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Hsu et al. Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation 2018;5:9  I                       Page 3 of 9

               eminent journals and authors in neuroimmunology and neuroinflammation; (3) the recent research domains
               defined by authors; and (4) the cluster coefficients (CCs) in different networks.

               Data sources
               We programed Microsoft Excel VBA modules to extract abstracts and their corresponding co-author names
               as well as author-defined keywords for each article on January 22, 2018, from Medline since 1982. Only
               those abstracts published by the keyword (neuroimmunology [Title] OR neuroinflammation [Title]) were
               included. Others like those labeled with Published Erratum, Editorial or without author nation name were
               excluded from this study. A total of 2885 eligible abstracts were obtained from the Medline.

               Data arrangement to fit SNA requirement
               Before visualizing our results using SNA, we organized data in compliance with the format and guidelines
               defined by Pajek software . Microsoft Excel VBA was used to deal with data fitting to the SNA requirement.

               Graphical representations to report
               Author nations and their relations
               Two tables (i.e. columns for publication years and rows for the 1st author nations or journals) were
               made for presenting the distribution in nation (of journal) for the domain of neuroimmunology and
               neuroinflammation. The bigger bubble means, the more number of the nodes (i.e. nations, or keywords
               in this study). The wider line indicates, the stronger relations between the 2 nodes. Community clusters
               are filled with different colors in bubbles. The most eminent authors were calculated from the Medline
               library since 1982.

               Keywords to present the research domain
               If keywords represent the research domain, the stronger relations between the two keywords can be
               highlighted and linked by SNA. Like the concept of co-occurrence about beer and diaper sales during
               weekend. The presentation for the bubble and line is similar to the previous section in the interpretation.
               Keywords defined by the authors were applied to represent the domains in the current study.

               Statistical tools and data analyses
               Google Maps  and SNA Pajek software  were used to display and visualized representations for eminent
               authors and keywords in relation with neuroimmunology and neuroinflammation. Author-made Excel VBA
               modules were applied to organize the data. CC represents the density of a network and a significant level
               (> 1.96) is defined by t-value as the formula [= CC × [(n-1)/(1-CC )] ], where n = the number of nodes in a
                                                                      2 1/2

               In contrast, E-I index is defined by the formula, where EL = the number of external friendship links and IL
               = the number of internal friendship links . The negative E-I index means a coherence cluster in existence.
               Similarly, the higher CC indicates many members are members’ friends linked to others. Density denotes as
               the ratio of the linkage members over all possible members.

               Author nations and their relations
               A total of 2799 eligible papers with complete author nations based on journal article since 1982 are in Table 1. We
               can see that the most number of articles are from the countries of USA (902, 32.23%) and China (363, 12.97%). The
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