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Sharma et al.                                                                                                              Zinc supplementation prevents against LPS induced neurotoxicity in rats

           Separation  was  carried  out  at  a  flow  of  1  mL/min.   Lipid peroxidation (MDA) assay
           Samples (20 µL) were injected manually. On the     Lipid peroxide formation was assayed by the method
           day of experiment frozen samples of midbrain were   of Wills.   An aliquot  containing 0.5 mL of tissue
           homogenized in the homogenizing solution containing   homogenate (10% w/v), diluted to 1.0 mL using 0.1 mL
           0.1  mol/L  perchloric  acid.  After  that  samples  were   Tris-HCl buffer (pH = 7.4) was shaken. Samples were
           centrifuged  at  12,000  g  for  5  min. The  supernatant   incubated  at 37 °C for 2 h with constant shaking.
           was further filtered through 0.25 micron nylon filters   After  incubation, 1 mL of ice cold 10%  TCA was
           before injecting in the HPLC injection pump. Data   added and mixed it thoroughly; the reaction mixture
           was recorded and analyzed with the help of Empower   was centrifuged  at  800  g  for  10 min.  One  mL  of
           software. [43]                                     0.67% thiobarbituric acid (TBA) was added  to 1 mL
                                                              of  supernatant and color developed at  100 °C  for
           Biochemical estimations                            10 min. Samples were cooled and diluted with 1 mL
           All the tissues (10% w/v) were homogenized in 10 mmol/L   double  distilled water.  The absorbance  was read at
           PBS, pH = 7.4. Homogenate  was made using          532 nm. The amount of Malondialdehyde formed was
           mechanically  driven  Teflon  Potter-Elvejhem  type   calculated on the basis of molar extinction coefficient
           homogenizer for total disruption of cells. Homogenate   of MDA-TBA chromophore (1.56 × 10  M  cm ) and
           was centrifuged first at 10,000 g for 30 min at 40 °C.   results were expressed as nmoles of MDA/mg protein.
           Pellet was discarded and supernatant was used for
           various biochemical estimations.                   Catalase
                                                              The enzymatic activity of catalase was estimated by UV
           NO                                                 spectrophotometer method described by Luck.  H O
           NO was estimated by the method of Raddassi et al.  The   was used as substrate.  The UV absorption of  H O
           level of NO was estimated as nitrite, a NO metabolite   solution is measured at 240 nm on decomposition of
           and remains stored in tissues as Nitrates (NO ) or   H O  with catalase. The amount of H O  decomposed
           Nitrite (NO ). Thus, NO concentration can be estimated   was calculated on the basis of molar extinction
           by measuring concentrations of  NO   and NO   in   coefficient  of  H O  (39.4 M  cm ) and results were
           combination. The simplest technique is the monitoring   expressed  as  μ  moles  of  H O   decomposed/min/mg
           of reduction of NO  to NO  by nitrate reductase or   protein.
           metallic  catalyst, followed  by the calorimetric  Griess
           Reaction to measure NO  levels (nitrite levels).  A   Superoxide dismutase
           standard curve was made with serial dilutions of sodium   Superoxide dismutase (SOD) estimation was assayed
           nitrite by making its volume to 100 μL; add 100 μL of   by the method of Kono.  The principle of SOD activity
           Griess reagent in wells of ELISA reader plate. Instead   assay was based on the inhibition of nitrobluetetrazolium
           of  sodium  nitrite  100  μL  of  homogenate  was  added   (NBT) reduction using the following reagents. Solution
           along  with  100  μL  of  Griess  reagent  in  subsequent   A:  EDTA (0.1 mmol/L) containing 50 mmol/L  sodium
           wells of  ELISA  plate.  The colorimetric reaction was   carbonate, pH 10.0; solution B:  NBT  (90 mmol/L) in
           allowed  to proceed  for 10 min at room temperature   solution A; solution C:  Triton-X (0.6%) in solution A;
           in dark, and optical density was measured at 550 nm   solution D: hydroxylamine hydrochloride (20 mmol/L)
           using ELISA reader.                                pH 6.0.  The reaction  mixture contained  1.3 mL of
                                                              solution A, 0.5 mL of solution B and 0.1 mL of solution
           Glutathione reduced                                C. The reaction is initiated by the addition of 0.1 mL
           Estimation of  glutathione reduced (GSH)  was      of solution D to the reaction mixture and the rate of
           performed in the tissue homogenate  by the method   reduction  of NBT in the absence  of enzyme  source
           of Moron et al.  The assay was performed by mixing   was recorded at 560 nm for 3 min, which is considered
           100 μL of 2.5% homogenate and trichloroacetic acid   as reference. Following this an appropriate amount of
           (TCA).  The precipitated  proteins  were  separated  by   the enzyme source (PMS 20-50 µL) was added and
           centrifugation at 2,000 g for 15 min; 0.1 mL supernatant   the rate of reduction was noted for 3 min at 560 nm.
           was diluted to 1 mL with 0.2 mol/L phosphate buffer (pH   Percentage inhibition in the  rate  of  NBT  reduction
           = 8.0). Further, 2 mL of freshly prepared 0.6 mmol/L   is calculated and one unit of the enzyme that is the
           5,5’-dithiobis  (2-nitrobenzoic  acid)  (DTNB) in  buffer   inverse of the amount of the protein (mg) required to
           was added. In this method, DTNB is reduced by -SH   inhibiting the reduction rate by 50%. The results are
           groups  to form 1 mole of 2-nitro-5-mercaptabenzoic   expressed as IU/mg of protein.
           acid per mole of SH. The nitro mercaptobenzoic acid
           anion released has intense yellow  color and can be   Histopathology
           used to measure -SH groups at 412 nm.              Histology of brain tissues was done by the method
             36                                                                     Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation ¦ Volume 4 ¦ March 21, 2017
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