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shear stress increases NO availability through a biphasic   by the WSS in modulating cytokine-induced adhesion
           action: within seconds after stress the endothelial nitric   molecule expression in ECs. Although the processes by
           oxide synthase (eNOS) enzyme expressed in ECs is   which hemodynamic factors affect inflammation of the
           activated by a calcium-independent mechanisms. [91]    artery wall is incompletely known, vascular remodeling
           Subsequently, eNOS expression is upregulated through   in response to abnormal WSS correlates with increased
           NF-κB activation by a transient, one hour lasting,   ECs and VSMCs apoptosis, [98,99]  with upregulation
           increase in eNOS mRNA transcription and a sustained   of MMPs activity in both ECs [33]  and VSMCs [36]  and
           increase in eNOS mRNA stability. [92]  However, NF-κB   with upregulation of several transcription factors and
           activation leads also to an increased expression of   inflammatory cytokines by inflammatory cells.  Along
           pro-inflammatory genes encoding cytokines, VCAM-1,   these lines, Wang et al. [82]  showed in canine models
           ICAM-1,  tissue  factor  and  MCP-1. [16,86-90]   At  a  first   that in areas of high shear stress (arterial bifurcations),
           glance, the NF-κB mediated protective and damaging   aneurysm wall remodeling is associated with IL-1β and
           effect appears to be contradictory. Nonetheless, the   MMPs expression along with a loss of eNOS expression.
           evidence of a negative feedback pathway on NF-κB   In line with these findings, EC injury was found by
           activation mediated by NO production resolves      Jamous et al. [100,101]  to be the earliest change in aneurysm
           this apparent paradox. If eNOS levels are relatively   wall, followed by the formation of an inflammatory
           high, sufficient NO is produced to shut down NF-κB   zone that leads to proteolytic destruction of the vascular
           activation soon after shear is applied to endothelium   ECM by MMPs and ultimately to aneurysm formation.
           through a classical negative feedback pathway. [16]
           Conversely, if eNOS levels are relatively low, NF-κB   In summary, under physiologic condition shear stress
           activation persists enough to restore eNOS to normal   promotes both endothelial NF-κB upregulation and
           levels in order to ensure a long-lasting protection   immediate eNOS activation. In turn, NF-κB triggers
           to ECs. The double effect of NF-κB activation also   both transient upregulation of eNOS and increased
           explains why shear stress may reveal both harmful   eNOS stability. This results in increased NO synthesis.
           and protective to endothelium. As a matter of fact,   NO protects arterial wall through a “direct” action on
           in case of alteration of the inhibitory limb of the   it as well as “indirectly” through a negative feedback
           NO-mediated negative feedback, the proinflammatory   on NF-κB activation. When the chain of events in red
           action of shear stress prevails, leading to endothelium   prevails, shear stress sustains arterial wall protection.
           damage, with elongation, migration, change in density,   Failure of NO-mediated direct and/or indirect arterial
           and loss of ECs and to VSMCs phenotype change with   wall protection shifts the balance towards inflammation.
           acquisition of pro-inflammatory/pro-matrix remodeling
           properties. [17,50,61]  ROS may also play a role in the   When the degeneration in the arterial wall, including loss
           pathogenesis of IAs. [93,94]  Aoki et al. [95]  demonstrated   of endothelial and smooth muscle cells and degradation
           the upregulation of genes producing ROS and the    of ECM are not healed, chronic remodeling of tissue
           downregulation of ROS-eliminating genes in a murine   takes place to alter the biomechanical properties of
           model of IAs. Moreover, the same study showed a    arterial wall and aneurysm formation, which eventually
           similar effect of edaravone, a free radical scavenger,   rupture [Figure 1]. [63,64]
           and of the deletion of ROS-producing gene: in two
           separate groups of animals both effectively inhibited IAs   INFLAMMATORY BIOMARKERS AND
           formation by suppressing inflammation in aneurysmal   ESTIMATION OF RISK OF RUPTURE
           walls. [95]  Moreover, low WSS may provide upregulation
           of proinflammatory cytokines and their receptors, such   Giving that considerable evidence suggest the
           as IL-1α, IL-1 receptor, IL-6, and MCP-1. [96]  In addition,   involvement of inflammation in development and
           an in vitro study showed that WSS on ECs causes a   rupture of IAs, [19-25,31,35-41,48-64,70,76-81,93,94,99-101]  preoperative
           differential modulation of TNF-α-induced expression   noninvasive assessment of inflammatory status of the
           of adhesion molecules such as ICAM-1, VCAM-1,      aneurysm wall may guide management of unruptured
           and E-selectin by reducing intracellular ECs ROS   IAs. [102-105]  One possible tool to identify rupture-prone
           levels. [97]  This may cause inhibition of TNF-α-induced   IAs is ferumoxytol-enhanced magnetic resonance
           VCAM-1 and E-selectin expression in ECs through    imaging  (MRI). [102-104]   Ferumoxytol  is  an  ultrasmall
           inhibition of NF-κB activation. [97]  However, the same   superparamagnetic particle of iron oxide that reveals
           authors showed that WSS-induced production of      phagocytic activity of inflammatory cells because
           TNF-α stimulates the expression of another adhesion   it  is  cleared  by  macrophages. [102-104]   Ferumoxytol  is
           molecule, ICAM-1. [97]  These apparently discordant   hypointense on MRI T2*-weighted gradient echo
           findings indicate that a more thorough study of the   sequences and hyperintense on T1-weighted spin echo
           cross-talk between these signaling molecules may shed   sequences. It is detected inside blood vessels for ≤ 72 h
           further light onto the biological end-points produced   and begins to clear within 24 h from injection. Its early

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