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Figueroa-Hall et al.                                                                                                                                                     TLR4-mediated signaling in CHME-5 cells

           Confocal microscopy                                variance (ANOVA) with Dunnett’s or Tukey’s multiple
           The Leica SPE Scanhead RYBV confocal microscope    comparison tests were used, unless otherwise stated
           was used to capture images for brightfield, and    in the results section. Significance was determined at
           immunofluorescence and all images were processed   P < 0.05.
           in Leica Application Suite Advanced Fluorescence.
           For brightfield imaging, the 488 laser (55%) was   RESULTS
           used to capture images with the 100× oil objective in
           unstimulated and LPS-stimulated cells, which were   CHME-5 cells are not of human origin (STR
           fixed with 4% PFA for 10 min at 25 °C. For fluorescent   genotyping of CHME-5 cells)
           imaging, cells were prepared as described in the   STR Genotyping was performed to validate the claim
           immunocytochemistry section and images captured    that CHME-5 cells are not of human origin. STR
           with the 100× oil objective using fluorescent channels   genotyping confirmed that CHME-5 cells are devoid
           for DAPI (350 nm), TLR4 (Rhodamine-555 nm), and    of any human genomic DNA [Supplementary Figure 1].
           CD68 (Texas Red-647 nm). TLR4 channel (red) gain
           and laser was set to 925 and 33%, CD68 channel     LPS-induced activation of NF-κB p65 in
           (green) gain and laser was set to 975 and 33%,     CHME-5 cells
           and DAPI channel (blue) gain and laser was set to   Activation of NF-κB p65 is a crucial step for nuclear
           839 and 15%. These settings were applied to all    translocation and transcription of pro-inflammatory
           confocal images. One random field-of-view (FOV)    mediators. Phosphorylation of NF-κB p65 was used
           was obtained for each group at a resolution of 1024 ×   as  a  measure  of  NF-κB  activation.  Immunoblot
           1024 pixels. Eighty images were then taken through   analysis indicated that LPS increased nuclear levels
           the depth (Z) of 6.63 µm for each FOV. This value   of phospho-NF-κB p65 [Figure 1A]. Further analysis
           of 6.63 μm was used to provide equal X, Y, and Z   with a Student’s t-test revealed that the increase was
           dimensions, providing standardization of collecting   statistically significant, P < 0.02 [Figure 1B].
           depth image sets.
                                                              LPS is not toxic
           Three dimensional reconstruction                   The MTT assay was used to determine the extent to
           Confocal image sets for each fluorescent channel   which LPS stimulation affects cell viability. ANOVA
           were converted to 8-bit and processed in image J   revealed that LPS (0.001-10 μg/mL) at 30 min did not
           using Isosurface within the Bone J plugin (http://  significantly (P = 1.00) affect viability of CHME-5 cells
  TLR4 three dimensional (3D) mesh was   [Figure 1C].
           produced with a resample rate of 2 and a threshold of
           20. CD68 3D mesh was generated with a resample     LPS-induced NF-κB p65 binding activity
           rate of 2 and threshold of 23. DAPI 3D mesh was    For transcription of pro-inflammatory mediators to
           constructed with a resample rate of 2 and a threshold   occur, the NF-κB p65 subunit must bind to nuclear
           of 30. 3D meshes for all fluorescent channels were   consensus sequences. NF-κB p65 activation was also
           imported into Blender ( and scaled     determined by assessing NF-κB p65 binding activity
           uniformly. Artifacts due to apparent non-specific and   in nuclear extracts. Tubulin and histone 3 expression
           non-cellular labeling were deleted in some channels   were measured as internal controls to confirm cellular
           for better imaging. Lighting, cameras and mesh-    compartmentalization in cytoplasmic and nuclear
           materials were created to image each scene. The    fractions [Supplementary Figure 2]. ANOVA and
           respective brightfield image for each FOV was then   uncorrected Fisher’s LSD tests indicated that NF-κB
           placed at the base of each 3D reconstruction and   p65 binding activity was significantly increased at 10
           scaled to fit. Images were rendered using Blender   (P < 0.04) and 90 min (P < 0.01) [Figure 1D]. Binding
           Cycles Render at 3840 × 3840 pixel resolution.     activity at 30 and 180 min remained at basal levels.

           Statistical analysis                               LPS-mediated IκBα phosphorylation in
           Image J Software was used to obtain the mean       CHME-5 cells
           grey intensity of all immunoblots and the mean was   Inhibitor kappa b alpha (IκBα) is the negative regulator
           taken for each time point. GraphPad Prism 7.0 was   for NF-κB and thus must be activated for release of
           used for transformation, quantification, and graphing   NF-κB into the nucleus. Phosphorylation of IκBα in
           of all data. For statistical analysis of mRNA and   cytoplasmic lysates was used as a measure of IκBα
           protein expression, binding activity, cell viability,   activation [Figure 2A]. ANOVA and Dunnett’s multiple
           and immunofluorescence, one-way analysis of        comparison tests revealed LPS significantly increased
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