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Topic: The Role of Inflammation in Cerebral Aneurysm

           Inflammation of the cerebral arteries: lifting

           the veil on the pathobiology of intracranial


           Dale Ding
           Department of Neurosurgery, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22908, USA.

           Cerebral aneurysms (CAs) are the most common cause   continue to improve interventional outcomes for CAs,
           of spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage  (SAH).     treatment of unruptured CAs continues to expose
           Despite significant improvements in microsurgical and   patients  to  potential  morbidity  and  mortality. [9,10]
           endovascular aneurysm therapies and in neurocritical   Therefore, a medical therapy that effectively reduces the
           care since the turn of the century, the outcomes after   hemorrhage risk of an unruptured CA with a reasonable
           CA rupture remain dismal. The mortality associated   safety profile may improve the long-term outcomes for
           with aneurysmal SAH is approximately 50%, and of   patients harboring these lesions. Unfortunately, such a
           the survivors, approximately one-third have long-term   therapy does not currently exist, although the efficacies
           neurocognitive deficits and one-half require permanent   of novel and existing pharmacologic agents have been
           assistance. [2,3]  Since post-SAH management outcomes   investigated. [11]
           have seemingly plateaued in the past decade, the ideal
           window for improving overall outcomes in CA patients   A crucial component to the development of an
           is prior to rupture. [4]                           effective drug to stabilize or induce regression of CAs
                                                              is acquiring an understanding of their pathogenesis.
           However, interventions for unruptured CAs are not   Two common pathogenic features shared by CAs and
           without risk, so their risk to benefit profiles must be   extracranial aneurysms are (1) chronic inflammation,
           compared to the natural history of unruptured CAs. [5,6]    with an accompanying increase in the expression of
           Naggara  et  al.  performed a systematic review of   pro-inflammatory cytokines and matrix metalloproteinases,
           endovascular treatment outcomes for unruptured CAs   initiates and exacerbates CA development, and  (2)
           and found a 5% rate of unfavorable outcomes. Similarly,   progressive loss of smooth muscle cells (SMCs) in an
           Kotowski  et  al.  performed a systematic review   artery’s tunica media, which are critical for providing
           of surgical outcomes for unruptured CAs  and       contractility and mechanical stability of the vessel wall.
           reported a 7% rate of unfavorable outcomes. Even   One of the difficulties in evaluating CA pathophysiology
           as advances in neurointerventional techniques and   is the lack of animal models that accurately recapitulate
           endovascular technologies, including newer generation   the human disease. A mouse CA model is advantageous
           flow-diverting stents (i.e. Surpass, flow redirection   over models in other animals, due to the plethora of
           endoluminal device), intermediate coverage         different genetic knockouts that are available in mice.
           stents (i.e. LVIS), aneurysm neck and bifurcation   An increasingly popular mouse CA model was initially
           reconstruction devices (i.e. PulseRider, Barrel, Eclips),   devised by Nuki et al.,  in which CAs are generated by
           and intrasaccular flow disruptors (i.e. WEB, Luna),   a combination of induced systemic hypertension and
                                                              intracranial elastase injection into the basal cisterns. A
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                                                              number of recent studies have used this mouse model to
               Quick Response Code:                           investigate the role of various endogenous factors in CA
                                    Website:                              [13-16]

                                    DOI:                      Inflammation has been shown to be a central contributor
                                    10.4103/2347-8659.153968   to the pathogenesis of CAs. Hasan et al. [17]  showed
                                                              that  ferumoxytol-enhanced  magnetic  resonance

           Corresponding Author: Dr. Dale Ding, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Virginia, P.O. Box 800212, Charlottesville,
           VA 22908, USA. E‑mail:

          Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation | Volume 2 | Issue 2 | April 15, 2015                              49
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