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By changing the composition of CSF or the blood stream,   Table 1: Main modulators of oligodendrogenesis in the
           it would be possible to modulate proliferation and or   adult brain
           differentiation of SVZ progenitors with an impact on   Signal         Effect
           demyelinating diseases; however, these modifications   Extrinsic
           should be tightly regulated to maintain brain homeostasis.  Morphogens
                                                                Wnt [62]         Stimulates NSC proliferation/self-renewal
                                                                Notch [63,64]    Required for NSC proliferation,
           MODULATORS OF OLIGODENDROGENESIS                                      maintenance
                                                                Shh [65]         Required for NSC maintenance and
           Extrinsic factors                                        [58]         OPC production
           The extrinsic factors include morphogens, growth     SIRT1            Inhibits oligodendrogenesis
                                                                                 Inhibits oligodendrogenesis
           factors, and signaling molecules delivered through   Growth factors
           blood vessels or associated with the extracellular   EGF [67]         Stimulates OPC proliferation and
           matrix. For instance, during the development of both   FGF‑2 [68]     migration
                                                                                 Induces progenitor cell proliferation
           the brain and spinal cord, the relative levels of Sonic   IGF‑1 [61]  Stimulates oligodendrocyte differentiation
           hedgehog (Shh), BMP, and Wnt/β‑catenin have been     PDGF [58]        Induces OPC proliferation and
           shown to play roles in oligodendrocyte determination.    Extracellular matrix   differentiation
           The motoneuron domain (pMN) is a restricted domain   elements
           of the ventral ventricular zone of the embryonic     Laminin [56]     Promotes OPC generation
           spinal cord, and in mice, cells in this domain express   Intrinsic
                                                               Transcription factors
           the transcription factors Olig1 and Olig2. [50]  In this   ASCL1 [69]  Favors oligodendrocyte fate
           zone, Olig2 expression is crucial for the production   Nkx6.1/6.2 [70,71]  Required for oligodendrocyte and
           of motoneurons and oligodendrocytes. In order for    Sox8/9 [72]      motoneuron production in the pMN
                                                                                 Promotes glial specification
           this transcription factor to induce oligodendrogenic   Epigenetic markers
           cell fate instead of neuronal differentiation, a switch   miRNA-7a [73]  [74]  Promotes OPC commitment
           must occur.  As seen in both mice and zebrafish, this   Histone methylation [75]  Favors OPC production
                                                                                 Inhibits OPC differentiation
                                                                Histone acetylation
           switch is highly dependent on the level of Shh in the   NSC: neural stem cell; OPC: oligodendrocyte precursor cell; pMN: progenitors
           environment  and on the Notch/delta pathway, which   of motor neurons; Shh: sonic hedgehog; BMP: bone morphogenic protein;
           restricts the production of motoneurons, thus allowing   EGF: epidermal growth factor; FGF‑2: fibroblast growth factor‑2; IGF‑1: insulin‑like
                                                              growth factor‑1; PDGF: platelet‑derived growth factor; ASCL1: achaete‑scute
           oligodendrocyte determination.  On the other hand,   homolog 1
           this switch is repressed if high level of BMPs and Wnt
           are locally present.  It has also been shown that, during   regulators. The main transcription factor involved in
           brain development, Shh promotes the generation of   oligodendrocyte determination is Olig2. This basic
           ventrally derived OPCs, [11]  while Wnt/β‑catenin and   helix‑loop‑helix (bHLH) factor is induced by Shh   and
           BMPs inhibit it. Curiously, in the adult brain, there is an   expressed in every stage of oligodendrocyte maturation,
           apparent contradiction since Wnt3 (from the Wnt family)   from OPC to myelinating oligodendrocyte.  In the
           promotes oligodendrocyte specification in the SVZ. [13]  majority of the CNS, inactivation of Olig2 during
                                                              development leads to a reduction in OPCs. [76‑78]  In
           Other extrinsic factors modulate oligodendrogenesis   contrast, overexpression of Olig2 in neuroepithelium
           in the adult SVZ. Evidence shows that both factors   leads to enhanced OPC production in the CNS. [79]
           secreted by blood vessels and factors connected to   Furthermore,  the  presence  of  Olig2  is  sufficient  to
           the extracellular matrix are capable of favoring OPC   reprogram rat and mouse fibroblasts into induced
           commitment. [13,54,55]  One of these factors is laminin, an   OPCs. [80,81]   Although  this  factor  is  crucial  to
           element of the extracellular matrix. A study in mice   oligodendrocyte differentiation, Olig2 knockout mice
           shows that the elimination of laminin  α2‑subunit   are still able to produce some OPCs in the hindbrain,
           leads to a reduction of the OPC population in the   possibly through Olig1 compensation. [76]
           SVZ. [56]  Other trophic factors, such as PDGF [57,58]
           and epidermal growth factor  (EGF), [59,60]  contribute   Another important transcription factor is Achaete‑scute
           indirectly to oligodendrocyte lineage determination,   homolog 1 (Ascl1 or Mash1), which is also a bHLH
           through promoting OPC proliferation and            factor.  During development, absence of Ascl1 leads
           maturation. Additionally, IGF‑1 also contributes to   to a reduction of OPC production in the brain and
           oligodendrogenesis by blocking BMP signaling, both   spinal cord. [82,83]  However, this reduction can be
           in vivo and in vitro [Table 1]. [61]               compensated to normal values by Ascl2 and 3. [83]  After
                                                              birth, Ascl1 is only expressed in C cells and OPCs in
           Intrinsic factors                                  the SVZ [69]  and similarly to what happens during CNS
           The intrinsic factors that modulate oligodendrogenesis   development, elimination of this transcription factor
           include transcription factors and epigenetic       leads to decreased OPC generation. [69]

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