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Case Report

           Multiple autoimmune antibody limbic

           encephalitis: a case in a pregnant woman

           Meha Goyal , Kasey L. Gildersleeve , Stuart L. Tomko , Joseph S. Kass 2,3
           1 Department of Neurology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX 77030, USA.
           2 Department of Neurology, The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, TX 77030, USA.
           3 Department of Neurology, Ben Taub General Hospital, Houston, TX 77030, USA.
                                                   ABSTRA CT

            Autoimmune limbic encephalitis is most commonly associated with antibodies against the N‑methyl‑D‑aspartate receptor (NMDAR),
            among other neuronal cell surface receptors. Here, a case of a pregnant female with limbic encephalitis in the presence of multiple
            additional autoimmune antibodies is described. The patient was a 36‑year‑old female who presented with 4 days of confusion,
            hallucinations, hypersexuality, disinhibition, and pressured speech. The patient’s work‑up detected the presence of anti‑NMDAR
            antibodies, anti‑glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies, and a yet uncharacterized neuronal autoantibody. The patient was also
            found to be pregnant. No evidence of ovarian or other pelvic malignancy was discovered. Symptomatic control was achieved with
            plasma exchange.
            Key words: Autoimmune, encephalitis, glutamic acid decarboxylase, limbic, N‑methyl‑D‑aspartate

           INTRODUCTION                                       been described in association with late-onset cerebellar
                                                              ataxia, epilepsy, palatal tremor, and limbic encephalitis. [4-6]
           Autoimmune limbic encephalitis is most             However, the clinical significance of these antibodies
           commonly associated with antibodies against the    in the context of encephalitis has been questioned
           N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor  (NMDAR).  Several   given the small number of cases reported as well as the
           other autoimmune antibodies have been implicated   frequent co-presence of antibodies against cell surface
           in autoimmune limbic encephalitis, but the existence   antigens (e.g. GABA-BR, AMPAR, and NMDAR). [4-6]
           of several of these antibodies in one patient has rarely   Cases of anti-GAD receptor encephalitis described in
           been described. Autoimmune limbic encephalitis     the literature generally do not follow the clinical pattern
           manifests as sub-acute onset of irritability, short-term   of typical limbic encephalitis. Patients with anti-GAD
           memory loss, depression, sleep disturbances,       receptor encephalitis present with prominent memory loss,
           hallucinations, seizures, and confusion. [1,2]  Anti-NMDAR   medically refractory seizures, and language difficulty.
           encephalitis is the most common form, whereas other   In addition, patients with autoimmune encephalitis can
           antibodies described with this syndrome are directed   also demonstrate seropositivity for other antibodies such
           at  amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic   as anti-nuclear antibody and anti-thyroperoxidase (TPO).
           acid receptor  (AMPAR),  gamma-aminobutyric        Immunomodulatory treatment remains the gold standard
           acid beta receptor  (GABA-BR), leucine-rich glioma   of therapy, with first-line treatments consisting of
           inactivated  (LGI1) gene, and contactin-associated   corticosteroids, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), or
           protein 2.  Anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD)
           antibodies, although most commonly associated with   plasma exchange (PLEX); second-line treatment includes
           autoimmune-mediated Stiff-Person syndrome, have also   cyclophosphamide and rituximab.  Here, we describe
                                                              a case of a pregnant female found to have anti-NMDAR
                                                              encephalitis with the presence of multiple autoimmune
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                                    DOI:                      A 36-year-old female presented with 4 days of confusion,
                                    10.4103/2347-8659.149423  hallucinations,  hypersexuality,  disinhibition,  and
                                                              pressured speech. Initial evaluation showed a thyroid

           Corresponding Author: Dr. Meha Goyal, Baylor College of Medicine, 7575 Kirby Drive 2303, Houston, TX 77030, USA.

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