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Chen et al.                                                                                                                                                      Contralateral cerebral ischemia after MMD bypass

           INTRODUCTION                                       bilateral watershed. Perfusion computed tomography
                                                              (CT)  showed  a  reduced  cerebral  blood  flow  of  the
           Moyamoya disease (MMD) is one of the major causes   bilateral  hemisphere  with  a  mild  domain  on  the  left
           of  stroke in children and adults. It  is characterized   side [Figure 2].
           by progressive stenosis or  occlusion of  terminal
           portion of  internal carotid arteries and development   Considering  the patient had barylalia,  a left STA-
           of  fragile collateral vessels (moyamoya vessels).    MCA  anastomosis  was  first  performed  between
           Revascularization  surgery is a recommended        the parietal branch of  the  STA  and MCA  (M4
           therapy  in these  patients.   Although the  long-term   segment) supplying the frontal and parietal lobe. The
           outcome of direct revascularization through superficial   intraoperative  blood  pressure  (BP)  remained  between
           temporal artery (STA)-middle cerebral artery (MCA)   120-140 mmHg. We followed our postoperative protocols
           bypass  is generally  favorable, early  postoperative   with  fluid  infusion,  a  prophylactic  anti-epileptic  drug,
           neurological  events are still frequently reported  and   aspirin,  and statins.  The patient did not display  any
           contribute to neurological deterioration.  The change   neurological deficits after surgery until she appeared
           of perioperative cerebral  perfusion is suggested   restless and delirious 8 h afterwards. We suspected
           to be dynamic, therefore to identify the underlying   hyperperfusion  syndrome  after revascularization,
           mechanisms  and  risk factors might  improve  the   while the  perfusion CT  was not available  at  night.
           postoperative management, especially in patients with   Consequently,  the  patient was managed with blood
           advanced MMD and unstable hemodynamics. In MMD     pressure  control  (systolic blood  pressure  between
           with unilateral STA-MCA bypass, symptomatic cerebral   110-130 mmHg) and intravenous fluid infusion. On the
           ischemia in the contralateral hemisphere  occurs in   1st day after surgery, she appeared to have barylalia
           about 3-14% of patients. [4-7]                     and retrograde amnesia, thus intravenous edaravone
                                                              (60 mg/day) was added. On the 2nd day after surgery,
           We herein  presented  a case of childhood-onset    the retrograde amnesia completely resolved, while
           bilateral  MMD, which  developed transient cerebral   left limb weakness appeared with muscle strength of
           ischemia in the  contralateral hemisphere after  STA-  Grade 3. Postoperative imaging on the 3rd and 6th day
           MCA bypass  in her young  adulthood.  Transient    after surgery revealed  an improved  perfusion  of left
           weakness of the left extremities and acute cerebral   hemisphere, but identified a de novo lesion between
           infarctions  in  the contralateral  hemisphere  were   the right temporal and occipital  cortex with high
           observed from postoperative Day 1 to Day 6.  The   intensity on T2 weighted image (T2WI) and diffusion
           neurological deficit improved after intravenous infusion   weighted image (DWI) and decreased cerebral blood
           of  fluid  and  free  radical  scavenger.  There  were  no   flow (CBF), which was in the contralateral hemisphere
           subsequent neurological events, and the preoperative   of  STA-MCA  anastomosis  [Figure 3].  Fluid infusion
           neurological  deficit  significantly  improved  during  the   ensuring euvolemia, and edaravone were continued
           follow-up  period.  The mechanism and management   with systolic blood pressure between 130-140 mmHg.
           of the neurological  events in the early postoperative   The patient’s left limb  weakness was completely
           period were further discussed with a literature review.  resolved  by  the  6th  day  after  surgery.  She  was
                                                              discharged  13  days after  surgery with the barylalia
           CASE REPORT                                        relieved and no other neurological deficits during the
                                                              latest follow-up period of 2 months.
           A 21-year-old female with 5-year history of paroxysmal
           limbs  weakness  presented  to  our  hospital  with  a   DISCUSSION
           reoccurrence of symptoms and slurred speech 15
           days ago. There was no family history of MMD. Digital   Extracranial-intracranial  direct  anastomotic bypass
           subtraction angiography (DSA) revealed extensive   is recognized  as a treatment for  ischemic MMD
           stenosis of the bilateral terminal portions of the internal   with favorable long-term  outcome.  In the acute
           carotid arteries (ICAs) and abundant moyamoya      postoperative  period  of STA-MCA bypass, however,
           vessels on both sides, leading to a diagnosis of   transient neurological events or stroke can be observed
           MMD.  The bilateral anterior cerebral artery (ACA)   despite the improvement of cerebral perfusion at the
           and the right posterior cerebral artery (PCA) were not   site of anastomosis. [1,3]  Rapid, increased local perfusion
           identified. The left PCA was also involved with stenosis   and  perioperative  hemodynamic  fluctuations  after
           and collaterals of vascular network. Collaterals from   bypass surgery might increase the risk of abnormal
           the posterior circulation formed between right occipital   perfusion in the adjacent area or remote regions,
           and parietal lobe  [Figure  1]. Magnetic resonance   especially in patients with advanced stage, bilateral, or
           imaging (MRI) showed multiple infarct lesions in the   unstable MMD. [8-10]
                          Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation ¦ Volume 4 ¦ March 24, 2017                47
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