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Topic: EuRePS Meeting 2015: best five papers

            Preface to special issue on “EuRePS


            Francesca Toia

            Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Surgical, Oncological and Oral Sciences, University of Palermo, 90127 Palermo,
            Address for correspondence: Dr. Francesca Toia, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Surgical, Oncological and Oral
            Sciences, University of Palermo, Via del Vespro, 129, 90127 Palermo, Italy. E-mail:

            The present special issue collects the best papers from   and changes on voice and a paper by Dr. Mauro Barone
            the  “EuRePS”  (European Residents  in  Plastic  Surgery)   on the application of regenerative medicine in treatment
            Meeting, which was held in Favignana from 18th to 21st   of acne scars. Finally, a case report on breast amyloidosis
            of June 2015. The scientific committee selected the best   by Dr. Giulia Boscaini closes the special issue.
            5 presentations, to be published on PAR journal thanks to
            an agreement with the editorial board.            Thanks to  all the  authors and  the  reviewers  for their
                                                              contributions and to the editorial staff of PAR for hosting
            The 5 papers will be introduced by a letter by Dr. Carlo   this  special issue  and for the  precious  and continuous
            Melloni, a resident in Plastic Surgery at the University of   support.
            Palermo, representing the Organizational Committee of
            the meeting. The first following paper is a letter from   I hope you enjoy reading this special issue.
            Dr.  Giovanna Spinzo  on her  experience  as  a  resident
            in  India.  The  second paper by Dr.  Margot  den Hondt   Financial support and sponsorship
            presents the outstanding twenty years of experience of   Nil.
            her group in tracheal transplantation research on a rabbit
            model. The special issue continues with a clinical paper   Conflicts of interest
            by Dr. Giuseppe Guarro on closed rhinoplasty and effects   There are no conflicts of interest.

                                                              This  is  an  open  access  article  distributed  under  the  terms  of  the  Creative
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                                                              For reprints contact:
                                    DOI:                       How to cite this article:  Toia F. Preface to special issue on
                                                               “EuRePS Meeting”. Plast Aesthet Res 2016;3:219.
                                                               Received: 03-05-2016; Accepted: 04-05-2016
            © 2016 Plastic and Aesthetic Research | Published by OAE Publishing Inc.                      219
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