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Liu et al.                                                                                                                                                                              Neuroinflammation in ischemic stroke

           chemokines and other proinflammatory mediators. [102]    limited to the peri-infarcted area, as TGF-β can inhibit
           In a pathological condition, IL-1β also  connects with   apoptosis but not necrosis. [113]
           the activation and proliferation  of astrocytes and
           microglia. After Ischemic stroke, the microglia will be   IL-4
           activated, the M1 phenotype of microglia can express   IL-4, its congener of IL-13, a product of select immune
           IL-1β which act as a proinflammatory cytokines to play   cells that has highly polyfunctional properties. IL-4 is
           neurotoxic  effect.   In  addition,  IL-1β  can prime the   known to regulate a variety of immune and inflammatory
           endothelium  for  increased leukocyte adherence  and   responses, including T cell differentiation and IgE class
           edema formation. [103]  At supraphysiological levels IL-1β   in B cells. [114]  IL-4 is primary produced by TH2 cells. [115]
           can be neurotoxic, however, IL-1β can also promote   During CD4+ cellular activation, cytokines are through
           astrocytes to secrete survival promoting factors. [104]  IL-  T cell receptor mediated signaling and co-stimulation.
           1β when bound to its cognate receptor the IL-1 receptor   For  instance, IL-4  mediated  activation of  the  signal
           (IL-1R) can also result in IL-1R-dependent increase in   transducer and  activator of  transcription 6 plays an
           NF-κB pathways. However, if the levels of IL-1β are   important role  during  TH2 cell differentiation. [116]  IL-4
           increased above a specific threshold, it can result in   have an unique properties as it polarizes macrophages/
           the increase of greater amounts of the IL-1 receptor   microglia  toward the M2 phenotype  which is anti-
           antagonist  (IL-1Ra). It is this balance  between  IL-1β   inflammatory   phenotype. [117]  M2  macrophages/
           and  its antagonist  the IL-1Ra  that is more important   microglia expresses anti-inflammatory mediators and
           for its global effect and role than just the IL-1β itself. [105]    give out various neurotrophic  factors that aid in the
           Thus, we predict  that balance  of IL-1β  and  IL-1Ra   resolution of inflammation via increased trophic input
           might be good predictor for patient outcome following   and the augmentation of phagocytosis and proteolysis
           ischemic  stroke. However, few clinical  studies have   of dead, diseased cells/proteins, ultimately paving the
           made use of their level  as stroke biomarkers.  IL-1β   way for tissue repair. [118]  Consequently, IL-4 may have
           levels mostly were associated with poor long-term   a neuroprotective function to promote tissue repair and
           functional outcome in study, [106]  while  IL-1Ra  levels   may act as a therapeutic factor.
           have shown to  be predictive of  the development of
           post-stroke infections. [107]                      STROKE-ASSOCIATED INFECTION AND
           Transforming growth factor beta
           Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) proteins are   Infection  frequently  occurs  in  both  and  after  stroke
           multifunctional cytokines with pleiotropic functions. [108]    that  can  induce  immune  and  neuroinflammatory
           TGF-β  can  regulate various  biological  processes,   responses. [119-122]   The characteristics of post-stroke
           including   hematopoiesis,   angiogenesis,   cell  infections include immune suppression, elevation
           proliferation, differentiation, migration and apoptosis.   of IL-6, decreases in TNF-α levels and inflammation
           TGF-β also plays an important role in the regulation of   are among the factors. Along with stroke-associated
           the immune system. TGF-β is a superfamily, including   infection,  inflammatory  responses  are  the  defense
           inhibins,  activins, growth differentiation  factors   mechanism  against infection and it can also be a
           (GDFS), bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), TGF-β   pathogenic  mechanism that precipitates stroke and
           isoforms, and  glial  cell  derived factors. [109]  The  main   neurological  sequelae. [123]  It  is generally  recognized
           research object is TGF-β isoforms. TGF-β exists in at   that stroke-associated infection may be a source of
           least three isoforms: TGF-β1, TGF-β2, and TGF-β3. [110]    inflammation and autoimmunity as infection facilitates
           In  the TGF-β superfamily,  only  TGF-β1, produced   the maturation of APCs into potent immunostimulatory
           by activated microglia, and  TGF-β2, produced by   cells. [124]  Stroke-associated infection is mostly induced
           astrocytes and neurons. [111]  TGF-β1  and TGF-β2   by virus. [125-127]  Virus enters the CNS through two
           increased  prominently  after ischemic stroke.  After   pathways: (1) hematogenous  dissemination  through
           Ischemic  stroke,  TGF-β produced by activated M2   BBB; [125]  (2) neuronal  retrograde  dissemination. [126]  It
           phenotype  macrophage,  plays  an  anti-inflammatory   also suggested that virus can replicate in macrophage
           role and contributes to recovery after brain injury.    and CCR5+ T cells in the CNS. [127]
           TGF-β reduces microglial activation and thus reduces
           the potential harmful effects associated with activated   CONCLUSION
           microglia.  TGF-β  decreases  the expression  of other
           poisonous  cytokines and suppresses  the release  of   The  role  of  neuroinflammation  in  ischemic  stroke
           oxygen  and  nitrogen  derived  products.  TGF-β  can   has drawn increasing attention. In this review, we
           also stimulate the release of IL-1Ra and promote   summarize the relevance of inflammation in the nervous
           angiogenesis. [112]  Its  protective effects,  however,  are   system  and  introduce  the  neuroinflammatory  cells
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