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400 mg/kg/day for 5 days. Effect of this treatment will   Table 1: Differential diagnoses of myasthenic and
           onset in 5-10 days and last for 2 months. As similar   cholinergic crises
           as the plasmapheresis discussed below, side effects             Myasthenic crisis Cholinergic crisis
           are less but both procedures cannot be combined. For   Heart rate  Tachycardia  Bradycardia
                                                                                         Weak and fasciculation
           moderate and severe MG patients, repetitive treatment   Pupil   Normal or dilated  Constricted
           of this could not maximize the therapeutic effect.   Skin       Faint and cold  Warm and flushing
           Side effects include headache, aceptic meningistis,   Secretion  Normal       Increase
           flu signs and renal dysfunction.                    Neostigmine test MG improved  MG aggravated weakness
                                                              MG: myasthenia gravis
                                                               this as a popular therapy for MG.  This approach
           This is mainly for acute cases of MG, myathenic crisis   is suitable for those MG patients who experience
           and pre-operative treatment for thymectomy.  This   invasive thymus hyperplasia, reoccurrence of MG
           is also used for cases without further improvement   and not sensitive to other medication. Daily treatment
           after chronic treatment with immunosuppressants.    dose is 1 to 2 Gy and 5 times per week. The total
           Plasmapheresis should be performed every other day in   amount is 50-60 Gy.
           the first week, totally 3 times. If there is no significant
           improvement, procedure should be continued once     Others
           a  week  for 5-7  weeks.  Each  treatment  introduces   Respiratory muscle training and other strength
           1,500 mL health human plasma and 500 mL 706
           supplement. Significant effect will onset 2 days after   training in mild case of MG could improve the muscle
                                                               strength.  It  is  highly  recommended  that  patients
           the first or second treatment lasting for 1-2 months.
           Side effects include hypotension, low blood calcium,   should control weight and limit the daytime activity.
           infection and hemorrhage. Plasmapheresis should     Seasonal flu shot is also beneficial in therapy.
           be performed in aseptic environment. Termination    Therapies for different types of MG
           should be used if there is any complication. MG
           patients  with  infection  and  receiving perfusion  of   Ocular MG: although it is more prevalent in children
           g-globulin should not receive this procedure.       under 10 year old and adult above 40, this could be
                                                               seen in any age groups. 80% patients of MG experience
                                                               first with ocular MG which could be controlled by
                                                               individualized doses of AChE inhibitors. For better
           It is crucial to perform thymectomy for the MG patients
           with thymus tumor, which could eliminate risks of   treatment, AChE inhibitors could be combined with
           invasion and proliferation.  Thymectomy could also   glucocorticoid and methylprednisolone. In recent
           improve the MG signs of patients. However, in certain   review literatures,  oral  dose of  glucocorticoid,  e.g.
           cases, the MG condition would be worsened. For mild   prednisone, is better in treat of ocular MG than only
           MG (Osserman class I), thymectomy could not have    AChE inhibitors and more effective in preventing the
           any improvement. However, for Osserman class II to   transformation to generalized forms of MG. However,
           IV, particularly those with AChR antibody positive,   randomized and blinded clinical trials are  needed
           thymectomy provides a significant improvement.      to confirm this. In order to have better treatment, it
           MG signs would be usually reduced 2-24 months       is also recommended to apply immunosuppressants
           after the operation and medication could be also    and glucocorticoid. Thus, glucocorticoid induced side
           reduced. Although some MG patients will recover     effect could be reduced.
           totally after thymectomy, some will experience MG
           reoccurrence in a few years. Generally thymectomy   Generalized form: as AChE inhibitors are not effective
           is  beneficial  for MG  with  abnormal  thymus  glands.   enough to control the MG symptoms, treatment
           Such operation is suitable for patients older than 18   should  combine with  glucocorticoid  and  other
           year-old. For severe cases with non-magliant thymus   immunosuppressants, e.g. azathioprine, cyclosporine,
           tumor, treatments, such as perfusion of g-globulin,   tacrolimus and MMF. Some cases of generalized MG
           will be firstly recommended than surgery when MG    need methylprednisolone, 40-50% of which may be
           signs have been slightly improved, which could also   worsened during treatment and needed endotracheal
           prevent post-operation myathenic crisis.            intubation or tracheotomy. High dose of g-globulin
                                                               could be used when methylprednisolone  fails to
           Thymus radiotherapy                                 provide any effect. Thymectomy should be performed
                                                               early for those with abnormalities of thymus glands,
           The sophistication of radiological techniques makes   such as thymus tumor and thymus hyperplasia.

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