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Topic: EuRePS Meeting 2015: best five papers

            Report on the European Residents in

            Plastic Surgery Meeting 2015

            Carlo Melloni
            Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, University of Palermo, 90133 Palermo, Italy
            Address for correspondence: Dr. Carlo Melloni, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, University of Palermo, 90133 Palermo, Italy. E-mail:

            As the chairman of the 2015  European Residents in   together with the attendant a glass of icy-white-wine.
            Plastic Surgery (EuRePS) Meeting  and on behalf of the
            organizing committee, it is a pleasure for me to describe   The Keynote Lectures of the invited “Special Guest” such
            the emotions that flew through that magic days.   as Roy De Vita (Rome), Jaume Masia (Barcelona), Fabio
                                                              Santanelli di Pompeo (Rome), Jan Vranckx (Leuven) and
            The setting  was Favignana, an enchanting,  whimsical,   Salvatore D’Arpa (Gent) have enriched the scientific
            harsh and welcoming island in the Mediterranean Sea.   program with important practical information, charming
            About 150 participants from all over Europe and beyond   the participants with their “ars oratoria”.
            have invaded the venue of the meeting, an old tuna-fish
            factory called “Tonnara Florio”.                  The event ended on Sunday 21st with a space reserved
                                                              for the  projects  of the  Italian  Society  of Plastic,
            Countdown to suspense and video with special effects   Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (SICPRE) dedicated
            introduced the EuRePS Meeting’s opening, on 18th June   to residents and the awards for the best five works here
            2015.  The conference, entirely dedicated  to European   published in Plastic and Aesthetic Research Journal.
            Residents in Plastic Surgery, has been organized by the
            School of Specialization  in  Plastic,  Reconstructive and   The EuRePS Award for the best communication went to
            Aesthetic Surgery of the University of Palermo.   Margot Den Hondt, resident in Leuven (Belgium), who
                                                              will have the opportunity to participate for free at the
            The enthusiasm is sky high and the focus is at the top. Off   upcoming EuRePS meeting in Brussels in 2016.
            we go!
                                                              In this way, four unforgettable days of science, friendship and fun
            With their communications and high quality scientific   come to the end: the perfect mix that made this event unique.
            works, the residents gave birth to four days of intense
            debate on the most advanced researches in plastic surgery.  We are looking at the future; we are looking for a new
                                                              way to arrange meetings in a different format: less formal,
            Sharing knowledge and setting new collaborations were   relaxed atmosphere and smart presentations with lots of
            the main goals of the meeting. Attendants presented their   tips and tricks messages to take home. The future is now!
            works, both in podium and in poster presentation, and
            residents also had the opportunity to be moderators for   Financial support and sponsorship
            one day tutored by the Directors of the Italian Schools of
            Plastic Surgery.                                  Nil.
                                                              Conflicts of interest
            The poster session was one of the greatest innovations.
            With a fresh and informal format, the poster session was
            arranged as a short-oral-presentation during an aperitif.   There are no conflicts of interest.
            Speakers presented their works in three minutes enjoying   This  is  an  open  access  article  distributed  under  the  terms  of  the  Creative
                                                              Commons  Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike  3.0  License,  which  allows
                           Access this article online         others to remix, tweak and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as the
                 Quick Response Code:                         author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
                            For reprints contact:
                                                               How to cite this article:  Melloni C. Report on the European
                                    DOI:                       Residents  in  Plastic  Surgery  Meeting  2015.  Plast  Aesthet  Res
                                    10.20517/2347-9264.2016.32  2016;3:220.
                                                               Received: 12-05-2016; Accepted: 13-06-2016
            220                                             © 2016 Plastic and Aesthetic Research | Published by OAE Publishing Inc.
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