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After CNS development, a small fraction of OPCs    matter OPCs. What is the role of OPCs in gray matter
           remains undifferentiated, in an immature slowly    remains a question to be explored.
           proliferative or quiescent state. [17]  These adult OPCs
           are morphologically equivalent and express the same   In response to a demyelinating insult, the remyelitation
           markers as the OPCs present during development. [18]    process is activated. New myelinating oligodendrocytes
           However, they differ from the developing OPCs in   are mainly generated from early postnatal‑derived OPCs
           growth factor responsiveness, migration capacity, and   that are present in the brain parenchyma.  In a first
           cell cycle length. [19‑21]  Their cell density, although   phase, quiescent or slow‑dividing OPCs are recruited
           stable throughout adult life, is higher in white matter   to the damaged areas OPCs start to proliferate, migrate,
           than in gray matter. [22,23]  Indeed, it has been shown   and populate the demyelinated area. In a second phase,
           that adult OPCs present a higher rate of proliferation   the recruited OPCs start to differentiate into mature
           in  white  matter,  which  is  a  possible  explanation   oligodendrocytes as they form myelin sheaths around
           for the difference in cell density. [22]  It is possible to   demyelinated  axons. [29]   Oligodendrocytes  derived
           further divide white matter OPCs and gray matter   from  parenchymal  OPCs  are  only  able  to  migrate
           OPCs by their characteristics. While white matter   short distances, just populating damaged areas in the
           OPCs are proliferative and eventually lead to adult   proximity of their progenitor cells. [5]
           oligodendrogenesis, gray matter OPCs remain quiescent
           and immature. [22]                                 OLIGODENDROGENESIS DERIVED  FROM
                                                              ADULT SUBVENTRICULAR ZONE NEURAL STEM
           Given these findings, could adult OPCs be a        CELLS
           heterogeneous population, possibly with several
           distinct functions? Some studies show that the different   After birth, OPCs can be produced by adult neural stem
           characteristics observed in adult OPCs can be the   cells (NSC), which are self‑renewing, multipotent cells
           result of environmental signals. Specifically, gray   that generate most of the cells of the nervous system, such
           matter environment is described as an inhibitor of OPC   as neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes.  These
           proliferation and differentiation while white matter   NSCs can divide in three different ways: symmetrically,
           environment seems to favor OPC maturation. [17,22,23]    originating in two new NSCs (expansion, symmetrical
           These differences may be linked to intrinsic cell   self‑renewal); asymmetrically, originating one NSC and
           mechanisms or to environmental cues. While there   one differentiated cell (maintenance, asymmetrical
           seem to be differences in the local microenvironment   self‑renewal); or symmetrically, originating two
           surrounding OPCs in white and gray matter, the     differentiated cells (extinction, symmetrical commitment).
           different characteristics of white matter and gray   Depending on the activation of specific  signaling
           matter OPCs can also be explained by intrinsic     pathways and the presence of differentiation‑inducing
           mechanisms,  such  as  receptor  desensitization.  For   molecules, NSCs are capable of differentiating into cells of
           instance, it is known that, in the developing spinal   neuronal (neurogenesis) and glial (gliogenesis) lineages,
           cord, PDGF‑A mRNA has higher expression in the     particularly oligodendrocytes (oligodendrogenesis). [31]
           gray matter, [24]  which can lead to desensitization of
           the receptor (PDGFRα) and prolonged impairment of   Neural stem cells exist in discrete regions of the
           gray matter OPCs maturation. [25]  However, there are   adult  mammalian  brain  where  neurogenesis  and
           indeed molecular differences between white matter   oligodendrogenesis are highly regulated. [32]  The brain
           OPCs and gray matter OPCs, namely in the resting   regions where these processes take place, that is
           membrane potential and ion channels expression. [26,27]    where the NSC pools can be encountered, are called
           Concerning the ion channels, two subpopulations    neurogenic niches. In adulthood, there are two main
           of adult OPCs have been described: one completely   neurogenic niches in the brain: the SVZ of the lateral
           devoid of voltage‑gated Na  channels, and another with   ventricles, and the subgranular zone of the dentate
           functional channels, able to react to action potentials.   gyrus (DG) of the hippocampus. [33]
           Consequently, this second subtype can sense neuronal
           activity through axonal input and is more sensitive to   In the SVZ, the NSC pool comprises type B cells, which
           ischemia. [26]  Another study corroborating the existence   are quiescent NSCs that originate type C cells, which are
           of functionally different subtypes shows that white   fast dividing transient amplifying cells.  Most of these
           matter OPCs can generate myelinating oligodendrocytes   C cells will then differentiate into neuroblasts (type A
           even if they are transplanted into other brain regions.   cells), migrate along the rostral migratory stream  to
           Gray matter OPCs, in contrast, remain less efficient   the olfactory bulb, and terminally differentiate into
           even if transplanted into white matter. [28]  Therefore,   interneurons. [36,37]  SVZ‑derived oligodendrogenesis
           it seems that white matter OPCs are more prepared to   originates from a minority of C cells that do not follow
           generate new myelinating oligodendrocytes than gray   the previously explained cellular fate. Instead, they

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