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           China guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of

           myasthenia gravis

           Zhu-Yi Li
           Department of Neurology,Tangdu Hospital, The Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an 710038, Shaanxi, China.

                                    Dr. Zhu-Yi Li, Professor of Neurology
                                    Dr. Li is the Director of Department of Neurology in Tang Du Hospital of the Fourth Military Medical University. He
                                    graduated from the Fourth Military Medical University in 1985. He has been engaged in the prevention and treatment
                                    of myasthenia gravis in Department of Neurosciences in University of Oxford and Case Western Reserve University.
                                    Dr. Li is currently the Vice Chairman of Neuroimmunology branch of Chinese Society for Immunology,
                                    Neuroimmunology Study Group of Chinese Society of Neurology, the Chairman of Chinese Society of Neurology, the
                                    Vice Chairman of Mobile Health branch of Chinese Stroke Association, Neuroimmunology Committee of Neurology
                                    branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association, the Chairman of Shaanxi Neurology Association, the Associate Editor-
                                    In-Chief of Chinese Journal of Neuroimmunology and Neurology, and the Editorial Board Member of Chinese Journal
                                    of Neurology.
                                    Being dedicated in researches of clinical Neurology, Dr. Li is proficient in neuroimmunology diseases such as the
                                    prevention and treatment of myasthenia gravis. Dr. Li had 9 research projects supported by Natural Science Foundation
                                    of China (NSFC), and 1 research project supported by Innovative Research Team Foundation of Ministry of Education.
                                    He has published more than 200 articles, 40 of which were published in journals indexed by SCI.

           Myasthenia   gravis   (MG)    is  neuromuscular     gender preference is reversed after 50-year-old. At the
           disorder induced neurotransmission defects at the   age category of 40-50, there is no gender preference.
           neuromuscular junctions. MG is an autoimmune
           disease in which the autologous immune system,      CLINICAL SYMPTOMS AND CLASSIFICATIONS
           including the corresponding antibodies, immune
           cells and complement systems, attacks the cholinergic   Clinical symptoms
           receptor (AChRs) of the postsynaptic membrane,
           resulting in weakness of skeletal muscle. A rare    Systemic skeletal muscle may be affected. However, at
           portion of MG cases is mediated with antibodies     the early stage of MG, there may be firstly the muscle
           specific  to  muscle  specific  kinase  (MuSK)  and  low-  weakness of extraocular, throat and limbs. Seemingly,
           density lipoprotein receptor related protein 4 (LRP4).   the skeletal muscles innervated by the cranial nerves
           The major clinical symptoms of MG are presented as   are more susceptible than those innervated by spinal
           weakness of skeletal muscle, fatigue prone, which are   nerves. The weakness of skeletal muscles initiates
           worsened after exercise. Adequate rest and treatment   at a group of muscles first and gradually spreads to
           with cholinesterase inhibitors could significantly   other groups of muscles and eventually the whole
           relieve and reduce the symptoms. The average onset   system. For some patients of MG, they may rapidly
           rate is about 8-20 cases per 100,000 people.  MG is not   experience weakness of all skeletal muscles and even
           age specific but there is a higher onset rate in females   myasthenic crisis.
           than males at the population before 40 of age. Such
                                                               The skeletal muscle weakness of MG is volatile
                                                               with ease of fatigue, which are worsening towards
           Corresponding Author:  Prof. Zhu-Yi Li, Department of
           Neurology, Tangdu Hospital, The Fourth Military Medical   the end of the day. The weakness and fatigability is
           University, No. 1 Xinsi Road, Xi’an 710038, Shaanxi, China.   progressively  worsening  during  physical  activity,
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                                    For reprints contact:
                                                                Cite this article as: Li ZY. China guidelines for the diagnosis and
                                    DOI: 10.20517/2347-8659.2015.60  treatment of myasthenia gravis. Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation
                                                                Received: 03-12-2015; Accepted: 05-01-2016

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