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produce OPCs, which migrate radially out of the SVZ into   oligodendrocytes, contributing to the remyelination
           the surrounding cortex and white matter [Figure 2]. [5,38,39]  process [Figure 3]. [4,5,41,42]

           It should be noted that one NSC can generate either   The generation of new oligodendrocytes from the
           oligodendrocytes or neurons exclusively [13]  and that   SVZ is possible because adult NSCs, from which
           the  number  of  oligodendrocytes  produced  by  the   OPCs are derived, are embedded in the specialized
           SVZ NSC pool is significantly inferior to the number   and  diverse  microenvironments  of  the  SVZ  niche,
           of olfactory interneurons.  The relative quantity of   which  is  responsible  for  regulating  NSCs  and
           oligodendrocytes and neurons is area dependent:    their progenies’ self‑renewal and differentiation
           while in the posterior zone of the SVZ, the ratio is one   by receiving information from the brain and other
           oligodendrocyte to three neurons; in the rostral zone,   tissues. [43‑45]
           this ratio is 1:30.  The ratio also changes dorsoventrally,
           due to environmental cues. The dorsal part of the SVZ   The first specialized microenvironment is the apical
           is Wnt enriched, which favors OPC commitment. [13]    ependymal compartment where slow‑dividing type B
           On the other hand, the ventral part is more exposed   cells  are  in  direct  contact  with  the  cerebrospinal
           to bone morphogenic proteins (BMP), which inhibits   fluid  (CSF) present in the space of the lateral
           OPC specification. [40]                            ventricles, through a specialized apical process
                                                              surrounded by ependymal cells.  [43,44,46]  The adult
           Contrary to the parenchymal OPCs, SVZ‑derived      choroid plexus  (CP) expresses and secretes to the
           OPCs, although a minority in the brain, can        CSF not only numerous trophic factors but also
           migrate long distances into the corpus callosum,   cytokines, which can influence the behavior of SVZ
           striatum, and fimbria fornix, where they continue   progenitor cells, modulating the self‑renewal capacity,
           to divide or differentiate into mature myelinating   proliferation, and differentiation  [Figure  2]. [43,44]
           and nonmyelinating oligodendrocytes.  Adult SVZ    Interleukin‑1β (IL‑1β)  is one of the cytokines that
           progenitor cells mostly generate neuronal lineage   are secreted and regulated by CP, which acts on
           cells  and  only  a  few  oligodendrocytes;  however,   type  B cells through binding to IL‑1 receptors to
           progenitor cells show  some  lineage plasticity  in   up‑regulate  vascular  cell  adhesion  molecule  1
           pathological conditions. In a demyelination context,   expression, modulating type  B cells adherence to
           OPC production in SVZ is favored to the detriment of   the SVZ niche. Insulin‑like growth factor 2 (IGF‑2)
           neuronal precursor cells. These OPCs then migrate   is also present in the adult CSF and regulates SVZ
           to the affected areas, where they differentiate into   progenitor proliferation. [44]  Moreover, CP also secretes
                                                              guidance molecules, such as chemorepulsive factors
                                                              and chemoattractants, which regulate SVZ NSCs
                                                              and their progenies’ migration. [42]  CP changes its
                                                              secretome under pathological conditions, leading to
                                                              a different CSF cellular and molecular composition
                                                              that will then influence the SVZ niche population.
                                                              For example, during peripheral tissue inflammation,
                                                              inflammatory information from the blood can have
                                                              an impact in the CNS. [47,48]  Peripheral inflammation
                                                              elicits the up‑regulation of cytokines, adhesion
                                                              factors, and signaling pathway genes, such as tumor
                                                              necrosis factor‑α (TNF‑α), IL‑1β, and small inducible
                                                              cytokine A2 transcripts that are under the regulation
                                                              of  the  NF‑kB  cascade,  in  the  CP. [47]   Then  the  CP,
                                                              through changes in CSF composition, will affect the
                                                              SVZ niche population.

                                                              The second SVZ niche component is the basal
                                                              vasculature, composed of blood vessels and a basal
           Figure 2: Schematic representation of the adult subventricular zone (SVZ)   lamina rich in laminin. [42]  Here, type B cells have a long
           neurogenic niche. SVZ lines the lateral ventricles and is comprised of three main   specialized basal process through which they interact
           cell types: the multipotent type B cells that give rise to type C cells (fast dividing
           transient amplifying cells) that generate type A neuroblasts. Type B cells interact   with blood vessels, and fast‑dividing/transit‑amplifying
           basally with blood vessels and apically with the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The   type C cells are also in very close proximity to blood
           composition of the CSF is modified by the choroid plexus, a thin vascularized   vessels. [43‑46]  Endothelial cells secrete several diffusible
           membrane mainly composed by epithelial cells, which secretes several cytokines
           and trophic factors to the CSF                     signals, such as fibroblast growth factor‑2  (FGF2),

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