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Medication could usually be reduced after operation.   disorders, such as Graves diseases, polymyositis,
          For some cases, no more MG signs will be seen post-  multiple sclerosis, Sjogren’s syndrome,  periodic
          operation. For children, AChE inhibitors, glucocorticoid   paralysis, Hashimoto ‘s disease, rheumatoid arthritis,
          and g-globulin are beneficial for generalized form   systemic  lupus  erythematosus,   Guillain-Barré
          of MG. Otherwise, with cautions, patients could be   syndrome, aplastic anemia. In some MG cases, cardiac
          treated by immunosuppressants and thymectomy.       muscle is also the victim, presenting abnormal EEG
                                                              and arrhymia. Therefore, it is recommended to pay
          MG crisis: [14,15]  it is the compromised respiratory muscle   also attention to such condtions other than MG.
          leading to severe difficulty in breathing, which has to
          be supported by artificial respiration, such as positive   Precautions for MG treatment
          pressure respiration, endotreacheal intubation and
          tracheotomy, and monitoring the oxygen saturation   There are certain  contraindication  for MG  patients,
          and partial pressure of carbon dioxide. MG crisis could   including steroids, antibiotics (e.g. Aminoglycoside),
          be classified as in Table 1. For myasthenic crisis, dose   antifungal drugs (e.g. amphotericin), cardiovascular
          of AChE could be increased within the safe window   drugs (e.g. lidocaine, quinidine, β-blockers, verapamil
          till there is any improvement. Overdose of AChE could   and  etc.), antiepileptic drugs (e.g. Phenytoin,
          be reversed  by  atropine or  methylprednisolone.  For   ethosuximide), antipsychotics (e.g. chlorpromazine,
          some cases, it is also practical to apply high dose of   lithium carbonate, diazepam, clonazepam), anesthesia
          g-globulin and plasmapheresis. For cholinergic crisis,   (e.g. morphine and meperidine) and anti-rheumatic
          treatment with AChE inhibitors should be reduced    drugs (e.g. penicillamine and chloroquine).
          or terminated and should not resume and increase
          gradually until 5-7 days. Atropine or combined with   It is also not recommended to do soapsuds enema.
          methylprednisolone, plasmapheresis and g-globulin   Plenty of rest, staying warm, steady emotion are also
          could also be adopted. Nowadays, AChE inhibitors    important for recovery from MG.
          should be limited at not more than 480 mg per day.
          Thus, cholinergic crisis is uncommon. If respiratory   Prognosis
          failure is found in blood gas analysis (in both type I
          and II), endotreacheal intubation and positive pressure   Ten-twenty percent of MG patients in ocular form will
          respiration should be immediately applied. Artificial   spontaneously heal, while 20-30% only experience
          respiration of MG patients should have extra care to   extraocular MG. For  the  rest, more than  85%  will
          prevent lung infection and adjustment of the auxiliary   gradually spread the signs to medulla oblongata and
          breathing mode for earlier independent breathing.   skeletal muscle, developing generalized form in 3 years.
                                                              The pathogenesis of MG in about two-third of patients
          MG at pregnancy:  it is still not very clear that how   will develop to severe level within one year. 20% of
          pregnancy affects MG. For most cases, pregnancy will   MG patients will develop MG crisis within 1 year.
          not aggravate MG and affect the labor time and route.   MG signs and symptoms will be aggravated in certain
          AChE inhibitors and glucocorticoid are relatively safe   conditions such as upper respiratory tract infection,
          for fetuses but other immunosuppressants may affect the   diarrhea, thyroid disease, pregnancy, fever, trauma and
          embryonic development which should be terminated    medications affect the neuromuscular junctions.
          if pregnant. Teratogenic drugs, e.g. methotrexate and
          MMF, should not be used. It is also recommended for   Before the prevalent use of immunosuppressants for
          MG patients to take caution of contraception.       MG treatment, the mortality rate of MG is 30%. With
                                                              also the development of mechanical ventilation and
          MG with MuSK antibody positive: generally, AChE,    intensive care technique, nowadays the mortality
          glucocorticoid  and  immunosuppressants are not     (due to directly MG or indirectly other complication)
          effective for MG  with  AChR antibody negative but   decreases to below 5%.
          MuSK positive. Up to date, there is no special and
          effective treatment for this type of MG. plasmapheresis   The  Chinese version  of this  guideline has  been
          could relieve the MG signs for short term. There is   published in  Chin  J  Neuroimmunol  Neurol
          a case report that anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody    2011;18:368-72.
          is therapeutic potent to this type of MG.  Multiple
          thymectomy is also beneficial for this type of MG.   Financial support and sponsorship
          MG with other complications
                                                              Conflicts of interest
          Some MG patients could suffer from also other       There are no conflicts of interest.

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