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demographic factors,  such  as  marital  status,  level   perceptions; (5) vitality; (6) social functioning;
          of education and employment status, with HRQoL      (7) role limitations due to emotional problems;
          in patients with chronic diseases. [6,7]  For  example,   (8) general mental health. These subscales can be
          employed patients have reported better emotional well-  divided into 2 main categories: physical or mental
          being and married patients have reported better sexual   components. The scores in every subscale and each
          function than that of patients who were unemployed or   main category ranged from 0 to 100. Patients with
          unmarried, respectively. [6]                        the lowest scores had a worse QoL. The SF-36 was
                                                              translated into Persian in 2005. [11]  The Persian version
          HRQoL measures a patient’s level of satisfaction with   of the SF-36 possesses good psychometric properties,
          life.  Knowing patient outcomes and level of satisfaction   and it has good internal consistency (between 0.65 and
          is essential for the success of treatments provided by   0.90) as well as adequate Cronbach’s alpha reliability.
          a health-care provider. The aim of this descriptive-  The results of the comparison of the known groups,
          comparative study is to assess the HRQoL in patients with   convergent validity and principal-component-factor-
          MS.                                                 analysis showed that the Persian iteration of the SF-
                                                              36 has sufficient validity. The authors of the present
                                                              study concluded that the Persian iteration of the SF-36
                                                              can be used during clinical practice and research.
          A total of 100 patients with MS, aged between
          16 and 65 years, were selected for participation    SPSS software version 16 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL) was
          in this study. The 2010 revision of the McDonald    used for the statistical analysis of the data. Descriptive
          criteria  was used to confirm a diagnosis of MS.    statistics were used to summarize the basic features
          The participants were selected from a pool of all   of the collected data. Group differences were assessed
          MS  outpatients  who  were  referred  to  the  medical   using MANOVA, ANOVA and an independent t-test. A
          clinics at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences    P ≤ 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
          during 2012 using the convenient non-probability
          sampling method. Patients who received high         RESULTS
          doses of methylprednisolone administered as pulse   Included in this study were 80 women and 20 men
          therapy during the past 3 months as well as patients   with a mean age of 35.1 ± 9.5 years. In this study,
          with chronic co-morbid diseases such as cancer,     62% of the patients had relapsing-remitting MS, 25%
          diabetes, epilepsy, renal failure, and heart disease,   had  secondary  progressive  MS,  9% had  primary
          or major psychological problems, such as psychosis,   progressive MS and 4% had a clinically isolated
          were excluded from participation in the study. The   syndrome. The mean duration of disease between the
          severity of illness was measured using the Expanded   first diagnosis of MS and participation in the study
          Disability Status Scale (EDSS).  The EDSS scores
          for 90% of our patients were fewer than 5, and the   was 6.4 ± 3.8 years. In this study, 80% of the patients
                                                              were women, 68% of the patients were married, 30%
          mean score was 2.41 ± 1.91 when measured during     of the patients were employed, 30% of the patients had
          the assessment of HRQoL.
                                                              completed primary school, 38% of the patients had
          A research assistant explained the confidentiality,   completed high school and 32% of the patients had
          objectives and procedures of the study to each      attained a university degree. The mean and standard
          patient before participants gave their oral consent to   deviation  of  the total  SF-36  score,  the physical
          volunteer in the study. The study protocol complied   component and the mental component were calculated
          with ethical codes issued by the Psychology and     for all participants. The mean scores for the full test,
          Counseling Organization of the Islamic Republic of   the physical component and the mental component
          Iran.                                               were 57.53 ± 23.27, 59.48 ± 24.63 and 49.26 ± 23.15,
                                                              respectively. Table 1 shows the descriptive data of the
          Measurements                                        eight subscales of HRQoL in this study and a previous
          All the patients in this study completed a          study conducted  in Iran. [11]  The first row of Table 1
          demographic form and the Medical Outcomes Study     shows the mean (SD) of the current study, and the
          Short-Form  (SF-36).  The  SF-36  is a  universal self-  second row shows the results of the SF-36 gathered
          report questionnaire used to evaluate the  effect   from 4,163 individuals who were randomly selected
          of medical treatments on quality of life (QoL). [10]    in 2005 from the general population of Tehran. [11]  To
          The SF-36 comprises 36 items, which measure         compare the current study results  with  the Iranian
          eight subscales of HRQoL, including: (1) physical   normal population results, we computed the 95%
          functioning; (2) role limitations due to physical   confidence interval (CI) for the mean of the scores of
          health problems; (3) bodily pain; (4) general health   each of the eight subscales assessed using the Tehran

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