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           Immunotherapeutic strategies for glioma treatment

           George A. Alexiou , Athanassios P. Kyritsis 1,2
           1 Neurosurgical Research Institute, University of Ioannina, 45110 Ioannina, Greece.
           2 Department of Neurology, University Hospital of Ioannina, 45110 Ioannina, Greece.

                             Dr. George A. Alexiou is a Neurosurgeon working at the Neurosurgical Research Institute of the University of Ioannina in
                             Greece. His main research interests are in Neuro-oncolgy, new treatments for brain tumours and Pediatric Neurosurgery.

                                                   A B S T R AC T
            Glioblastoma  is  the  most  common  and  malignant  primary  brain  tumor.  Despite  intensive  clinical  investigation  and  several
            novel therapeutic approaches, the median survival continues to remain poor and it is usually in the range of fifteen months.
            Immunotherapy is a beacon of hope for cancer treatment and offers a different approach against glioma. Various approaches have
            been used, such as dendritic cell based vaccines, peptide vaccines, T-cell-based therapies and immune checkpoint blockade
            with promising results. This paper provided an overview of the results of the most exciting immune therapeutic strategies for the
            treatment of gliomas.

            Key words: Glioma; immunotherapy; vaccines

           INTRODUCTION                                        is characterized by alterations of Platelet Derived
                                                               Growth Factor A and point mutations in cytosolic
           Glioblastoma (GBM) is by far the most common type   isocitrate dehydrogenase. A clinical significance was
           of primary brain tumor in adults. This devastating   also reported, concluding that therapeutic approaches
           disease is usually incurable and virtually all GBM   need to be GBM subtype-specific. [3]
           patients succumb despite treatments that consist
           of  surgery,  radiotherapy  and  chemotherapy.  The   Immunotherapy is an attractive treatment option
           median  survival  time remains  in  the range of 15   that involves the stimulation of patient’s immune
           months. [1,2]  GBM is an heterogenous tumor and there   system against cancer cells with high specificity
           is great variability regarding response to treatment   and minimal toxicity.  In the late 1800s, William B.
           and outcome. Verhaak et al.  developed a molecular   Coley, a pioneer in immunotherapy, was the first who
           classification  of GBM  into Classical,  Mesenchymal,   injected a mixture of live streptococcus  bacilli  and
           Proneural and Neural subtypes based on gene         subsequently heat-killed streptococcus into sarcomas
           expression. Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor        and induced regression of these tumors.  GBM cases
           amplification and the  absence  of  p53 mutations   of increased survival after bacterial infection have
           characterize the Classical subtype, whereas the     been documented, whereas  patients with neutrophil
           Mesenchymal subtype is characterized by deletions   to lymphocyte ratio in the blood that exceeded 4.7
           or mutation of the gene and the Proneural subtype   differ significantly from those with neutrophil to
                                                               lymphocyte ratio lower than 4.7 and were associated
           Corresponding Author: Dr. George A. Alexiou, Neurosurgical   with worse survival. [6,7]  Nevertheless, GBM can evade
           Research Institute, University of Ioannina, 45110 Ioannina,   by several mechanisms immune surveillance, such
           Greece. E-mail:
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                                    DOI:                        Cite this article as: Alexiou GA, Kyritsis AP. Immunotherapeutic strategies
                                    10.20517/2347-8659.2015.45  for glioma treatment. Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation 2016;3:51-6.
                                                                Received: 15-10-2015; Accepted: 05-01-2016

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