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T lymphocytes  (CTL)  engineered  to  express  tumor   2DS2 positive NK cell subsets displayed a functional
          antigen-specific proteins. Such targets are the     activation advantage and resulted in greater cytokine
          EGFRvIII, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2,   production, propensity for degranulation and greater
          erythropoietin-producing hepatocellular carcinoma   persistence in vivo compared with KIR2DS2 negative
          A2 (EphA2) and the interleukin-13 receptor          NK cells.  In order to enhance the killing capability
          alpha2 (IL13Rα2). Recently, it has been suggested   of cytotoxic lymphocytes, another approach was based
          that  EGFRvIII-directed  CAR  T  cells  are able to   on the modulation of microvilli and  filopodia that
          suppress tumors of EGFRvIII (+) GBM in xenogeneic   are characteristic of glioma cells. These structures
          subcutaneous  and orthotopic  models.   The EphA2   physically prevent cytolytic lymphocytes from
          has been found increased in the majority of GBM     eliminating glioma cells. In particular, knocking-
          specimens  and  cell  lines  and  at very  low levels  in   down Fascin-1, an important scaffolding protein that
          the normal brain.  Chow et al.  developed EphA2-    is involved in the microvilli and filopodia formation,
          specific T cells that resulted in regression of glioma   resulted in increased lymphocyte cytotoxicity and
          xenografts and better survival. The IL13Rα2 is a cell   inhibition of cell proliferation and invasion.
          surface receptor which is not significantly expressed   Recently, the intratumoral administration of an
          in normal brain but over-expressed  in a subset of   oncolytic adenovirus, the AdCMVdelta24, led to an
          high-grade gliomas.  Similarly,  in  a  trial  evaluating   increased  number of Interferon gamma-producing
          an engineered chimeric antigen receptor, autologous   CD8  T cells and a decrease in the tumor-infiltrating
          primary human CD8  cytotoxic T lymphocytes          regulatory T cells in a mouse model. [51]
          targeting IL13Rα2 were tested for the treatment of
          recurrent GBM. The intracranial administration was   Interestingly, it has been suggested that radiotherapy
          safe and promising in a pilot study of 3 patients. [44]  complement immunotherapies; in fact, irradiated
                                                              cancer cells  release peptides  that  can  activate DC.
          IMMUNE CHECKPOINT INHIBITORS                        Furthermore,  radiotherapy  in  combination  with
                                                              immune checkpoint inhibitors such as (anti-CTLA-4
          Immune checkpoint inhibitors against regulatory     and/or anti-PD-L1) may stimulate CD8  T cell-
          pathways in T cells provide a gateway to development   mediated anti-tumor immunity. [52]
          of new treatments for several cancer types.  This has
          been explored in several tumors, by testing antibodies   CONCLUSION
          to cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4 (CTLA-4),
          i.e. an important immunosuppressive receptor,       GBM is an extremely heterogeneous tumor, comprised
          inhibition of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO)   of both differentiated and stem cells.  This is
          and blocking antibodies targeting either the receptor   also highlighted in the recent gene expression-
          of the programmed death 1 (PD-1) checkpoint or its   based molecular classification of GBM into four
          major ligand. For instance, in a murine GL261 glioma   subtypes, namely Proneural, Neural, Classical and
          model, a long-term survival in at least 50% of treated   Mesenchymal.  Thus, a multifaceted approach
          animals was achieved by combining radiotherapy      combining several treatment strategies might be
          with  anti-CTLA-4  antibodies  and  anti-4-1BB,  that   eventually required to achieve better results. Recent
          drives the proliferation of CD8  T cells.  Moreover,   data seem to suggest that immunotherapy constitutes
          using a syngeneic intracranial mouse glioma model,   a promising treatment strategy for malignant gliomas
          Wainwright  et al.  reported  that simultaneous     despite several limitations such as the modest Class
          blockage of CTLA-4, IDO and PD-L1 results in long   I MHC expression and the absence of Class II MHC
          term survival of all mice.                          expression in tumor cells.  Further combinatorial
                                                              treatments that involve the current standard therapies
          OTHER APPROACHES                                    and immunotherapeutic approaches are under way
                                                              and hopefully they will lead to more promising results.
          Another interesting approach is based on macrophages
          which have the ability to cross the intact blood brain   Financial support and sponsorship
          barrier. Baek  et  al.  showed that macrophages     Nil.
          loaded  with  gold  nanoshells  could  infiltrated  into
          glioma spheroids and after near-infrared light laser   Conflicts of interest
          irradiation there was complete growth inhibition    There are no conflicts of interest.
          in an irradiance-dependent manner. Recently,
          allogeneic natural  killer (NK)  cells  against  patient-  REFERENCES
          derived GBM  in vitro and  in vivo have  been tested   1.   Liu Y, Shete S, Etzel CJ, Scheurer M, Alexiou G, Armstrong G,
          with promising results. Killer Ig-like receptor (KIR)   Tsavachidis S, Liang FW, Gilbert M, Aldape K, Armstrong T, Houlston

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