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stimulating hormone level of < 0.01, free thyroid   recommended. Prior to initiation of Rituximab, a urine
           hormone level  (T4) of 3.53 positive anti-TPO and   pregnancy test (UPT) was repeated on day 36 and found
           thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin, suggesting     to be positive (admission UPT had been negative).
           hyperthyroidism-induced psychosis. Methimazole     Subsequent plasma human chorionic gonadotropin test
           treatment  resulted  in  a  euthyroid  state,  but  no   was positive and transvaginal ultrasound confirmed a
           symptomatic improvement. On day 4, brain magnetic   viable fetus.
           resonance image (MRI) showed no acute intracranial
           process. Due to concerns that the MRI was performed   On discovery of a viable fetus, all teratogenic medications
           too early to detect changes, it was repeated 1-month after   were discontinued, folate supplements were started,
           presentation. This second scan was also unremarkable.   and the plan for rituximab therapy was abandoned.
           The patient’s electroencephalogram showed no       At this time, the patient’s psychosis and agitation were
           epileptiform activity during sleep or wakefulness.  more controlled. She seemed to exhibit more restraint
                                                              due to knowledge of her pregnancy and her care for
           Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis on day 8 yielded   the child’s health. Thus, she tolerated the central line
           lymphocytic pleocytosis  (white blood cell  (WBC)   well. After extensive discussions with the patient,
           count of 44 with 95% lymphocytes) with negative    family, and consulting services, the patient underwent
           bacterial cultures, fungal cultures, and viral polymerase   seven cycles of PLEX over 2 weeks (days: 44-58), with
           chain reactions. A 3 days course of IV steroids for   a resolution of psychosis and bizarre behavior. During
           inflammatory encephalitis yielded no symptomatic   this time, additional CSF and serum analyses came back
           improvement. On day 17, repeat CSF studies showed   positive for anti-GAD antibody (titers unavailable), and
           persistent pleocytosis  (WBC count of 44 with 3%   a yet unidentified neuronal autoantibody found in CSF
           lymphocytes). A second trial of IV steroids for 7 days   only; no other antibodies were identified (e.g. AMPAR,
           followed by oral steroid taper again failed to achieve   GABA-BR). Clinically, the patient did not demonstrate
           symptomatic improvement. CSF and serum samples     sequelae of Stiff-Person syndrome. The patient was
           were sent to two laboratories for further testing,   largely asymptomatic by day 58 and discharged home
           specifically for neuronal cell surface antigens and   on prenatal vitamins, folate, and levothyroxine. At
           synaptic proteins such as NMDAR, AMPAR, GABA-BR,   4-month follow-up, the patient was symptom-free and
           and autoantigens. One laboratory, the Josep Dalmau   found to have subclinical hyperthyroidism.
           laboratory, uses recombinant technology, while the
           other, the ARUP laboratory at the University of Utah,   DISCUSSION
           uses immunofluorescence to identify antibodies. On
           day 24, the initial CSF samples returned positive for   Three cases of anti-NMDAR encephalitis in pregnant
           anti-NMDAR antibody  (titer 1:5). The patient was   women have been described in the literature,  but
           thus diagnosed with anti-NMDAR encephalitis; no    to the best of our knowledge, this is the first with
           anti-NMDAR antibodies were detected in the serum.   multiple autoimmune antibodies present. Our patient
           Scans for malignancy with whole body computed      demonstrated two distinct antibodies, anti-NMDAR and
           tomography images uncovered a thickened uterine    anti-GAD, as well as another neuronal autoantibody that
           endometrium but no evidence of ovarian masses; this   has not yet been characterized. Both the anti-NMDAR
           finding was confirmed by transvaginal ultrasound. The   and anti-GAD antibodies have been described in
           patient repeatedly refused a pelvic MRI.           association  with  autoimmune  limbic  encephalitis,
                                                              though our patient’s titer of anti-NMDAR antibody (1:5)
           For the management of her neuropsychiatric         was significantly lower than previously described
           symptoms, the patient received olanzapine, valproate,   cases  (>  1:80).   It  is  unclear  whether  one  of the
           and haloperidol for psychosis control and mood     antibodies was the dominant cause of encephalitis
           stabilization. However, as she developed significant   or if the three worked synergistically. Our patient
           Parkinsonian features (hypertonicity, mask-like facies,   was atypical for anti-NMDAR encephalitis in that
           tremor), haloperidol was discontinued, and benztropine   she had less severe symptoms and never progressed
           and diphenhydramine were added with subsequent     to autonomic instability or central hypoventilation.
           resolution of Parkinsonism.                        Although she likely experienced a few seizures, she
                                                              never experienced the typical movement disorders of
           As the patient failed repeated steroid treatments,   anti-NMDAR encephalitis. Her disease also manifested
           alternate treatments were considered. While IVIG or   much earlier in the pregnancy (5 weeks of gestation)
           PLEX would be first-line treatments for anti-NMDAR   compared with previous gravid patients who presented
           encephalitis, there was concern that the patient would   at 8, 14, or 17 weeks of gestation.  She responded well
           not tolerate an indwelling central line given her agitation,   to PLEX, with significant symptomatic improvement
           mania, and psychosis. Thus, Rituximab therapy was   by the fifth cycle. She was also atypical for anti-GAD

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