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Topic: Neurovascular and neuroinflammation mechanisms

              associated with bipolar disorder

           Neuroinflammation in bipolar disorders

           Georgios D. Kotzalidis, Elisa Ambrosi, Alessio Simonetti, Ilaria Cuomo, Antonio Del Casale, Matteo Caloro,
           Valeria Savoja, Chiara Rapinesi
           Department of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, P. Alberto Mileno Onlus Foundation, San Francesco Institute, 66054 Vasto, CH, Italy.

                                                   ABSTRA CT
            Recent literature based on peripheral immunity findings speculated that neuroinflammation, with its connection to microglial activation,
            is linked to bipolar disorder. The endorsement of the neuroinflammatory hypotheses of bipolar disorder requires the demonstration of
            causality, which requires longitudinal studies. We aimed to review the evidence for neuroinflammation as a pathogenic mechanism
            of the bipolar disorder. We carried out a hyper inclusive PubMed search using all appropriate neuroinflammation‑related terms and
            crossed them with bipolar disorder‑related terms. The search produced 310 articles and the number rose to 350 after adding articles
            from other search engines and reference lists. Twenty papers were included that appropriately tackled the issue of the presence (but
            not of its pathophysiological role) of neuroinflammation in bipolar disorder. Of these, 15 were postmortem and 5 were carried out in living
            humans. Most articles were consistent with the presence of neuroinflammation in bipolar disorder, but factors such as treatment may
            mask it. All studies were cross‑sectional, preventing causality to be inferred. Thus, no inference can be currently made about the role of
            neuroinflammation in bipolar disorder, but a link is likely. The issue remains little investigated, despite an excess of reviews on this topic.

            Key words: Bipolar disorder, inflammation, neuroinflammation, psychoneuroimmunology, stress

           INTRODUCTION                                       the cooperation among the nervous, endocrine,
                                                              and immune systems,  and stress disorders are
           Among the former mood or affective disorders, bipolar   believed to be underpinned by derangements in this
           disorder is the one that is most intriguing. Its heterogeneity   integration. [9]
           is well‑recognized. While traditionally subdivided into
           bipolar I and bipolar II according to whether there   STRESS AND INFLAMMATION
           was a history of mania,  some scholars support the
           existence of more than 10 subtypes.  It is supposed to   Inflammation is a process described since antiquity,
           be pathophysiologically/neurobiologically continuous   meaning burning in both Greek  (φλόγωσις) and
           with other psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia   Latin  (inflammation), and characterized by
           according to Griesinger’s model of Einheitspsychose,    swelling  (tumor),  redness  (rubor),  heating  (calor),
           and with recurrent major depression. [4‑6]         pain (dolor), and impaired function (functiolæsa). It
                                                              is a general reaction to pathogens in a tissue involving
           Mood  disorders  along  with  anxiety  disorders  are   an innate response of cells residing within that tissue.
           considered as “stress disorders.”  The organism    In the acute phase, the process entails the extravasation
           responds to stress in an integrated manner, involving   of immune cells, permeability changes in blood vessels,
                                                              and the production of chemical mediators, including
           Corresponding Author: Dr. Georgios D. Kotzalidis,   acute phase proteins, vasoactive amines, eicosanoids,
           Department of Neuroscience, Mental Health, and Sensory   bradykinin and other tachykinins, and chemical
           Organs, Sapienza University, School of Medicine and   attractors. The nonspecific response usually leads
           Psychology, Sant’Andrea Hospital, UOC Psichiatria,    to resolution and repair, with restitution to integrity.
           Via di Grottarossa 1035‑1039, 00189 Rome, Italy.
                                                              This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
                                                              Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows
                          Access this article online          others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as the
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                                    Website:                  For reprints contact:
                                                               Cite this article as:  Kotzalidis GD, Ambrosi E, Simonetti A, Cuomo I,
                                    DOI:                       Del Casale A, Caloro M,  et al.  Neuroinflammation  in  bipolar  disorders.
                                    10.4103/2347-8659.167309   Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation 2015;2:252-62.
                                                               Received: 14-06-2015; Accepted: 31-07-2015

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