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Figure  1:  Electrocardiogram  depicts  a  rhythm  strip  recorded  from  leads   Figure  2: Electrocardiogram depicts a rhythm strip recorded from leads
           V1‑V6 (10 s) with three premature ventricular contractures (PVCs). The heart   V1‑V6 (10 s) without premature ventricular contractures (PVCs). The study
           rate was 72 beats/min. The study was performed on April 8, 2009. This EKG   was performed on April 14, 2009 and revealed normal sinus rhythm with the
           was done on the next day after a single IFN‑beta‑1a injection (11 μg SC). Two   heart rate 71 beats/min. This EKG was done 7 days after a single IFN‑beta‑1a
           additional rhythm strips (10 s each) revealed 5 more PVCs (not shown)  injection (11 μg SC). Two additional rhythm strips (10 s each) revealed no PVCs
                                                              as well (not shown)
           after IFN-beta-1a injection. The repeat ECG on April
           14, 2009 revealed normal sinus rhythm [Figure 2].   Although the IFN-alpha subtypes and IFN-beta interact
           The patient was evaluated by a cardiologist. It was   with a common receptor, IFN-alpha receptor (IFNAR),
           concluded that cardiac arrhythmia with PVCs was    which comprises high-affinity  (IFNAR2) and
           secondary to IFN-beta-1a treatment. The patient was   low-affinity (IFNAR1) components, they nevertheless
           switched to another  (non-IFN-based) DMT for MS    exhibit functional differences. [10]  One may suggest
           and has had no cardiac symptoms in the subsequent   that difference in ligand-receptor affinity is one of
           5 years.                                           the possible explanations for these variations. Even
                                                              within the IFN-alpha species, individual subtypes
           DISCUSSION                                         may differ by over  10,000 fold in their biological
                                                              activity. [11]  Recently, it was shown that IFN-beta binds
           We describe cardiac  arrhythmia with  PVCs  in  a   to IFNAR1 independently of IFNAR2. [12]  Therefore, it is
           22-year-old MS patient who received her first dose of   not surprising that the induction of cardiac arrhythmia
           IFN-beta-1a. The medication had been in her system   may be less frequent in IFN-beta-treated compared with
           for 3 h by the time the patient started experiencing   IFN-alpha-treated patients. However, more studies need
           palpitations, and it took 4 days for symptoms to resolve.   to be done to understand the cause and prevalence
           The pharmacokinetics of Rebif  (IFN-beta-1a) in people   of cardiac arrhythmia  symptoms in IFN-beta-  and
           with MS has not been evaluated. In healthy volunteer   IFN-alpha-treated patients. Nevertheless, as IFN-beta is
           subjects,  a  single  subcutaneous injection  of  60 μg   one of the most prescribed DMT for MS, the knowledge
           of Rebif , resulted in a peak serum concentration of   about this adverse effect is deemed to be important for
           IFN-beta in approximately 16 h. The mean serum     neurologists treating MS patients.
           elimination half-life was 69 h.  There were no previously
           described cases of early onset cardiac arrhythmia in   ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
           IFN-beta-treated patients. Kastalli et al. reported a case
           of cardiac arrhythmia in a 35-year-old MS patient who   We would like to thank Joan Moore for technical support.
           was diagnosed with complete left bundle branch block
           after 5 years of IFN-beta-1a treatment.  In contrast to   REFERENCES
           IFN-beta, other Type I IFNs such as IFN-alpha subtypes
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