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points; these points were termed “McCain’s points” and   RESULTS
          were  marked  on  a  line  drawn  from  the  middle  of  the
          tragus to the lateral canthus. The entry points were   Before treatment, the mean VAS score was 6.6 and the
          marked along this canthotragal line. The first point,   mean  MMO  was 23  mm.  Posttreatment,  the  mean  VAS
          corresponding  to  the  glenoid  fossa,  was  marked  10  mm   pain score  decreased  to  a mean  value of 2.7 at  1 week
          from the mid-tragus and 2  mm below the line, and the   and then to 1.2 at 6  months in the arthrocentesis-only
          second point, corresponding to articular eminence, was   group  [Table  1],  whereas  the  MMO  increased  to a  mean
          marked  10  mm  from  the  first  point  and  10  mm  below   value of 34 mm at 1 week and 42.1  mm at 6 months in
          the  line.  The  simple  flushing  action  in  the  joint  may   the steroid group  [Table  1], which indicates significant
          eliminate or reduce the effect of biochemical factors   improvement  in patient symptoms and complaints.
          that contribute to inflammation and pain. Intra-articular   However, the mean MMO after steroid injection increased
          corticosteroid injections are occasionally administered   from 23.9 to 42.2  mm  [Table  1], and the mean  pain
          to  alleviate  inflammation.  Intra-articular  corticosteroid   score decreased from 6.7 to 1.11  [Table  2], though the
          injection has an unpredictable prognosis and can also   difference between the two groups was not significant.
          lead to local side-effects on the joint.

          A total of 20 patients  (11  females and 9  males) aged   Temporomandibular disorders comprise a wide variety
          17–39 years were enrolled in this study. The review board of  of disorders of the TMJ, masticatory muscles, or
          University of  Kashmir  approved  this  study. The procedures   both, [5,6]   with  the  main  symptoms  presenting  as  pain
          followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of   and dysfunction. Pain associated with TMJ disorders may
          the responsible committee on human experimentation and   be  due  to vasoconstriction and release  of nitric  oxide,
          with the Helsinki declaration. A detailed clinical examination   reactive  oxygen  species  (ROS),  and thiobarbituric  acid.
          was performed,  along  with  any necessary  investigations.   Elevated ROS  levels in  synovial fluid may  result  from
          All the patients selected for the study had been diagnosed   mechanical stress and high pressures directed to the upper
          with TMJ internal derangement with closed lock through   compartment during  clenching  and jaw movement.
          clinical and radiographic examination  (magnetic resonance   Lavage of the upper compartment by TMJ arthrocentesis
          imaging). Only such patients were taken for study in which   forces apart the flexible disc from the fossa, washes away
          all the conservative measures had failed. A  written and   degraded  particles  containing inflammatory components
          verbal consent was obtained from the patients for treatment   and decreases intra-articular pressure. Furthermore, the
          and associated complications, after the treatment outcome   elimination of nitric oxide and ROS relieves the pain.
          were  fully  explained  to  them.  A  visual analog  scale  (VAS)   The concept  of TMJ arthrocentesis and  lavage was first
          was used to score pain (range 1–10), where 1 denoted no   borne out of the successful use of TMJ arthroscopy
          pain at all, and 10 denoted very severe pain. These values
          were recorded at 1-week preoperatively, and at 6  months
          postoperatively. The maximal mouth opening  (MMO) was   Table 1: Comparison of MMO between the two groups
          evaluated  and  recorded  (in  mm)  pre-  and  post-operatively.   Group  Mean   Mean postoperative  P value
          The patients were divided into two groups, with 10 patients       preoperative   MMO (mm)
          per  group.  One  group  underwent  only  arthrocentesis           MMO (mm)  At 1-week At 6 months
          while  the  other  group  underwent  arthrocentesis  followed
          by a single injection of triamcinolone acetonide  (20  mg)   Arthrocentesis   23  34    42.1    1.000
                                                               only (n=10)
          into the joint. The results were compared both pre-  and   Arthrocentesis   23.9  33.3  42.2
          post-operatively. The entire procedure was performed   plus steroid (n=10)
          by one surgeon and conducted under local anesthesia   MMO: Maximum mouth opening; n: Number of patients
          [Figure  1].  About  100  ml of  Ringer’s  lactate  was  used
          for arthrocentesis. After the lavage was completed, the   Table 2: Comparison of pain between the two groups
          needles  were  removed,  and  the  patient’s  jaw  was  gently   using a VAS
          manipulated by the clinician in the vertical, protrusive   Group     Mean     Mean postoperative  P value
          and lateral excursions to help further release the disc and       preoperative      pain
          break  the  adhesions.  The  patients  were  then  followed  up      pain
          at  1  week  and  6  months.  The  results  were  then  analyzed             At 1-week At 6 months
          using an  SPSS Statistics software package manufactured by   Arthrocentesis   6.6  2.7   1.2    1.000
          IBM Corporation (Armonk, New York,  U.S.). Postoperative   only (n=10)
          changes in  pain,  lateral movements,  and  range  of  mouth   Arthrocentesis   6.7  2.4  1.11
          opening were compared with the preoperative values using   plus steroid (n=10)
          the Mann–Whitney U-test.                             VAS: Visual analog scale

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