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receptor-interacting protein 3 (RIP3) and caspase-8   dependent necroptosis, which mobilize immune cells
            to form Complex II.  Active caspase-8 can cleave   against viruses.  Therefore, in certain virus-infected
            and inactivate RIP1 and RIP3, thereby promoting the   diseases, necroptosis seems to be an evolutionarily
            exogenous apoptosis pathway. [11]                 cellular anti-virus strategy.
            If caspase-8 is inhibited, RIP1 and RIP3 will remain   In terms of bacterial infection, it has long been
            active and combine together by the common RHM     known that TNF is an important driver of bacterial
            domain to take part in forming a necrosome, which   sepsis,  suggesting that necroptosis may also be a
            initiates a downstream signal cascade resulting in   pro-inflammatory  factor  in  the  bacterial  infection-
            necroptosis.  Although RIP1 and RIP3 are both     induced inflammation. In consistent with above
            essential in the process, over-expressed RIP3 can   mentioned  role of  RIP/MLKL-dependent necroptosis
            induce necroptosis without enough RIP1, but not vice   in the destructive inflammation after virus infection,
            versa.  It has been demonstrated that RIP3 activates   RIP3 deficient mice are more resistant to TNF induced
            downstream signalling  pathways, in particular, the   systematic inflammation.   However,  some studies
            phosphorylated mixed lineage kinase domain-like   showed that RIP3  macrophages respond almost
            protein (MLKL),  which plays a central role in the   normally to liters per second stimulation, indicating
            execution of necroptosis. Two models have been    that RIP3 may not be crucial for acute inflammation
            proposed for its function: (1) acts as a platform at the   after bacterial infection.  In line with this idea,
            plasma membrane for the recruitment of Ca  or Na +   RIP3-dependent necroptosis and TNF expression was
            ion channels,  (2) as a direct pore-forming complex   observed in tuberculosis infected tissue,  suggesting
            on cell membranes through binding of the amino-   a role of necroptosis in the bacterial induced chronic
            terminus of the 4-helical bundle domain to negatively   inflammation.
            charged phosphatidylinositol phosphates.  Previous
            studies have suggested that phosphoglycerate mutase   In addition to its roles in infectious diseases, necroptosis
            5 involved mitochondrial fragmentation might be the   has also been demonstrated to be involved in chronic
            key downstream molecule of MLKL for necroptosis   sterile inflammation. For example, up-regulation
            execution. [17]  However,  recent  evidences  have  of RIP3 and phosphorylated MLKL were detected
            challenged this idea. [18]                        in  alcoholic  and  drug-induced  liver  injury.  RIP3
                                                              depletion, or necrostatin-1 (Nec-1) administration can
            The mechanism of necroptosis discussed above is   significantly protect liver cells from these injuries.
            outlined in Figure 1. Besides the TNF-α induced   In ischemia-reperfusion conditions, necroptosis was
            extrinsic necroptosis, an intrinsic necroptosis signalling   reported in multiple tissues, including brain, heart,
            initiated by intracellular reactive oxygen species has   kidney and retina. [27-29]  In other chronic inflammatory
            been proposed recently. Translocation of p53 has been   diseases such as atherosclerosis, receptor-interacting
            suggested to play a role in ischemia induced intrinsic   serine/threonine-protein  kinase  3-dependent
            necroptosis.  More detailed mechanisms of intrinsic   macrophage necroptosis has been thought of as a direct
            necroptosis remain to be elucidated.              driver of atherosclerotic plaque formation.  Although
                                                              it has been clearly demonstrated that necroptotic
            NECROPTOSIS AND INFLAMMATION                      cells release DAMPs, how DAMPs mediate this
                                                              necroptosis-triggered sterile inflammation remains to
            It is known that apoptosis triggers minor or no   be experimentally validated.
            inflammation, while necrosis induces inflammation
            via releasing damage associated molecular patterns   It should be pointed out that many studies used Nec-1
            (DAMPs), such as nuclear high mobility group box-  to inhibit necroptosis. However, recent studies reported
            1 proteins, mitochondrial DNA, and IL-1 family    that Nec-1 has off-target effects. Besides inhibiting
            cytokines.   The  insertion  of  MLKL  into  cell   the kinase activity of RIP1, it inhibits the activity of
            membranes immediately suggested a possible role   endoleamine 2,3-oxygenase, which by itself, modulates
            of MLKL in the release of DAMPs. Because DAMPs    inflammation. [31]   Therefore, one should be sure to
            stimulate pattern-recognition receptors such as toll-  explain the results obtained solely by Nec-1 treatment.
            like receptors, necroptosis is thought to be beneficial
            in innate immune responses. For example, vaccinia   NECROPTOSIS AND NEUROLOGICAL DISEASES
            virus encodes an inhibitor of caspase-1 and 8. In cases
            of vaccinia virus infection, the cells exhibit RIP3-  Necroptosis was initially identified in ischemic brain.
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