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to have dengue IgM antibody positive. Vasculitic    cytological dissociation was present in our case, but
          markers, serum ACE and lyme serology were negative.   electrophysiological evaluation and neurological
          He underwent CSF evaluation which revealed          evaluation was normal except bilateral lower motor
          cytoalbuminologic dissociation. (Cell count: 10, 100%   neuron type facial weakness. Our case calls for special
          lymphocytes, Protein: 100, Sugar: 77, PCR for CMV:   attention because the dengue infection remains a
          Negative, PCR for Herpes: Negative). He was managed   serious public health problem in tropical countries
          with low dose steroid and physiotherapy.  His facial   such as India, but little is known about the actual
          weakness improved gradually and was discharged.     incidence of neurological complication of dengue.

          DISCUSSION                                          Financial support and sponsorship

          Dengue has been a known clinical entity since 1780. [4]
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          abnormalities was first described by Sanguansermsri   There are no conflicts of interest.
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