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Sharma et al.                                                                                                              Zinc supplementation prevents against LPS induced neurotoxicity in rats

           provided  standard animal feed and water  ad libitum   Active avoidance test
           throughout the treatment period. All procedures were   Memory impairments can be observed in  Active
           done in accordance with ethical guidelines laid down   Avoidance Test.   Apparatus  used for  this  test
           by the Ethics Committee on the Use of Experimental   consisted  of 2 chambers, which are separated  by a
           Animals  of the Panjab  University  and in general   partition. One of these chambers is enlightened, where
           according to the NIH guidelines (Rule No. 23-85, as   the animal  has to be kept. After 10 s, the buzzer  is
           revised in 1985).                                  kept on and after 10 s the shock is given. If the animal
                                                              jumps to the other side of the compartment as soon as
           Chemicals                                          the buzzer is set on, it means the animal has avoided
           All the chemicals were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich   the test. But in case, if the animal jumps to the other
           (St. Louis, USA) and Sisco Research laboratories Pvt.,   compartment aftershock or does not jump is termed as
           Ltd. (Mumbai, India). Zinc sulfate was purchased from   escapism. The number of escaped trials/2 min/animal
           HiMedia (Mumbai, India).                           were noted and analyzed statistically.
           Experimental design                                Actophotometer (total locomotor activity)
           Rats were preferred for this experiment  due to: (1)   Total locomotor activity (ambulation’s and rearing) was
           shorter gestation length (20-22 days), shorter estrous   measured  by using  a computerized  Actophotometer
           cycle (4-5 days), litter size of about 7-9, weaning age of   (IMCORP,  Ambala, India).  An array of 16 infrared
           about 21 days and relatively short period age of sexual   emitter/detector pairs measured animal activity
           maturity (7-8 weeks). Rat pregnancies are more size   along  a single axis of motion, the digital  data being
           consistent, rats can bred quickly after parturition and   displayed  on the front panel meters as ambulatory
           rat  brains  show  early sexual  dimorphism.  At  the   movements. Rats were allowed to acclimatize to the
           commencement of the study 12 female rats of 12-14   observation chamber for a period of 2 min. The activity
           weeks of age were randomly distributed into four cages   was monitored  continuously  for  a  period of  5  min.
           with 1 male of 14-16 weeks of age into each cage.    Locomotion  was expressed  in terms of total photo
           Pregnant female rats were then divided into four cages                                  [41]
           and were grouped as follows:                       beam counts per 5 min period per animal.
           Group  A  (control):  pregnant females were injected   The effect of LPS on the muscle performance  was
           intraperitoneal with single dose of normal saline
           (200  µL)  at  day 14 of  pregnancy; Group B  (LPS   evaluated  using a Rota-rod.  Animals  were given  2
           treated):  pregnant females were injected with single   initial training trails of 300 s each, approximately 10 min
           dose  of  LPS  (200  μg/kg)  intraperitoneal  at  day  14   apart, to maintain posture on a Rota-rod which is 3 cm
           of pregnancy; Group C (LPS + zinc supplemented):   in diameter and rotating at a constant 25 revolution per
           pregnant females were injected single dose of  LPS   minute. After the initial training trials, a baseline trial of
           (200  μg/kg)  intraperitoneal  at  day  14  of  pregnancy.   120 s was conducted. The time each animal remained
           Animals were also administered with ZnSO  (75 mg/L)   on the rotarod was recorded; animals not falling off the
           dissolved in drinking water throughout their gestation   rotarod were given a maximum score of 120 s. [42]
           period; Group D  (zinc supplemented): pregnant
           females were supplemented with ZnSO  (75 mg/L)     Estimation of neurotransmitter levels
           throughout their gestation period.                 (epinephrine, nor-epinephrine, dopamine and
           Neurobehavioral analysis                           Biogenic amines dopamine, norepinephrine and
           Elevated plus maze test                            serotonin were measured by high performance
           Elevated plus maze (EPM) test is a learning task which   liquid chromatography (HPLC) with electrochemical
           measures spatial long-term memory and evaluates    detector. [43]  Water standard system consisting of a
           the cognitive behavior.  Apparatus used for the EPM   high pressure isocratic pump. A 20 µL sample injector
           test consists of 2 open arms (40 cm × 6 cm) and 2   valve, C18 reverse phase column and electrochemical
           closed arms of the same size connected with a central   device were used. Data was recorded and analyzed
           platform (6 cm × 6 cm). The maze was placed 50 cm   with the help of Empower software. Mobile  phase
           above the ground. Rats were allowed to move freely in   consisting of 10 mmol/L sodium citrate, 32  mmol/L
           this apparatus for 90 min of training. After a few hours,   NaH PO , 0.025 mmol/L EDTA, and 0.77 mmol/L
           trained pups were again allowed to move freely for the   1-heptane sulphonic acid was used. pH of mobile phase
           same time and time spent in the open arms and closed   was adjusted to 4.5 with the help of orthophosphoric
           arms were analyzed. The apparatus was cleaned with   acid. Electrochemical conditions for the experiment
           25% ethanol after testing the pups.                were +0.800 V, sensitivity ranges from 5-50  nA.
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