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As the molecular mechanisms of necroptosis have been   we know, inflammation is complex and dynamic. The
            gradually discovered, necroptosis has been reported in   outcome of inflammation depends on the coordination
            more and more neurological diseases.              of different types of immune cells. Even sub-
                                                              populations of immune cells change their phenotypes
            Spinal cord injury (SCI) is well known for its    in the course of inflammation, such as the M1-M2
            devastating effects on patients. One pathological feature   switch of microglia/macrophages.  How necroptotic
            of SCI is secondary injury characterized by chronic   cells affect the  different immune cell populations
            inflammation,  astrogliosis  and  cavity formation.    during the different time-phase of inflammation,
            Previous studies have demonstrated that application of   or how necroptotic cells influence the phenotype of
            Nec-1 can be protective for SCI, but which cells undergo   immune cells remain to be further investigated.
            necroptosis is unknown. [33,34]  Our recent studies
            demonstrated that RIP3 and phosphorylated MLKL are   Recently, several studies showed that RIP1 and RIP3
            up-regulated in reactive astrocytes and microglia after   might also be involved in inflammation independent
            SCI. [35,36]  Reactive astrocytes, which line the spinal   of necroptosis.  For example, Inflammasome
            cavity, die by M1 microglia/macrophage induced    activation and release of IL-1 in smac-mimetic treated
            necroptosis partially through toll like receptor/myeloid   macrophages or in caspase-8 deficient dendrite cells
            differentiation 88 signalling.  Microglia, the major   are dependent on RIP3,  suggesting a cell-death
            player of chronic inflammation post-SCI, die through   independent role of RIP3 in inflammasome activation.
            endoplasmic reticulum stress involved necroptosis.    This should be considered when evaluating results.
            These researches raised the straightforward question   Combined results from MLKL deficient cells or
            of how necroptosis regulateschronic inflammation   mice may be helpful for clarifying the point. In view
            after SCI.                                        of the importance of necroptosis and its roles in
                                                              inflammation, better understanding of the interaction
            Multiple  sclerosis  is  another  neurodegenerative   between necroptosis and inflammation will be helpful
            diseases characterized by demyelization and chronic   for treatment of inflammatory diseases.
            inflammation.  The  link  between  inflammation  and
            demyelination has long been recognized. A recent   Acknowledgments
            study from Prof. Jun-Ying Yuan’s group reported that   The authors thank Dr. Hong Fan for his critical
            TNF-α induces the death of oligodendrocytes in a   proofreading  of  the  manuscript  and  suggestions  for
            RIP1/3 dependent manner.  In the mouse model      revision.
            of  Gaucher’s  disease,  systemic  TNF-α  and  IL-1β are
            elevated, and RIP3 is up-regulated in microglia and   Financial support and sponsorship
            neurons. RIP3 knockout can significantly ameliorate   This work was supported by National Natural Science
            the development of disease and prolong the survival   Foundation of China to Dr. Ya-Zhou Wang (grant code:
            of animals.  Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)   81571224).
            is the most adult onset motor neuron degenerative
            disease, in which inflammation is the most striking   Conflicts of interest
            hallmark of pathological changes. Recently, it has   There are no conflicts of interest.
            been demonstrated that in the spinal cord of the ALS   REFERENCES
            model,  motor  neurons  also  undergo  necroptosis.
            These studies suggested that necroptosis in different   1.   Galluzzi L, Vitale I, Abrams JM, Alnemri ES, Baehrecke EH,
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