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Topic: EuRePS Meeting 2015: best five papers

            Incredible surgery in India

            Giovanna Spinzo

            Unit of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Policlinico Di Modena, 41124 Modena, Italy.
            Address for correspondence: Dr. Giovanna Spinzo, Unit of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Policlinico Di Modena, 41124
            Modena, Italy. E-mail:

            I completed my Residency in Plastic and Reconstructive   anterolateral thigh flap;  other flap  performed weekly
            Surgery at Tata Memorial Hospital, in Mumbai,  India.   were pectoral mayor muscle cutaneous flap (about 5 per
            “Everybody has gone  through something  that has   week), or latissimus dorsi (about 2 per week).
            changed them in a way that they could never go back to
            the person they once were.” My life changing experience   Deep inferior epigastric perforators flaps for breast
            happened in India.                                reconstruction where performed once or twice a week
                                                              and that’s not including the larger number of breast
            The  first  time  I  stepped foot in  India  was  the  26th of   cancer removals per week (approximately  20). Breast
            September 2014. My Professor, Giorgio De Santis, Chief   reconstruction is not a “trend” in India and this is basically
            of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Department at   due to the conservative way of thinking and religious
            Policlinico di Modena, President in charge of the Italian   beliefs; the female body is still considered a taboo and
            Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,   women often lack of self-confidence. Many women are
            gave all his residents the opportunity to spend six months   unaware that it is even an option they could consider.
            of their residency abroad; I chose India.
                                                              At TMH a normal surgery day was scheduled as following:
            Though I was excited to embark on this new adventure, I   patients arrived at the operating theater at 8 a.m.; after
            also had some fears about India. However, upon arriving   anesthesia induction, while the oncosurgeon started
            many of my fears were quickly washed away.        the  demolition  part, the  plastic surgeons  (one senior
                                                              consultant and residents  or fellows assisting  him  or
            I was a visiting doctor at Tata Memorial Hospital (TMH),   performing  surgery by themselves)  performed the
            the second largest cancer hospital in Asia and the national   harvesting of the flap; the microscope time was always
            center for prevention, treatment, education and research   in  the middle afternoon and most  of the  cases were
            in cancer. India is the oral cancer capital of the world;   completed for dinner time.
            80% of Indian patients come to consultancy with late or
            advanced stage malignancy. The major cause is “chewing   The senior consultants always trusted us as he would say,
            tobacco”, a smokeless  tobacco product consumed by   “Start, be confident, and if you have any problem, stop; I
            placing a portion of tobacco between cheek and gum or   will guide you and help you”. This is real teaching plastic
            upper lip teeth and chewing. In particular in India the   surgery.
            most common used is “paan”, a preparation combining
            betel leaf with areca nut, tobacco, slaked lime (chunnam);   I spent the first month observing and trying to understand
            it is an addictive and euphoria-inducing formulation.  their entire system: the timing, the scrubbing, the
                                                              instruments, the recording system, the tips and trick of
            At TMH every week about 15 free flaps were performed,   surgery in India.  After a month of observations, I started
            mainly for head and neck reconstruction;  free fibula   to scrub and to be part of the group. They welcomed
            flap was daily bread, along with free radial forearm or   This  is  an  open  access  article  distributed  under  the  terms  of  the  Creative
                                                              Commons  Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike  3.0  License,  which  allows
                           Access this article online         others to remix, tweak and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as the
                 Quick Response Code:                         author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
                            For reprints contact:

                                    DOI:                       How to cite this article: Spinzo G. Incredible surgery in India.
                                    10.20517/2347-9264.2016.29  Plast Aesthet Res 2016;3:221-2.
                                                               Received: 19-04-2016; Accepted: 07-06-2016
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