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Page 54               Griffiths et al. Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation 2020;7:51-67  I




               Figure 1. Study setup and sampling protocol. Whole coronal tissue slabs sectioned along coronal planes A3, P1 and P3 were prepared
               at three levels from immersion fixed brains (A) (created with Histology and immunohistochemistry (anti-PLP
               immunostaining) revealed tissue anatomy and areas of frank demyelination (B) (MS278 section A3, MS202 section P1 and MS360
               section P3). Stained and mounted tissue sections were digitised and colour masks depicting demyelinating lesions involving the
               neocortical grey matter (red colour mask), deep grey matter and hippocampus (green colour mask) and white matter (blue colour
               mask) were annotated for lesion quantification (C). (B, C) Scale bar = 2 cm. PLP: proteolipid protein

               Tissue preparation, staining and characterising demyelinated lesions
               Whole coronal tissue sections were processed under vacuum and paraffin wax embedded prior to
               sectioning at 10 µm onto 3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane-silane (Sigma, UK) coated glass slides using a
               Reicheart-Jung tetrander microtome. Following dewaxing and rehydration, coronal sections from each
               case were stained with luxol fast blue (LFB) and cresyl violet to identify anatomical landmarks (grey and
               white matter) and to facilitate the assessment of total cortical, hippocampal and deep grey matter and white
               matter areas. Subsequent sections were immunostained with anti-proteolipid protein (PLP) and anti-CD68
               primary antisera [Table 2] and revealed by sequential anti-species specific biotinylated secondary and
               avidin-biotin complex (Vector Labs. Ltd.) horse-radish peroxidase conjugated tertiary detection reagent
               with ImmPACT DAB as the reporter chromogen (Vector). All slides were counterstained, dehydrated,
               cleared in xylene and DePeX mounted under glass coverslip (Ted Pella Inc. USA).

               Cortical grey matter lesions (GMLs), revealed by anti-PLP immunohistochemistry, were grouped as
               Type I (leukocortical), Type II (intracortical and not contacting the pia or grey/white matter boundary),
               or Type III (extending from the pia, sometimes involving the entire breadth of the cortex and stopping
               at the grey/white matter boundary (Bo Type IV cortical GML ). Areas of sparse and patchy anti-PLP
               immunostaining, which reflect incomplete demyelination and/or remyelination, but are notably different to
               the most “normal” grey matter, were labelled as partially de/re-myelinated grey matter .
               White matter lesions (WMLs) were separately characterised as active inflammatory (confluent in CD68+
               microglia/macrophages), chronic active (activated microglia/macrophages restricted to the lesion edge
               containing PLP+ and/or LFB+ myelin breakdown products) and chronic inactive lesions (few activated
               microglia/macrophages at the lesion edge without evidence of recent myelin phagocytosis). Additional
               areas of putative remyelinating/shadow plaque (by PLP+ myelin internodes and a classic LFB+ shadow
               appearance) were identified but not quantified. Demyelinating lesions of the hippocampus and deep grey
               matter were identified based on a clear loss of LFB and/or PLP+ immunostain and were characterised as
               active, chronic active or chronic inactive inflammatory demyelinating lesions .
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