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and proliferation of macrophages in the walls of   proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α, interferon-γ
           human and murine aneurysms, possibly playing a     (IFN-γ) and IL-6. [47]
           role in the development of IAs. [31]  Macrophages also
           directly promote degradation of ECM by secreting a   Complement
           zinc and calcium-dependent family of endopeptidases   The  role  of complement  in  the  mechanism  of  IA
           known as matrix metalloproteinases  (MMPs) and     formation is not fully elucidated. In one study by
           modulate their activity by producing tissue inhibitors   a Helsinki group that compared ruptured with
           of metalloproteinases (TIMPs), MCP-1 and TNF-α. [32-34]    unruptured IA, the expression and activation of
           Beside  from  degrading  all  kinds  of  ECM  proteins,   complement membrane attack complex were greater
           these proteinases, particularly MMP-9 secreted also   in ruptured samples and was associated significantly
           by VSMCs, [35,36]  induce macrophage migration and   with aneurysm wall degeneration and inflammatory
           infiltration across ECM. [37]  Overexpression of MMP-9   cell infiltration. [48]  These authors showed in another
           in the wall of excised IA was first documented by   study that complement activation occurs via the
           Kim et al., [38]  followed by Takemura et al. [39]  who later   classical pathway as evidenced by the presence of
           showed by immunohistochemical analysis of the      classical  pathway  activators  (IgG,  IgM,  C  restive
           overexpression of MMP-1, -2, and -9 in aneurysm    protein, oxidized low-density lipoprotein) in the IA
           walls. Moreover, the levels of MMP-2 and -9 were found   wall. [49]
           to be higher in ruptured compared with unruptured
           aneurysms in a series of 30 patients, suggesting that   Vascular smooth muscle cells
           MMP-mediated excessive breakdown of vessel ECM     As mentioned above, VSMCs are crucial in the process
           eventually leads to aneurysmal rupture. [40]  The central   of IAs formation, and rupture. They are mostly found
           role of MMPs in the pathogenesis of IAs is further   in the medial layer and synthesize the matrix for the
           demonstrated by the fact that inhibition of TIMPs   structural integrity to the arterial wall. Thinning of this
           promotes aneurysm formation in a rodent model. [41]    layer contributes to aneurysm formation and rupture.
           Under physiological conditions, MMPs production is   In response to endothelial injury VSMCs first migrate
           regulated at the level of transcription. An imbalance   into the intima where they multiply and give rise to
           between the active MMPs and TIMPs leads to the     myointimal hyperplasia.  Successively, VSMCs from a
           accelerated destruction of connective tissue associated   differentiated phenotype whose primary characteristic
           with several vascular diseases including IAs. [42]  is contraction, dedifferentiation, losing capacity of
                                                              expressing contractile genes, like myocardin, acquiring
           Neutrophils                                        the capacity to express genes that may affect the rigidity
           Other important inflammatory cells migrating to    or elasticity of the vascular wall such as collagen alfa2(I)
           the site of arterial injury are neutrophils. As for   gene  (COL1A2)  and  upregulating  proinflammatory
           macrophages, they secrete cytokines and MMPs. In   genes, such as MMPs, MCP-1, VCAM 1, and IL.  [52,53]
           addition, they produce peroxidases. [18]  The array of   This phenotypic modulation of VSMCs is induced
           neutrophil-derived cytokines is similar to that of   by TNF-α and mediated by Kruppel-like transcription
           macrophages, including TNF-α and cxc-chemokines    factor 4. [54]  Phenotypically modulated VSMCs are no
           such as interleukin  (IL)-1β. However, unlike      longer in spindle shape forming tightly compacted
           macrophages, they do not secrete cc-chemokines such   bands, but spider-like cells dissociated from each
           as MCP-1. [39]  IL-1β and cxc-chemokines are involved   other, nonproliferating and noncontractile.  Likewise,
           in various inflammatory cellular activities such as   aneurysmal rupture is associated with degeneration
           cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis.   and caspase-mediated apoptotic loss of VSMCs of the
           Upregulation of IL-1β in animal models of  IAs is   aneurysm wall. [17,56,57]
           associated with aneurysm formation and progression
           by reduced collagen biosynthesis in the aneurysm wall   Mast cells
           both at the transcriptional and post-transcriptional   Although best known for their role in allergy and
           levels. [43,44]  In addition, neutrophils secrete macrophage   anaphylaxis, mast cells play an important role in the
           inflammatory protein 1-α, which reinforces cytokines’   inflammatory reaction leading to IAs formation and
           action to promote inflammatory cell recruitment,   rupture mainly via cytokines release and expression
           migration, activation, and differentiation. [45]   and activation of MMPs. [58]  Indeed, IAs formation is
                                                              associated with the proliferation and degranulation
           Lymphocytes                                        of mastocytes, and ruptured aneurysms wall is richer
           Other first-responding inflammatory cells found in   in mast cells than unruptured IAs. [59]  The finding that
           IAs  wall  are  lymphocytes.  They  infiltrate  arterial   inhibitors of mast cell degranulation decrease the
           wall in early phases of aneurysm formation and     inflammatory reaction in aneurysm walls and block
           rupture. [46]  They are involved in the production of   the progression of IAs in mice further support the

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