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Del Brutto et al.                                                                                                                                                     Neurocysticercosis and hippocampal damage

           rates of  epilepsy secondary to NCC in developed   Most  patients  with  hippocampal  sclerosis  and
           countries of North America and Western Europe. [4]  epilepsy -- particularly mesial temporal lobe epilepsy
                                                              (MTLE) have history of perinatal trauma, recurrent
           For a better understanding of mechanisms involved   febrile seizures, status epilepticus, or traumatic brain
           in the pathogenesis of epilepsy secondary to NCC,   injury.  Such  initial  precipitating  injuries  often  lead  to
           a review of the stages of involution of parenchymal   the development of neuronal loss  in CA1  and CA3
           brain cysticerci is mandatory. After lodging in the brain   hippocampal  layers.   The  increasingly  recognized
           parenchyma, cysticerci establish as vesicular (viable)   association  between  granular  or  calcified  lesions
           cysts, which provoke little or no inflammatory changes   NCC lesions located within the hippocampus or in
           in  neighboring  tissues.  In  most  cases,  vesicular   the adjacent cerebral tissue, points to this parasitic
           cysts degenerate and are transformed into calcified   disease as the initial precipitating injury causing
           nodules due to the attack of the host’s immune     hippocampal atrophy and sclerosis. [11-13]  In addition,
           system. Intermediate involutive stages during which   pathological reports have shown neuronal loss in the
           cysticerci experience such degeneration have been   CA1 layer and gliosis, as well as the presence of a
           called  “colloidal”  (cysticerci  showing  degenerative   severe inflammatory reaction in the brain parenchyma
           signs but still with liquid contents) and “granular”   surrounding  calcified  cysticerci.  In this view, it
           (compact lesions with more advanced degenerative   has  been  postulated  that  calcified  cysticerci  could
           changes) stages, respectively. [5]                 generate the development of both seizures and late
                                                              hippocampal atrophy that will perpetuates the seizure
           Parenchymal brain cysticerci in any of the         disorder.
           aforementioned  stages  may  be  associated  with
           reactive  seizures.  Compressive  effect  on  the  brain   Hippocampal atrophy has also been documented
           parenchyma is  the most  likely explanation for    in  patients  with  calcified  cysticerci  located  outside
           seizures occurring in patients with vesicular cysts.   hippocampal areas. Different studies from Brazil and
           Degenerating  cysticerci  may  be  associated  with   the Indian subcontinent, have revealed a significantly
           seizures  due  to  the  inflammatory  reaction  induced   higher  than  expected  prevalence  of  cysticercotic
           by  the  host’s  immune  attack.  In  cases  of  calcified   lesions among patients with MTLE undergoing surgery
           cysticerci, the gliosis that develops around dead   for medically intractable epilepsy. [11-15]  This,  together
           parasites or the exposure of remaining parasitic   with  the  finding  that  patients  with  NCC  and  MTLS/
           antigens  (trapped  in  the  interior  of  calcifications)   hippocampal sclerosis have less often history of other
           to the brain parenchyma could be the cause of      types of initial precipitating injuries (febrile seizures)
           recurrent seizures. [6]                            than  those  with  MTLS/hippocampal  sclerosis  alone,
                                                              led to the concept that a causal relationship between
           Semiology of seizures related to NCC is varied. Patients   NCC and MTLE with hippocampal sclerosis exists.
           with multiple parasites may present with focal seizures   In addition, a population-based study conducted
           and those with a single  lesion  develop  generalized   in an Ecuadorian rural population showed a strong
           seizures.  The lack of anatomic-semiologic correlation   association between NCC and HS in community-
           between cysticerci location and seizure semiology in a   dwelling adults.  In the same population, it was
           sizable proportion of patients with epilepsy and NCC   demonstrated that this association is strongly related
           has long been a cause of debate and concern. This   to age, suggesting that NCC-related hippocampal
           has even led to the hypothesis that both epilepsy and   atrophy takes a long time to develop.  Interestingly,
           NCC  might simply  occur by chance  in areas  where   many of the studied individuals do not had epilepsy
           NCC is endemic. While this is theoretically possible,   or electroencephalography evidence of paroxysmal
           MRI  findings  of  inflammatory  changes  surrounding   abnormalities, showing that the association between
           calcified  cysticerci  after  a  seizure  in  about  50%  of   NCC and hippocampal atrophy may occur irrespective
           cases, provides strong evidence favoring a cause-and-  of seizure activity (unpublished data).
           effect relationship between  NCC and seizures.  In
           other cases, particularly in NCC patients with medically   In  NCC patients, the  relationship between epilepsy
           refractory epilepsy, chronic seizures have been shown   and hippocampal  atrophy/sclerosis  is most likely
           to come from an associated atrophic or sclerotic   bidirectional.  According  to a current hypothesis,
           hippocampus and not from the parasites themselves.    parasite-induced  inflammation  is  the  trigger  for
           In these cases, the damaged hippocampus is for sure   repetitive seizures, which may cause hippocampal
           not an innocent bystander, but the result of signals or   atrophy, which is the pathological  substrate for the
           forces -- epileptogenic or inflammatory -- coming from   subsequent development of MTLE. Parasites may be
           the parasites.                                     located outside the hippocampal region, suggesting
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