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Case Report

          Herpes zoster internuclear ophthalmoplegia

          Vijayashankar Paramanandam, Sowmini Perumal, Malcolm Jeyaraj, Sakthi Velayutham, Gobinathan Shankar
          Department of Neurology, Stanley Medical College & Hospital, Chennai 600001, Tamilnadu, India.

                                                   A B S T R AC T
           Internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO) is caused by a lesion in the medial longitudinal fasciculus. Patients with INO are usually
           asymptomatic but may have diplopia and oscillopsia. The most common causes of INO are ischemia and demyelination. Occurrence
           of INO due to infectious etiologies like tuberculosis, AIDS, brucellosis, cysticercosis and syphilis is well known. However, clinical
           presentation of INO associated with herpes zoster is very rare. The possible pathogenic mechanism for varicella zoster virus
           (VZV) induced INO could be demyelination or microinfarction in the brainstem. In the present study, a case of 56 years old male
           with double vision, with a recent history of herpes zoster, has been reported. Clinical examination revealed right INO. VZV IgM
           antibodies were positive and patient recovered fully after treatment with acyclovir and steroids.

           Key words: Demyelination; herpes zoster virus; internuclear ophthalmoplegia; medial longitudinal fasciculus; varicella zoster virus

          INTRODUCTION                                        gaze was admitted. The diplopia worsened while looking
                                                              at the distant objects. Occular examination revealed
          In Internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO) there is damage   that he had right INO showing restriction of adduction
          to the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) between   in the right eye with nystagmus on abduction in the left
          the 3rd and 6th cranial nerve nuclei which impairs the   eye. His vertical eye movements and convergence were
          transmission of neural impulses to the ipsilateral medial   normal. Pupil and fundus examination were normal.
          rectus muscle.  It is clinically characterized by failure to   Rest of the neurological examination was also normal.
          adduct the ipsilateral medial rectus and nystagmus of the   Neck stiffness was not present. He had no fever. Healed
          abducting eye. Tuberculosis, brucellosis, cysticercosis,   herpetic scars were present in the left maxillary region.
          syphilis and multiple sclerosis are the common
          infectious diseases which are responsible to cause INO   Two weeks before the onset of diplopia he was diagnosed
          in a patient.  Herpes zoster is a relatively rare etiology   with herpes zoster and was under treatment with oral
          of INO. To the best of our knowledge, only two studies   acyclovir. He did not have any other co-morbid illness. A
          focusing on the association between herpes zoster and   previous history of chicken pox infection at the age of 10
          INO have been published so far. In agreement to the   years was reported.
          previous publications; we report here the case of a patient
          with INO, who also had herpes zoster vasculopathy. The   Routine blood examination including complete blood
          goal of this report is to highlight the rare case of herpes   count, renal function test and electrolytes were normal.
          zoster leading to INO.                              Chest x-ray and electrocardiogram were also normal.
                                                              Magnetic resonance images (MRI) scans of the brain with
          CASE REPORT                                         contrast revealed no abnormality. Cerebro-spinal fluid
                                                              analysis showed pleocytosis and elevated protein with
          A 56 years old male presented with diplopia in the left   normal sugar level. Serum Varicella zoster IgM antibody
                                                              was positive.
          Corresponding Author: Dr. Vijayashankar Paramanandam,
          Department of Neurology, Stanley Medical College, Old jail   The patient was treated with intravenous (IV) acyclovir
          road, Chennai 600001, Tamilnadu, India.
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                                                                How to cite this article: Paramanandam V, Perumal S, Jeyaraj M,
                                                                Velayutham S, Shankar G. Herpes zoster internuclear ophthalmoplegia.
                                   10.20517/2347-8659.2015.41   Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation 2016;3:102-3.
                                                                Received: 29-09-2015; Accepted: 20-12-2015

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