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matrix elements while the internal stimuli important for   second trimester of gestation and spans into birth
           oligodendrocyte formation are transcription factors and   and adulthood. [14,15]  Specifically, at 9 gestation weeks,
           epigenetic regulators. Therefore, studying modulators   early OPCs (NG2 and PDGFRα positive) arise from
           capable  of  stimulating  OPCs  are  of  paramount   the ganglionic eminence and migrate to the cortex
           importance and fundamental for future therapies    in the following weeks. Late OPCs, which show
           concerning inflammatory and neurodegenerative      O4 immunoreactivity, are first detected in a small
           disorders in which myelin sheaths are affected.    percentage at 15 gestation weeks, gaining more density
                                                              in midgestation (c. 20‑22 gestation weeks), especially
           OLIGODENDROGENESIS FROM OPCs DURING                in the subplate layer directly under the cortical plate.
           DEVELOPMENT AND IN THE ADULT BRAIN                 Finally, myelin basic protein‑positive oligodendrocytes
           PARENCHYMA                                         are rare at midgestation but show a steady population
                                                              growth from that point on. Indeed, the first myelin
           During CNS development, and also throughout        sheaths can be found around 18 gestation weeks in
           adulthood, oligodendrogenesis is derived from OPCs.   the thalamus, spreading to the internal capsule at
           OPCs are a subtype of glial cell, characterized by the   21 gestation weeks. [15]
           expression of the platelet‑derived growth factor receptor
           α (PDGFRα), and the neuron‑glial antigen 2 (NG2)   Given  the  nature  of  oligodendrocyte  production,
           proteoglycan [Figure 1].  Other known markers for these   one question arises: are the OPCs involved in these
           cells are the O4 antigen and the transcription factors   different phases functionally equivalent? There is
           Olig1, Olig2, and Nkx 2.2.  It should be noted that, these   evidence that each phase of OPC production can
           markers can be expressed in other cells, a combination   lead to the myelination of distinct brain regions, [16]
           of markers should be used to unambiguously identify   suggesting the existence of functionally different
           OPCs.  In the adult brain, OPCs comprise 3‑8% of   subpopulations of OPCs that serve separate functions.
           the total number of cells  and are prevalent in the   In fact, a study conducted in mice targeted differentially
           hippocampus and in all layers of the neocortex. [9]  ventrally‑derived OPCs (vOPCs) and dorsally‑derived
                                                              OPCs (dOPCs), as well as the oligodendrocytes generated
           In the developing forebrain of mice, the entire    by each class of OPCs (vOLs and dOLs respectively).
           oligodendrocyte population is generated from three   This study shows that while vOPCs and dOPCs appear
           phases of OPC proliferation and migration. The first   to have the same electrical properties, their migration
           phase  occurs  at  embryonic  day  12.5  (E12.5)  and   and settling patterns are significantly different, to the
           consists of a “wave” of OPC production, originated   point that vOLs and dOLs populate different forebrain
           from ventral ganglionic eminences. [10,11]  At E15.5, the   and spinal cord regions at different timepoints during
           second phase takes place, emerging from the lateral   development (for example, while in adulthood the
           and caudal ganglionic eminences. [12]  Finally, the third   corticospinal and rubrospinal tracts are myelinated
           phase happens after birth, with origin in the cortex. [12]    by dOLs; during early postnatal life, these regions are
           These three phases are responsible for the generation   actually myelinated by vOLs). [16]  On the other hand, it
           of most adult oligodendrocytes in mice, which will   has been shown that, if one of these subpopulations
           migrate and populate most of the future brain. [1]  is eliminated, neighboring OPCs of different origins
                                                              rapidly migrate and proliferate to generate the regular
           In human CNS development, oligodendrocyte          number of oligodendrocytes in the mature brain, [12]
           differentiation and maturation follow similar paths   which could imply that the subpopulations of OPCs
           to rodents. [13]  This process has its beginning in the   are functionally equivalent.

           Figure 1: Diagram of the oligodendrocytic lineage progression: from early oligodendrocyte precursor cell to functioning mature myelinating oligodendrocyte

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