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Table 4: Bonferroni pairwise comparison between the means of dependent variables
                              Role        Bodily     General     Vitality  Social       Role         General
                              limitations   pain     health                functioning  limitations   mental
                              of physical            perceptions                        of emotional   health
                              health                                                    problems
           Physical functioning  D = 12.52  D = 30.00  D = 15.60   D = 8.56  D = -1.92   D = .61     D = 13.82
                              S = 3.560   S = 3.05   S = 4.41    S = 2.98  S = 3.71     S= 3.05      S = 2.74
                              P = .018    P = .000   P = .017    P = NS*   P = NS       P = NS       P = .000
           Role limitations of            D = 17.47  D = 3.08    D = -3.96  D = -14.45  D = -11.91   D = 1.30
           physical health problems       S = 4.03   S = 4.53    S = 4.09  S = 4.06     S = 3.81     S = 3.79
                                          P = .001   P  = NS     P = NS    P = .016     P = NS       P = NS
           Bodily pain                               D = -14.39  D =-21.43  D = -31.92  D = -29.38   D = -16.17
                                                     S = 3.91    S = 2.00  S = 3.03     S = 2.32     S = 1.66
                                                     P = .011    P = .000  P = .000     P = .000     P = .000
           General health                                        D = -7.04  D = -17.53  D = -14.99   D = -1.78
           perceptions                                           S = 4.015  S = 4.02    S = 3.87     S = 3.71
                                                                 P = NS    P = .001     P = .005     P = NS
           Vitality                                                        D=-10.490    D = -7.953   D = 5.260
                                                                           S = 3.659    S = 2.691    S = 2.037
                                                                           P = NS       P = NS       P = NS
           Social functioning                                                           D = 2.53     D = 15.75
                                                                                        S = 3.42     S = 3.08
                                                                                        P = NS       P = .000
           Role limitations of                                                                       D= 13.212
           emotional problems                                                                        S = 2.092
                                                                                                     P = .000
          *Not significant
          several significant differences between the means.  Our study also shows that the  scores of the  mental
                                                              components of the HRQoL were significantly lower
          For example, physical and social functions were not   than  those of the physical  components  among the
          statistically different; however, physical function   study participants. Of note, it is commonly believed
          was  statistically  different  from  the  general  health   that MS is a progressive and physically disabling
          perceptions and general mental health. The paired t-test   sickness,  and  patients  with  MS  are more likely  to
          indicated that there was a significant difference between   display mental and psychological problems. Patients
          the average of the physical component and that of the   with MS may feel low self-efficacy because they
          mental component (t = 5.72, df = 99, P < .001).     feel that there are many limitations affecting their
                                                              activities, and they are restricted from participating
          DISCUSSION                                          in social events. Low self-efficacy in a chain of events

                                                              that can impact work, social life, family relationships,
          In this study, our findings suggest that the total HRQoL   mood  and  QoL. [18]  Common  neuropsychiatric
          scores in patients with MS were significantly lower   disorders experienced  by patients with MS are
          than those of the normal general population in Iran.    anxiety, depression, cognitive decline, irritability and
          Similar findings have been previously reported in   anger.  Some studies have reported that the rate of
          other countries, [12,13]  which also demonstrated lower   depression, anxiety and suicide in the patients with
          HRQoL scores in patients with MS when compared      MS is higher than that of the general population with
          with those of healthy persons. Furthermore, HRQoL   other medical conditions.  The neuropsychiatric
          scores among patients with MS were even lower than   symptoms of MS occur early during the course of
          those among patients with other chronic diseases    the disease. For example, researchers observe the
          such as rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel   presence of  cognitive function  impairment  in  60%
          disease. [14]  Reports from other countries have shown the   of patients with a disease duration of less than 2
          same results, for example, patients with MS have more   years.  Additionally, research suggests that as early
          frequently reported chronic pain than members of a   as one year following diagnosis with MS, about half of
          healthy  control group. [15]  Alternatively,  these reports   patients exhibit depression, anxiety and distress. [22]  In
          have documented a higher percent of unemployment    a recent critical review conducted by Ciro et al.  the
          and retirement among patients with MS. [16]  The authors    authors found several case reports of bipolar disorder
          of a review article in Croatia described patients with   clearly preceding MS onset. Some studies examining
          MS as having a lower quality of life than that of either   the HRQoL in the patients with MS have shown that
          a non-patient population or an otherwise unhealthy   the clinicians are more concerned with the physical
          population.  The above mentioned findings can be    problems of the disease whereas the patients mainly
          explained by the chronic and long-standing course of   believed that their vitality, role limitations, emotional
          MS as well as the unpredictable and disabling nature   problems, and mental health are essential indicators
          of the disease.                                     of disease burden. [24]

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