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The Nkx and Sox families also play roles in        to  attack  myelin,  demyelinated  axons,  and  dying
           oligodendrogenesis, even though they are not critical.    motoneurons through the activation of the perforin
           Ablation of Nkx6.1/Nkx6.2 blocks the production    pathway, the delivery of granzymes into the cells,
           of  both  oligodendrocytes  and  motoneurons  in  the   or by Fas‑Fas ligand interactions. [86]  Additionally, B
           pMN. [70,71]   Additionally,  Sox9  knockout  mice  show   lymphocytes produce autoantibodies against myelin
           deficits in glial specification, presenting a reduced   antigens, degrading myelin sheath. Because infiltrating
           number of oligodendrocytes and astrocytes.   [72]    effector T cells, microglia and macrophages release
           Furthermore, if there is a Sox8/Sox9 double inactivation,   cytokines  and  chemokines,  inflammation will  be
           no oligodendrocytes are produced, which suggest that   exacerbated and consequently more T cells, B cells,
           Sox8 and Sox9 serve redundant functions in relation   and innate immune cells will be recruited to the lesion
           to oligodendrogenesis. [72]                        site, contributing to chronic neuroinflammation, and
                                                              neurodegeneration [Figure 3]. [87]
           In the last few years, epigenetic modulation of
           oligodendrogenesis has been gaining some importance,   Neuroinflammatory responses can be deleterious
           namely regarding the modulation by microRNA and    for cell survival, resulting in irreversible extensive
           histone  modifications.  One  of  the  most  described   damage to the brain, especially if they are prolonged
           microRNA in oligodendrogenesis is miRNA‑7a. This   in time. [88]  However, they have also been described
           miRNA is highly enriched in OPCs and overexpressing   as having beneficial effects and as being critical for
           it in neuronal progenitors during brain development   the  activation  of  the  brain  repair  process, such  as
           promotes OPC commitment, both in vivo and in vitro. [73]    for the remyelination program. As a result of white
           In contrast, blocking miRNA‑7a function inhibits OPC   matter damage, there is an accumulation of apoptotic
           generation and favors neuronal progenitors. [73]   cells and myelin debris in the lesion site, which
                                                              have been demonstrated to be inhibitory to axonal
           Histone modifications can also be important for    regeneration, as well as affecting OPC differentiation
           oligodendrogenesis. For instance, it has been      into mature myelinating oligodendrocytes. However,
           shown that oligodendrocyte production from NSCs,   through phagocytosis of cellular debris and apoptotic
           instead of other cellular fates, depends on histone   cells, microglia and brain infiltrating macrophages
           deacetylases (Hdac) activity. [85]  Similarly, a study using   function toward repairing the damaged tissue, by
           Enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (Ezh2), a polycomb group   promoting a pro‑regenerative environment, promoting
           protein involved in gene silencing through histone   OPC recruitment and differentiation, thus favoring
           methylation, provided evidence that a higher rate of   remyelinaton and axonal regeneration. [29,89‑91]  For
           histone methylation (via Ezh2 overexpression) leads to   instance, ROS hydrogen peroxide (H O ), released by
           an increase in oligodendrocyte production [Table 1]. [74]  macrophages and microglia, destroys damaged cells,
                                                              affecting not only healthy surrounding cells, but also
           IMMUNE MEDIATORS OF OLIGODENDROGENESIS             promoting proliferation and differentiation of NSCs
                                                              into oligodendrocytes. [92]  Astrocytes have also been
           When white matter is damaged as a result of an     described to have an important, yet controversial, role
           infection, a trauma or a neurodegenerative disease   in demyelinating diseases. Astrocytes have been shown
           such as MS or vascular dementia, microglia, the    to have an important role in both demyelination and
           brain’s innate immune cells, are activated. Microglia   remyelination. [93‑95]  On the one hand, because astrocytes
           removes infectious agents and apoptotic cells, through   are antigen‑presenting cells and release cytokines and
           phagocytosis and by producing reactive oxygen      chemokines, they contribute to myelin damage through
           species (ROS), TNF‑α, nitric oxide (NO), IL‑1β, and   an immune‑mediated demyelination by recruiting
           prostaglandin E2. [86]  When microglia are chronically   inflammatory cells, such as T lymphocytes, microglia,
           activated, sustained release of inflammatory       and macrophages to the lesion site. [95]  On the other
           factors, cytokines, and chemokines compromises     hand, astrocytes are described as being responsible for
           the blood‑brain barrier (BBB), resulting in vascular   a successful remyelination through the regulation of the
           permeability to blood and circulating immune cells,   clearance of myelin debris [94]  and oligodendrogenesis
           such as T and B lymphocytes and macrophages, as    in  the  lesion  site  [Table  2]. [93]   Astrocytes promote
           well as recruitment of these peripheral immune cells   OPC migration, proliferation, and differentiation after
           to the lesion site. [87]  By recognizing their specific   demyelination by secreting several factors, which
           autoantigen presented by MHC class II molecules on   have an impact on myelin repair. [93]  In fact, several
           the surface of antigen presenting cells, CD4  T cells   cytokines  and  chemokines  produced  by  microglia,
           are activated and attack the myelin sheath. [87]  Antigens   macrophages,  and  astrocytes  in  response  to  brain
           on MHC class I molecules also activate CD8  T cells   injury have been described as having an essential

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