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Table 1: Contd...
           Study   Origin         Source       Population       Measure(s)       Results         Observations
           Weis    USA (Bethesda,   Stanley    15 bipolar, 15   Immunohistochemistry  In the bipolar   This is a very
           et al. [27]  Md), Austria (Linz,  Neuropathology  schizophrenia,   to detect PrP ‑positive   group, neuroleptics  indirect measure of
                   Oberösterreich)   Consortium   15 major      cells in the cingulate   decreased the   neuroinflammation,
                   and Switzerland   Collection  depression, and   gyrus         numerical density   pointing to the
                   (University of              15 nonpsychiatric                 of PrP ‑positive   possibility that
                   Zürich)                     controls                          neurons and     drug treatment has
                                                                                 increased that of   something to do
                                                                                 PrP ‑positive white  with it. Causes of
                                                                                 matter microglia  death not provided
           Rao     USA (NIH,      Harvard      10 bipolar, 10   Western blot, total   Higher protein   Excitotoxic
           et al. [28]  Bethesda, Md and  Brain Tissue   nonpsychiatric   RNA isolation‑real   and mRNA levels   markers were also
                   North Carolina)  Resource   controls         time reverse     of IL‑1β, IL‑1   up‑regulated; the
                                  Center (McLean                transcriptase PCR and  receptor, MyD88,   authors speculated
                                  Hospital,                     immunohistochemistry  NF‑κB subunits,   that glutamatergic
                                  Belmont, MA,                  of frontal cortex   and astroglial and   derangement (as
                                  USA)                          membrane, nuclear,   microglial markers   shown by
                                                                and cytoplasmic   GFAP, iNOS, c‑fos  decreased protein
                                                                extracts         and CD11b in    and mRNA for
                                                                                 the frontal cortex   NMDA receptors
                                                                                 of patients with   NR‑1 and
                                                                                 bipolar disorder  NR‑3A) could be
                                                                                                 responsible for
           Kim     USA (NIH,      Harvard      10 bipolar, 10   Western blot, total   Increased protein   Deranged
           et al. [29]  Bethesda, Md)  Brain Tissue   nonpsychiatric   RNA isolation‑real   and mRNA of   neuroinflammatory
                                  Resource     controls (same   time reverse     AA‑selective    response, which
                                  Center (McLean  sample as Rao   transcriptase PCR and  cPLA2 IVA,   the authors relate
                                  Hospital,    et al. )         immunohistochemistry  secretory   to excitotoxicity;
                                  Belmont, MA,                  of frontal cortex   sPLA2‑IIA, COX‑2   tendency to repeat
                                  USA)                          membrane, nuclear,   and mPGES in   the conclusions of
                                                                and cytoplasmic   bipolar disorder;   the preceding paper
                                                                extracts         decreased COX‑1   (Rao et al. ).
                                                                                 and cPGES       The arachidonic
                                                                                 compared to     cascade is not
                                                                                 control brains  only involved in
                                                                                                 but in other
                                                                                                 processes as well
           Steiner   Germany      Magdeburg    12 suicide victims   Immunohistochemistry  Increased   Drug treatment
           et al. [30]  (University of   brain bank (D)  (5 bipolar, 7 major   for the NMDA agonist   quinolinic   may have
                   Magdeburg)                  depression) versus   quinolinic acid in   acid‑staining cells   affected quinolinic
                                               10 nonpsychiatric   the microglia of the   in the anterior   acid content of
                                               controls         anterior cingulate   midcingulatecortex  microglia (thus
                                                                gyrus            and the         masking a
                                                                                 subgenual, but not  possible difference
                                                                                 in the pregenual   from controls in
                                                                                 cortex, in the   bipolar disorder);
                                                                                 major depression,   admittedly,
                                                                                 but not bipolar   microglial
                                                                                 disorder, suicide   immunoreactivity
                                                                                 victims         may not be
                                                                                                 attributed to
                                                                                                 increased synthesis
                                                                                                 or decreased
                                                                                                 relevance to
                                                                                                 only indirect
           Rao     USA (NIH,      Harvard      10 bipolar, 10   Genomic DNA      Increased       Data compatible
           et al. [31]  Bethesda, Md)  Brain Tissue   nonpsychiatric   isolation, gene‑specific  mRNA and   with altered frontal
                                  Resource     controls (same   and global DNA   protein levels of   cortex epigenetic
                                  Center (McLean  sample as Rao   methylation; total RNA   neuroinflammatory  regulation
                                  Hospital,    et al. ), matched; 10  isolation‑real time   markers (IL‑1β   related to
                                  Belmont, MA,   Alzheimer’s disease,   reverse transcriptase   and TNF‑α)   neuroinflammation
                                  USA)         10 nonpsychiatric   PCR for BDNF, NF‑κB   and of markers   in bipolar disorder
                                               controls, matched  p50 and NF‑κB p65,   of astrocytic
                                                                and global histone   and microglial
                                                                acetylation and   activation in
                                                                phosphorylation, all   both bipolar and
                                                                from BA 9 (dorsolateral  Alzheimer
                                                                prefrontal cortex)

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