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deficient should be performed to reduce the risk of   includes reduction of white blood cells count, loss of
          irrevesible marrow lesion.                          hair,  nausea,  vomit,  diarrhea,  hemorrhagic cystitis
                                                              and long term suppression of bone marrow mediated
          Cyclosporin A: this is an immunosuppressant for     cancer risk.
          generalized  and  ocular MG, which starts to effect
          3-6 months after administration. This is mainly     Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF): MMF is not the
          used when glucocorticoid and azathioprine are       first line agents for MG but it is also used with
          not effective.  Cyclosporin A could  also be used   glucocorticoid at the  early stage  of treatment but
          with glucocorticoid  for improving the MG  with a   not azathioprine.  Usually,  it will be administered
          decreasing blood level of AchR antibody. Cyclosporin   at rate  of 0.5-1 g and twice a day. When compared
          A could be used in long term with a similar effect   to azathioprine and cyclosporine, MMF is safer and
          as azathioprine but with lesser side effect. Usually   with less hepatic and renal side effect. Common side
          cyclosporin A was taken in orally in 2-4 mg/kg/day.   effect includes alimentary symptoms, nausea, vomit
          The blood level of cyclosporin A was monitored in   and diarrhea. For MG patients taken MMF, their
          order to adjust the dose. The main side effect includes   whole blood count will be performed once a week at
          hypertension, tremor, renal dysfunction, muscle     the first month, twice a month at the second and third
          ache, gingival hyperplasia and flu-like symptoms.   months and once a month after 3 months. If there is a
          Blood test, hepatic and renal functions are regularly   reduction of neutrophils, patients should stop taking
          checked every month.                                any MMF.

          Tacrolimus (FK-506): This is also a potent          Anti-human CD20 monoclonal antibody (Rituximab):
          immunosuppressant    used   for   those  patients   Rituximab is proven to be effective in treatment of
          not susceptible to glucocorticoid  and  other       autoimmune diseases.  In treatment of MG, rituximab
          immunosuppressant, particularly those RyR antibody   is suitable for patients, particularly those with MuSK
          positive.  This  is  also used with  glucocorticoid  at   positive, who have no significant improvement
          the early stage of treatment to reduce the usage    in treatment of glucocorticoid and traditional
          of glucocorticoid and corresponding side effect.    immunosuppressants. As single agent of MG treatment,
          The  therapeutic effect  of FK-506  onset  rapidly  and   recommended dose for adult is in rate of 375 mg/m
          significant effect should be observed around 2 weeks   (i.v.) once a week. The treatment course is 22 days and
          after administration. FK-506 is usually prescribed at   agent is totally administered for 4 times.
          3.0 mg/day for oral dose. Blood level of FK-506 should
          be monitored in order to adjust the dose. MG patients   Treatment with rituximab should be performed with
          with rapid metabolism should receive large dose till   facility of resuscitation. When there are any respiratory
          a significant effect observed. Side effects include   symptoms or hypotension, patients receiving this
          alimentary symptoms, numbness, tremor, headache,    treatment should be monitored for 24 hours. Treatment
          hypertension,    hyperglycemia,     hyperkalemia,   has to be terminated when there are any adverse effects
          hypomagnesimia and renal failure. If no significant   such as dyspnea, bronchospasm and hypoxemia.
          side effect, FK-506 could be chronically used. Blood   Other side effects include fever, chills, bronchospasm,
          glucose,  hepatic and  renal  functions  should  be   leukopenia,  thrombocytopenia  and  progressive
          monitored every month.                              multifocal leukoencephalopathy. It is also crucial to
                                                              monitor any syndromes of cytokines release.
          Cyclophosphamide: this agent will be used when other
          immunosuppressants fail to provide any therapeutic   During  this treatment,  hepatic and  renal  functions,
          effect on to severe cases MG or MG with thymus tumor.   blood and urine biochemistries have to be monitored
          Cyclophosphamide should also be administered with   regularly.  Treatment  should   be   immediately
          glucocorticoid, which could be reduced in dose 6-12   terminated if there is any immunosuppression
          months after treatment started. For adult, 400-800 mg   mediated side effects. For patients with HBsAg positive
          cyclophosphamide per week should be intravenously   and compromised hepatic function, nucleotides (NAs)
          perfused. Patients could also receive 100 mg/day in   should be administered 2-4 weeks before treatment.
          two oral doses till the total amount reaches 10-20 g
          (for some cases, patients need 30 g). For children, 3-5   Intravenous administration of g-globulin
          mg/kg/day (totally amount should not exceed 100 mg)
          in two oral doses was administered. When there is   This is for acute situation and pre-operative
          improvement of symptoms, dose could be reduced to   treatment  for  MG  patients,  usually  combined
          2 mg/kg/day. Extra caution should be paid for children   with immunosuppressants and glucocorticoid.
          patient receiving cyclophosphamide. Side effects    g-globulin will be intravenously perfused at rate of

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