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The inability to restore the previous healthy state   The whole process appears, however, to be mediated
           may ensue in chronic inflammation, characterized   through stress, [16]  which is a very general term, but it
           by shifts from the main participating cells toward   is essential to understand neuroinflammation as part
           mononuclear (monocytes, macrophages, lymphocytes,   of a whole in the pathophysiology of various disorders,
           and plasma) cells and fibroblasts and from the     and disease in general.
           main participating molecules toward interferon‑γ,
           interleukins (ILs), growth factors, nitric oxide, and   There has been evidence that neuroinflammation
           hydrolytic enzymes. [10]                           is reflected in changes in peripheral immunity, [17]
                                                              but the reverse may not be true, hence, evidence
           The stress concept was developed from the work of   of peripheral immunological alterations cannot be
           Selye, [11,12]  who viewed the body in Cannon’s frame. [13]    taken to indicate the presence of neuroinflammation.
           Stress,  like  inflammation,  was  proposed  to  be  the   There is no consensus as to whether central and
           body’s response to “diverse nocuous agents,” [11]  a   peripheral immunity are specular, and a recent study
           general adaptation syndrome characterized by an    that adequately addressed the issue showed that brain
           integrated neuroendocrine and immune response      immune markers were found to be independent from
           tending to restore homeostasis. Selye [12]  showed   the peripheral activity of the immune system. [18]
           that the response also involves the immune
           system, which constitutes another parallel with the   Summarizing, stress may lead to the establishment
           inflammatory response. Currently, the stress response   of a chronic inflammatory reaction, which may
           is considered to be evolutionary and likely to amplify   occur in the brain in parallel to the periphery, thus
           an organism’s resistance to environmental stressors.   setting brain function in a sickness mode that may
           Like inflammation, the inability of an organism to   substitute default activity and perpetuate the disorder.
           adequately address stress may lead to a stress disorder,   This does not explain the oscillatory mood activity.
           which in psychiatry is represented by posttraumatic   The presence of neuroinflammation in the brain in
           stress disorder, anxiety disorders, and mood disorders   patients with bipolar disorder can help to answer
           such as depression.                                whether neuroinflammation is a general way by
                                                              which manic‑depressive symptoms are produced.
           In recent years, there has been an increasing      It is not a sufficient evidence to demonstrate some
           recognition of altered immunological parameters in   of  these symptoms in people with  autoimmune
           many psychiatric disorders, including depression,   neuroinflammation or other disorders showing both
           bipolar disorder, autism spectrum disorders, and   neuroinflammation and cognitive or mood alterations
           schizophrenia. [14,15]   The  rationale  is  that  chronic   proper of bipolar disorder. Instead, convincing evidence
           inflammation, by releasing cytokines, may set      requires the demonstration of neuroinflammation
           brain function into a “sickness mode,” thus causing   in a population of patients with bipolar disorders
           psychiatric disorders. However, how this is carried out   who have no other comorbidity. For this reason,
           is not explained, so it remains an interesting paradigm   we consider studies that point to the existence of
           with no demonstration so far.                      neuroinflammation in bipolar disorder only those
                                                              studies investigating microglial activation or showing
           WHAT DO WE INTEND BY                               increased presence of neuroinflammatory markers
           “NEUROINFLAMMATION?”                               in the human brain, in people with bipolar disorder
                                                              compared to healthy or nonpsychiatric controls.
           Neuroinflammation  is  defined  as  inflammation  of   These may be postmortem studies or studies in living
           the central nervous system. It consists of increased   humans that involve the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) or
           glial activation, pro‑inflammatory cytokine content,   brain imaging.
           blood‑brain‑barrier permeability, and leukocyte
           extravasation. The process is believed to be driven   Having this in mind, we aimed to review the evidence
           by IL‑1 beta (IL‑1β), a cytokine that has been found   for neuroinflammation in the pathogenesis of bipolar
           to be increased in neurodegenerative disorders such   disorder.
           as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and
           multiple sclerosis. IL‑1β stimulates the IL‑1 receptor/  OUR SEARCH STRATEGY TO INVESTIGATE
           IL‑1 accessory protein complex to increase glia    NEUROINFLAMMATION IN BIPOLAR DISORDER
           nuclear factor kappa B‑dependent transcription of
           pro‑inflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis   We  performed  a  careful  PubMed  search  using  the
           factor (TNF)‑α, IL‑6, and interferons, as well as the   following strategy: (neuroinflammation* or glia* or
           neutrophil‑recruiting chemokines CXCL1 and CXCL2.   microglia* or [(CXCL1 or CXCL2 or IL‑1b* or IL‑6 or

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