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stages, degeneration of collagen exceeds its synthesis,   located within the medial layer of affected vessels,
           and when accompanied by excessive degradation      and is associated with inflammation. [18]  iNOS activity
           of other extracellular matrix macromolecules such   results in the production of nitric oxide, which is an
           as elastin, ultimately favors AAA rupture. Indeed,   important factor involved in inflammatory reactions
           AAAs exhibit increased local production of enzymes   and the preservation of arterial regulation. iNOS is
           capable of degrading the extracellular matrix proteins   principally expressed in inflammatory cells such as
           collagen and elastin. [7-9]  Oxidative stress and elevation   macrophages, and may impair arterial wall integrity or
           of hemodynamic stress lead to degeneration of elastin   induce apoptosis. The expression of iNOS is facilitated
           or  collagen. The activation of Th1 cytokines via   in the media and adventitia during the early phase of
           interferon gamma and interleukin-6 polymorphism    aneurysm formation. The incidence of experimentally
           is accelerated. [10,11]  The combination of inflammatory   induced cerebral aneurysms in iNOS knockout mice is
           reactions and inherited vascular fragileness, along with   the same as that in control mice, however the aneurysm
           environmental factors like advanced age or smoking,   size is significantly smaller. [19]  This suggests that iNOS
           contributes to the formation and augmentation of   contribute to aneurysmal augmentation by promoting
           AAAs.                                              apoptosis in medial smooth muscle cells. IL-1β is an
                                                              inflammatory cytokine which is activated by cleaved
           MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF CEREBRAL                      caspase 1. IL-1β is also produced in the early phase
           ANEURYSM FORMATION                                 of aneurysm formation, mainly by medial smooth
                                                              muscle cells. In IL-1β knockout mice, the progression
           Multiple inflammatory factors have been identified that   of aneurysm development is significantly impaired. [20]
           play a crucial role in cerebral aneurysm formation. [12]    This means that inflammatory reactions in the arterial
           Inflammatory cells such as macrophages, monocytes,   wall contribute to aneurysm enlargement and that IL-1β
           and T lymphocytes have been found in aneurysm      is a significant mediator of this process.
           walls. [4,13]  The infiltration of leukocytes is related to
           the impairment or elimination of collagen fibers. The   TUMOR NECROSIS FACTOR‑ALPHA
           plasma levels of cytokines, collagenase, and elastase
           are elevated in patients with cerebral aneurysms. [14,15]    Tumor necrosis factor-alpha has been revealed to
           Recently, nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) and tumor   have a close connection with several risk factors that
           necrosis factor-alpha  (TNF-α) have been widely    affect aneurysm formation. Remarkable expression in
           investigated as  potentially key  molecules in the   aneurysm walls of mRNA for TNF-α has been observed
           inflammatory process. NF-κB is a transcription factor   in humans. [21,22]  In addition, therapeutic administration
           that is known to be closely related to inflammation.   of a TNF-α inhibitor significantly reduced aneurysm
           NF-κB is activated in endothelial cells at the site of   formation in rats. [23]  There has been some investigation
           arterial bifurcation in the early stages of aneurysm   into the relationship between TNF-α expression and
           formation, which induces hemodynamic stress.  [16]    aneurysm formation or rupture. Inflammation induced
           This activation is attributable to hemodynamic stress   by expression of TNF-α leads to the degeneration of
           in the affected endothelial cells. It is thought   endothelial cells, the internal elastic lamina, and medial
           that activated NF-κB incites several downstream    smooth muscle. Cerebral  aneurysms  are stabilized
           inflammation-related genes at the transcriptional level.   when the expression of TNF-α is reduced, or expression
           Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) is one   of anti-inflammatory cytokines increases, however
           target of NF-κB and is an indispensable factor for   continuous expression of TNF-α induces aneurysmal
           the migration of macrophages to the lesion site. The   rupture. [24]  TNF-α also increases the permeability of the
           transcription of MCP-1 is controlled by NF-κB at the   aneurysm wall via cytokine cascades and induces the
           cerebral aneurysmal wall. MCP-1 is secreted from the   migration of macrophages or neutrophils to inflamed
           endothelial cell layer in the early stages of aneurysm   endothelial cells. In addition, TNF-α plays a role in
           formation and from all layers of the arterial wall in later   other pathological manifestations such as modulation
           stages. Macrophage infiltration can be suppressed by   of the blood-brain barrier, fluid accumulation, and
           the use of MCP-1 knockout mice or MCP-1 inhibitor,   regulation of intracranial blood flow in aneurysmal
           and leads to inhibition of aneurysm formation. [17]    subarachnoid hemorrhage. [25]  In transgenic mice that
           This evidence highlights the significance of MCP-1   are deficient for TNF-α or TNF receptors, susceptibility
           and macrophage infiltration. Other factors controlled   to nitric oxide is notably increased. [26,27]  In mice with
           by NF-κB are inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS)   congenital TNF-α receptor deficiency, the deleterious
           and interleukin-1 beta  (IL-1β), which are known   effects of oxidative stress are increased by traumatic or
           as apoptosis-inducing factors. An investigation of   ischemic loading, which indicates that stimulation of
           experimentally induced cerebral aneurysms in rats   antioxidant pathways by TNF-α may provide protection
           revealed that apoptosis occurs in smooth muscle cells   against odixative damage. [28]

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