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Hsu et al. Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation 2018;5:9  I                       Page 5 of 9

               Table 2. Journal distribution based for papers published in neuroimmunology and neuroinflammation
                Journal        1082-2008 2009 2010 2011  2012  2013  2014 2015  2016 2017  2018 Total   %  Growth
                J Neuroinflammation  12  3   7    7    32   14   28   27   38   34    1   215  7.90   0.42
                PLoS One         0      2    2    4    10   20   15   7    5    7     1   288  10.58   0.05
                Brain Behav Immun  3    1    1    4    3    2    6    7    12   26    4   145  5.33   0.62
                J Neuroimmunol   24     4    1         3    4    6    6    8    8     1   161  5.91   0.46
                J Neurosci       10     2    4    2    4    3    4    4    4    4         140  5.14   -0.09
                Neuroscience     5      1         3    2    3    4    6    3    9     1   93  3.42   0.52
                J Neurochem      10               4    1    1    4    4    5    4     1   86  3.16   0.51
                Mol Neurobiol    0      1              2    2    3    2    9    15        78  2.87   0.54
                Exp Neurol       5           4    1    1    2    6    3    6    3     1   71  2.61   0.32
                Brain Res        5           2    5         2    1    2    6    6     1   72  2.65   0.37
                Mediators Inflamm  1                        10   4    5    4    6         66  2.42   0.37
                Neurochem Res    1                1    3    1    2    4    6    9     2   61  2.24   0.71
                Sci Rep          0                1         1         7    9    10        58  2.13   0.58
                Neurobiol Dis    7      1    1    1    2    5         1    3    1     3   60  2.20   0.25
                J Alzheimers Dis  3     1    5    1    3         2    1    3    6         60  2.20   0.04
                J Neuroimmune    2      2    1         3    8    2    1    2    4         55  2.02   0.01
                Glia             5           3    2         3    2         4    4         55  2.02   0.17
                J Immunol        6      1    1    3         2    5    3         1         56  2.06   -0.13
                Neurochem Int    2           2    1    3    3    2    2    3    3         51  1.87   0.20
                Front Cell Neurosci  0                      1    7    5         6         42  1.54   0.40
                Others           250    47   85   92   121  127  206  218  263  394   45  6061  222.67   0.56
                Total            351    66   119  132  193  214  309  315  393  560   61  2722  100.00  0.55

                       Figure 2. Google Maps on eminent authors in neuroimmunology and neuroinflammation (cluster coefficient = 1.0)

               Richard M. Ransohoff (USA) [Table 2 and Figure 2]. The link on website appears at
               tw/gps/Neuroimmunologyauthor.htm .
               Keywords to present the research domain
               The most linked keywords are interleukin (IL), IL-1beta, and blood-brain barrier [Figure 3] . We can see
               that the keywords consisting of many clusters with different cluster coefficients.
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