                  0                0
          activate PRP (0.3 mL for 1 mL of PRP).  Activated PRP was   Total              24              100
          applied onto the wound after proper surgical debridement
          and was dressed in a nonabsorbent  dressing.  After   Table 2: Duration of the ulcer
          activating PRP with calcium chloride, it should be applied   Duration of the   Number of ulcers  Percentage
          immediately  onto the wound  as 70%  of GFs  are released   ulcer (months)
          within ten  minutes and 90% within one hour. Hence,   <3                      6                 18
          we should activate PRP  just before use, rather than in   3–6                 21                64
          advance, to avoid losing GFs. Because PRP can synthesize   6–9                3                 9
          additional amounts of GF for about 8 days until depletion,   9–12             3                 9
          PRP  application was repeated weekly. After 1  week, the   Total              33               100
          dressing was removed with normal saline and assessed for
          improvement.  The procedure was repeated once weekly
          for 6 weeks. Wound area was calculated using the formula
          for an ellipse: length  ×  width  ×  0.7854  (an ellipse is
          closer to a wound shape than a square or rectangle that
          would  be described by simple length  ×  width). The use
          of an ellipse for calculating wound measurement  has
          been  used in  randomized controlled trials in  wound
          healing literature.  Volume was calculated  using the
          formula (length × width × 0.7854) × depth.
          The treatment  outcome was defined as a percentage
          improvement in area and volume of the ulcer.        Figure 1: Various causes of ulcer. PG: pyoderma gangrenosum
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