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Liu et al.                                                                                                                                                                              Neuroinflammation in ischemic stroke

           essential innate immune modulators and conduct an   factors, which prevent inflammation and improve injury
           array of biological processes. [43]                [Figure 2].  M1 microglia tends to induce neuronal
                                                              cell  death.  Recent  research  has  demonstrated  that
           The  neuroinflammation  process  is  decided  by  the   the M1 phenotype microglia can be switched to the
           scene,  duration  and  course  of  the  neurological   M2 phenotype.  One study has shown that HIV-
           insult.   Neuroinflammation  can  perform  function   associated dementia initiates and maintains M1
           that are either  supportive or destructive by which is   phenotype  microglia  in  the  CD40  ligation  by  CD40L
           determined by the immune signals relayed to the    and TNFα. These microglia may later switch microglia
           CNS.  The  nature  of  neuroinflammatory  function   to the M2 phenotype via up-regulation of CD45.  In
           can depend on the conditions and the intensity     a  pathological  condition,  the  corresponding  stimuli
           and  duration  of  inflammation.   The positive role   may active microglia and cause them to change
           associated  with  neuroinflammation  is  only  present   their shape and function and initiate phagocytosis.
           for  a  brief,  controlled  inflammatory  situations  and    Microglia works in close association with astrocytes
           responses and this can be considered as performing   to release cytokines that lead to a cascade of events
           a  protective  function  to  the  host  organism. [46-48]   For   which can modulate the neuroinflammatory respond.
           example, during low transient inflammation that may   Meanwhile,  the  microglia  cells  produce  and  release
           occur during infections, the immune cell signals to the   excitotoxic metabolites that can damage surrounding
           brain by increasing the expression of interleukin (IL)-  tissue.  Sometimes  a  short-term  neuroinflammatory
           1 cytokine, this then increasing the ‘survellience’ role   response is likely good for recovering the damages
           of glia cells in the brain if infected. [49,50]  The transient   or  infected  tissue.   On  the  contrary,  a  long  period
           inflammation  of  traumatic  CNS  injury,  following  the   of time neuroinflammatory process may damage the
           expression of IL-4, has been shown to promote injury   surrounding brain tissue. [68]
           recovery and axonal regrowth. [51,52]  On the contrary,
           the  negative  aspects  of  neuroinflammation  mainly   ROLE OF MICROGLIA IN
           represent  maladaptive  inflammatory  responses. [53,54]    NEUROINFLAMMATION AFTER STROKE
           The common characteristics of this aspect is
           increasing, supraphysiological production of cytokines   Neuroinflammation  occurs  in  different  types  of
           [IL-1 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)], ROS, and other   brain injuries including ischemic stroke. Ischemic
           inflammatory mediators including inducible nitric oxide   stroke mediated brain injury results in necrosis
           synthase.  These markers are highly evident in the   and  apoptosis. [69-71]   The  damaged  cells  and  debris
           high traumatic CNS, giving rise to collateral damage.    induces neuroinflammation in areas in and around the
           Following the acute phase of CNS trauma, the IL-1   ischemic injury in the brain. [72]  Ischemia-induced cell
           and  IL-6  drive  a  low-level  and  chronic  inflammatory   debris and increased ROS lead to neuroinflammation
           response, leading to cognitive impairments and     by  activating resident microglia and  astrocytes
           reduced neuronal plasticity. [57]                  as  well  as  attracting  infiltrating  leukocytes  from
                                                              circulating blood. [73]   These cells increase major

           Microglia are the innate immune cells of the CNS,
           and are  key  modulators  of  the  immune response  in
           the brain.  Microglia is considered as the resident
           macrophage in the brain and the initial responders
           to tissue damage.  Microglia express receptors that
           respond to various stimuli that may as a consequence
           result in there activation.  A large number of studies
           indicate that microglia expresses different proteins and
           cytokines that display different role to express different
           function.  Activated microglia have two phenotypes:
           classically  activated  (M1)  and  alternatively  activated   Figure 2: Activated microglia has two activation phenotypes:
           (M2).   The  M1  microglia  are  pro-inflammatory  and   classically  activated  (M1)  and  alternatively  activated  (M2).
           thus secrete cytokines and oxidative metabolites such   M1 microglia is considered as pro-inflammatory, activated by
                                                              LPS which produces pro-inflammatory cytokines and oxidative
           as IL-1β,  TNF, IL-6 and nitric oxide,  whereas M2   metabolites such as IL-1β, TNF, IL-6 and nitric oxide. M2 microglia
           microglia  contributes  to  recovery  after  brain  injury.   contributes to recovery after brain injury activated by IL-4 and
                                                              express anti-inflammatory mediators, such as IL-10, IL-4, TGFβ.
           M2 microglia expresses anti-inflammatory mediators,   LPS: lipopolysaccharide; IL: interleukin; TNF: tumor necrosis factor;
           such as IL-10, IL-4 and give out various neurotrophic   TGF: transforming growth factor
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