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rarely develop a facial nerve palsy or meningitis. [1,2,6]    positive  results after antibiotic re‑administration
           Cranial neuritis, in most cases, appears to be benign,   suggesting that this retreatment was not specific nor
           and it is attributed not to a persistent infection but to   sustainable. In  addition, in some cases, retreatment
           residual, irreversible neurologic damage. Conversely,   was associated with adverse events. [8,9,14]  By analyzing
           if Lyme meningitis was developed shortly after  the   these conclusions, ILADS raises issues on the bias,
           completion of a course of oral antimicrobial therapy,   precision, consistency, and generalization  of the
           the patient undergoes another cycle of  treatment   results. Therefore,  it can be concluded that current
           with either ceftriaxone  or with a similar parenteral   evidence supports persistent infection, although other
           antibiotic.  The presence of such symptoms during   mechanisms may  coexist. In  addressing this  issue,
           the first several weeks to months  after treatment   ILADS also suggests  that the potential benefits  of
           most often appears to be due to a slow resolution of   retreatment are sufficient to support those physicians
           the inflammatory process  associated with a highly   who wish to treat but cannot mandate retreatment. [12]
           prolonged or disseminated  Borrelia  burgdorferi
           infection. However, there is no scientific evidence   In 2012, two critical analyses of the 4 RCTs [8,9,14]  were
           that  Borrelia burgdorferi persists in such patients. [1,2]    published. A first biostatistical review concluded that
           Another study on patients with refractory late Lyme   all primary outcomes in Klempner  and Krupp.
           arthritis showed that these symptoms may persist for   trials, except for fatigue in the Krupp trial, were likely
           several  years, but the incidence and severity  of the   underpowered. [15]  In the same year, a reappraisal of US
           symptoms do decrease  over time, and the  estimated   clinical trials highlighted the limited generalization of
           number of individuals  who continue to have         the results and the reduced likelihood of identifying
           recurrences is reduced by 10‑20% each year. [7]     significant treatment effects. This specific study
                                                               concludes that antibiotic retreatment  is potentially
           The use of antibiotic regimen for  a long time is not   beneficial  at least in a fraction  of the PTLDS group.
           recommended, in fact, it does not improve patient   Thus, the recommendation of not re‑administering
           outcome. Instead, it can also promote the development   antimicrobials should  be carefully reconsidered.
           of drug‑resistant infections. Valid placebo‑controlled   Additionally,  it suggests that immune dysregulation
           randomized trials do not support long‑term treatment   as a contributor to pathogenesis should be taken into
           for Lyme disease and have failed to demonstrate any   account in future studies. [16]
           benefit over placebo. In fact, these randomized clinical
           studies have shown that approximately one‑third of   Interestingly, brain abnormalities were detected in
           patients benefit from placebo. [8,9]  Additionally, there   chronic Lyme patients using neuroimaging based on
           is  no  clear evidence supporting  the hypothesis  that   single photon emission computed tomography. The
           Lyme disease is a chronic, actively infectious disease   authors concluded that the use of antibiotics with
           requiring ongoing antibiotic therapy. [2,10,11]     intracellular activity resulted in an increased resolution
                                                               or  improvement  of  clinical  symptoms  detected  by
           TO TREAT PTLDS                                      imaging in 70% of patients over a 1‑2 years period. [17]

           In 2014, the International Lyme and Associated      COMMENT
           Diseases Society (ILADS) published its own treatment
           guidelines [12]  for the management of Lyme disease   The consequences of the lack of a worldwide accepted
           patients, after adopting the GRADE scheme.    [13]    definitive diagnosis  and  the lack of an established
           Among others, ILADS  guidelines address the issue   treatment  regimen include poor patient health,
           of antibiotic retreatment  in patients with persistent   discomfort, additional  expensive diagnostic testing,
           symptoms. After  performing  an individualized      lack of health care effectiveness, and deterioration of
           risk‑benefit assessment, the initiation of a 4‑6 weeks   the doctor‑patient relationship. [18]  Currently, PTLDS is
           antibiotic regimen  is recommended  in previously   the paradigm of this scenario.
           treated Lyme disease patients. This is then followed
           by a reassessment  which will determine  whether    In this situation, three challenging questions need to
           modifications or discontinuation of the treatment  is   be addressed by the scientific community: First, how
           necessary. Even longer treatments may be chosen. [12]  do we precisely define PTLDS? Second, how do we
                                                               diagnose PTLDS? And third, is PTLDS a fully treatable
           Furthermore,  ILADS is critical in interpreting  the   condition?
           results of the 4 randomized control trials (RCTs), [8,9,14]
           based on which the IDSA and other  authorities      There is  a common believe that in  order to define
           support the idea that there is no infectious mechanism   PTLDS, an expert panel and subsequently a consensus
           underlying PTLDS. The 4 RCTs did not provide any    report seems to be the best solution. To address the

           Neuroimmunol Neuroinfammation | Volume 3 | Issue 1 | January 20, 2016                             11
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