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Case Report

           Cardiac arrhythmia with premature ventricular

           contractures induced by interferon beta in a

           patient with multiple sclerosis

           Igor Sobol , Marina Sobol , Konstantin E. Balashov 2
           1 Department of Neurology, John F. Kennedy Medical Center, Edison, NJ 08818, USA.
           2 Department of Neurology, Rutgers‑Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, USA.

                                                   ABSTRA CT

            Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an immune‑mediated inflammatory and neurodegenerative disease of the central nervous system.
            Interferon (IFN) beta is an active ingredient of five out of twelve disease modifying treatments approved for MS. We report a case of
            IFN‑beta‑induced cardiac arrhythmia with premature ventricular contractures in a patient recently diagnosed with MS.

            Key words: Cardiac arrhythmia, interferon beta, multiple sclerosis

           INTRODUCTION                                       In June 2008, the patient developed vertigo, dysarthria,
                                                              ataxia in the right hand and right hemiparesis. Her
           Multiple sclerosis  (MS) is an immune-mediated     brain magnetic resonance imaging  (MRI) revealed
           inflammatory and neurodegenerative disease of the   numerous ovoid lesions adjacent to lateral ventricles
           central nervous system. [1,2]  There is no cure for MS.   and a T2 hyperintense lesion adjacent to the fourth
           Most MS patients are being treated with disease    ventricle involving the right middle cerebellar
           modifying treatments  (DMTs). Selected DMTs can    peduncle. Several of these white matter lesions were
           cause cardiovascular adverse events in MS patients.   contrast-enhancing. On her cervical and thoracic spine
           Due to a risk for bradyarrhythmia and atrioventricular   MRI, there were two separate contrast-enhancing
           blocks, patients should be monitored during fingolimod   lesions at C4 and C5-C6 level on the right side. The
           treatment initiation.  Interferon (IFN) beta is an active   patient improved symptomatically after a course
           ingredient of five out of twelve DMTs approved for   of intravenous steroids and was diagnosed with
           relapsing-remitting form of MS. We are reporting a   clinically definite relapsing-remitting MS in 2008
           case of IFN-beta-1a-induced cardiac arrhythmia with   based on McDonalds criteria.  She was initially
           premature ventricular contractures (PVCs) in a patient   started on Glatiramer acetate (20 mg subcutaneously
           recently diagnosed with MS.                        daily) in August 2008. However, she had experienced
                                                              two MS exacerbations (left optic neuritis and myelitis)
           CASE REPORT                                        within 7 months after starting this medication. MRI
                                                              done in March 2009 revealed new contrast-enhancing
           The patient is a 22-year-old female without any previous   lesions in the cervical spine. Therefore, Glatiramer
           history of cardiac disease. In 2002, she developed her   acetate was discontinued on March 19, 2009 due
           first neurological episode of decreased sensation in   to the lack of clinical efficacy. She did not take any
           the right upper and lower extremities. The symptoms   medication between March 19 and April 7. The
           subsided after a 5-day course of intravenous steroids.   patient agreed to try IFN-beta-1a 3  times a week
                                                              and received her first subcutaneous injection of
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                                                              medication (11 μg, or 25% of the full dose) on April
               Quick Response Code:                           7, 2009. Three hours after injection, she started to
                                    Website:                  feel irregular heartbeats. An electrocardiogram (ECG)
                                                              performed on April 8, 2009 revealed PVCs with the
                                    DOI:                      heart rate 72 beats/min  [Figure  1]. IFN-beta was
                                    10.4103/2347-8659.149422  discontinued. The patient was followed clinically; her
                                                              symptoms of irregular heartbeats disappeared in 4 days

           Corresponding Author: Dr. Konstantin E. Balashov, Department of Neurology, Rutgers‑Robert Wood Johnson Medical School,
           125 Paterson Street, Rm 6200, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, USA. E‑mail:

          Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation | Volume 2 | Issue 1 | January 15, 2015                            43
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