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treatment, which mainly ameliorate the clinical     Methylprednisolone has a more rapid therapeutic effect
           symptoms, particularly for the initial treatment of   in MG treatment than prednisone for 1.25 fold,  as the
           newly diagnosed patients of MG and as a single agent   former needs not to be activated in liver. Furthermore,
           for long-term treatment of cases of mild MG,  although   methylprednisolone has a higher immuosuppressive
           it is not recommended. Dose should be individualized   effect (18 fold)   than prednisone since the former
           and combined with other immunosuppressive drugs.    has a higher affinity to corresponding receptors.
           Pyridostigmine bromide is the most commonly used    Such property produces lesser side effect and steady
           cholinesterase inhibitor for MG treatment. Side effects   concentration, which is more suitable for those MG
           include nausea, diarrhea, stomach cramp, bradycardia   patients with compromised hepatic function.
           and  increase of oral and  respiratory secretions. In
           China, the maximum oral dosage per day is 480 mg    Intensive monitoring is necessary for treatment with
           and three to four times.                            glucocorticoids. There are approximately 40-50%
                                                               MG patients experiencing transient aggravation and
           Immunosuppressive drugs                             possibly myasthenic crisis. Thus, extra cautions are
                                                               used for those with severe symptoms and higher risk
           Glucocorticoids: it is a potent anti-inflammatory and   of myasthenic crisis. It is also highly recommended
           immunosuppressive agent, efficient in MG treatment   to administer calcium and bisphosphonates agents
           with significant improvement in 70-80% cases.  The   for preventing osteoporosis  and  antacid  drugs for
           commonly used glucocorticoids for MG treatment      preventing gastrointestinal complications. There is
           include   prednisone,  methylprednisolone    and    also chance to develop  steroid  myopathy.  Chronic
           dexamethasone. The indications are as followed: 0.5-  usage of glucocorticoids will increase appetite, body
           1.0 mg/kg/day or 20 mg/day prednisone at morning.   weight and central obesity, hypertension, high blood
           According to the glucocorticoid dose conversion, 5.0   glucose, cataract, glaucoma, endocrine disorders,
           mg prednisone is  equal  to 4 mg methylprednisolone   mental disorders, osteoporosis, osteonecrosis and
           and 0.75 mg dexamethasone. Dosage should be         other alimentary disorders.
           increased by 5.0 mg every three days till 60-80 mg.
           Improvement could be observed in 2 weeks, which     Azathioprine: this is the first line agent for MG for both
           will be significant at 6-8 weeks after treatment. For   ocular and generalized forms. Azathioprine could also
           severe  cases, with the  adequate  communication    be co-prescribed with glucocortioid so that in short
           between physician and patients, patients can        term, the dosage of glucocorticoid could be reduced.
           receive corticosteroid  therapy  under mechanical   At the initial stage of treatment, glucocorticoid and
           ventilation. Corticosteroid therapy will be achieved   azathioprine provide a  better treatment  than  single
           by  continuous  intravenous  perfusion  of  1,000  mg/  use of glucocorticoid or azathioprine. For MG patients
           day methylprednisolone for 3 days. Afterward,       who are  older  than 3 year-old and at teenages,
           dose should be decreased to 500 mg/day for 2 days.   azathioprine could be co-prescribed when therapies
           During  this,  methylprednisolone could  be replaced   with cholinesterase inhibitors and glucocorticoid are
           by dexamethasone (10-20 mg/day) for 1 week. After   not desirable. Azathioprine should be administered in
           corticosteroid therapy, patients should take prednisone   a low dose and gradually increased as this agent could
           or methylprednisolone at morning as aforementioned.   elevate the hepatic enzyme activities and inhibit the
           Dosage of prednisone and methylprednisolone should   marrow function. Effect will be seen 3 to 6 months
           be fine adjusted or individualized  according to    after administration while the peak effect will reach
           patients’ conditions. If MG conditions are improved,   after 1 to 2 years. About 70-90% MG patients are
           dosage could be gradually reduced after 4-16 weeks.   significantly improved after this treatment.
           Typically, prednisone could  be reduced  by 5-10  mg
           every 2-4 weeks, and then 5 mg every 4-8 weeks when   Instruction is as followed: 1-2 mg/kg/day for children
           dose is or lower than 20 mg. According to different   and 2-3 mg/kg/day for adult; spilted into 2-3 times oral
           cases, patients could receive the lowest optimal dose   dose per day. Chronic usage is allowed until adverse
           every other day. Too vigorous reduction of drug will   effect and intelarance are seen. About 7-10 days after
           worsen the MG conditions.                           azathioprine administration, blood  test and  hepatic
                                                               functions of patients should  be monitored. Side
           In adult generalized  MG  and  certain ocular MG    effects includes specific flu symptoms, reduciton of
           cases,glucocorticoids should be reduced or terminated   white blood cells and plalete, alimentary symptoms,
           if there are any fluctuation or aggravation. In order   eaken hepatic function and loss of hair. Chronic users
           to provide an optimal therapy, it is recommended to   of azathioprine should take blood test every 2 weeks,
           co-administer other immunosuppressants,  such  as   tests of hepatic and renal functions every 4 weeks. If
           azathioprine, cyclosporine A or tacrolimus.         possible, gene screening of purine methyltransferase

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