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remodeling and the development and rupture of IAs.   types to respond to injury, but it also regulates the later
           This approach may provide effective tools to predict   immune response. [18]  The role of these inflammatory
           the individual risk of aneurysmal rupture more reliably   cells in IAs formation is demonstrated by the fact that
           than statistical methodology.                      macrophage depleted mouse displays a lower risk
                                                              of IAs. [19]  Macrophage action on the arterial wall is
           METHODS OF THE REVIEW                              mediated by secretion of cytokines and proteinases.

           The literature review was conducted using Medline   Cytokines are peptides, proteins, and glycoproteins
           and EMBASE searches that included works published   that mediate inflammatory and immune response. [20-22]
           between 1980 and 2014. The terms “IA” and “cerebral   Several cytokines secreted by macrophages have been
           aneurysm” were used as text words and MESH headings   found involved in the pathogenesis of IA especially
           with appropriate subheadings. A further search was   monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), tumor
           performed to link cerebral and IAs and the following key   necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), stromal cells derived
           words: inflammation, hemodynamic(s), remodeling,   factor-1  (SDF-1/CXCL12). MCP-1 is a chemotactic
           macrophages, neutrophils, lymphocytes, complement,   cytokine, also known as chemokine, for monocytes,
           VSMCs, mast cells, cytokines, and inflammatory     lymphocytes, and some granulocytes secreted by
           biomarkers. Textbooks, journal bibliographies, and   macrophages. [23]  Its implication in the development
           conference proceedings were also included. Language   of IAs is demonstrated by a decrease of IAs and
           restrictions were not used.                        arterial wall inflammation in MCP-1 knockout
                                                              mice. [24]  TNF-α is another proinflammatory cytokine
           INFLAMMATION AND INTRACRANIAL                      secreted by macrophages.   [18]  Experimental data
           ANEURYSMS REMODELING                               suggest a critical role of TNF-α in the formation and
                                                              rupture of aneurysms in a murine model of cerebral
           The central nervous system is an immunologically   aneurysm formation induced by hypertension and a
           active environment where a complex set of interactions   single stereotactic injection of elastase into the basal
           links the various constituents of the immune and   cistern. [25]  TNF-α knockout mice and those pre-treated
           inflammatory system with the constituents of nervous   with 3,6’-dithiothalidomide (DTH), a synthesized TNF-α
           tissue and vasculature. [15]  Aneurysm formation begins   inhibitor, had significantly decreased the incidence of
           with a hemodynamically triggered endothelial       aneurysm formation and rupture as compared to sham
           dysfunction where inflammation initiated by nuclear   mice. Protein and mRNA expression of TNF-α in the
           factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B   cerebral vasculature were not significantly different
           cells (NF-κB) activation and imbalance between nitric   in TNF-α knockout mice and in those pre-treated
           oxide (NO) and peroxynitrite anion (ONOO ) in favor   with DTH. However, TNF-α expression was higher in
           of ONOO  seem to hold a key role. [16]  The following   unruptured and the highest in ruptured aneurysms
           mounting inflammatory response implicates several   when compared to other conditions of aneurysms,
           inflammatory cells and mediators and phenotypic    where it co-localized to both smooth muscle cells
           modulation  of  VSMCs  from  a  contractile  to  a   and macrophages. SAH occurred between 7 and
           pro-inflammatory/pro-matrix remodeling phenotype   21 days following aneurysm induction. Initiation of
           with myointimal hyperplasia, inflammation and wall   DTH treatment 6 days after aneurysm induction did
           degeneration.                                      not alter the incidence of aneurysm formation but
                                                              resulted in aneurysmal stabilization and a significant
           Several in vitro and in vivo studies found evidences   decrease in rupture. Therefore, it can be inferred
           that infiltration of inflammatory cells in the arterial   that inhibitors of TNF-α could be beneficial in
           wall initiates aneurysm formation and promotes its   preventing aneurysmal progression and rupture. [25]
           rupture through production of inflammatory cytokines,   TNF-α upregulates the adhesion molecules such as
           adhesion molecules, immunoglobulins, reactive      intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), vascular
           oxygen species (ROS), complement and inflammatory   cell adhesion molecule-1  (VCAM-1) and E-selectin
           cell-induced upregulation of matrix-degrading      in  ECs,  fibroblasts,  and  SMCs. [26]   These  adhesion
           proteinases, among which macrophages, neutrophils,   molecules attract and facilitate migration of leucocytes
           and lymphocytes hold a central role. [17,18]       through the arterial wall, predisposing to atherosclerosis
                                                              and IAs development. [26]  Macrophages secrete also
           Macrophages                                        another  potent chemoattractant  cytokine,  such  as
           Monocytes originally produced in bone marrow enter   SDF-1/CXCL12. [27-29]  Besides promoting angiogenesis by
           circulation and infiltrate endothelium at the site of   recruiting endothelial progenitor cells from the bone
           the hemodynamic injury, where they differentiate into   marrow through a CXCR4 dependent mechanism, [30]
           macrophages. [18]  Macrophage is one of the first cell   SDF-1 is associated with angiogenesis and migration

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