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Table 1: Postmortem studies included in this review investigating microglia or neuroinflammation in bipolar disorder
           Study   Origin         Source       Population       Measure(s)        Results        Observations
           Ishizuka   Japan       Kumamoto     11 neuro‑        Northern blot‑    Increased      Evidence for
           et al. [22]  (Kumamoto,   University,   psychiatric patients,   immunohistochemistry,  expression of MIP   increased
                   Fukuoka, Kyushu‑  Department   1 bipolar; 2 surgical   in situ hybridization   1α/LD78 in the   expression of
                   Maidashi)      of Anatomy   (brain sampled   to assess expression   bipolar patient in   inflammatory
                                  (postmortem   during neurosurgery   and distribution of MIP  white matter glial   marker in glia
                                  autopsies);   for brain tumor)  1α/LD78 in brain  cells        in the brain of
                                  Neurosurgery                                                   just one patient
                                  School of                                                      with bipolar
                                  Medicine,                                                      disorder; four
                                  Fukuoka (brain                                                 patients with
                                  sampling                                                       schizophrenia
                                  during brain                                                   showed neuronal
                                  surgery)                                                       as well as glial
           Hamidi   USA (Washington  Harvard   9 bipolar versus 8   Microglial density   No differences   Patients with
           et al. [23]  University, St.   Brain Tissue   major depression   (cells/mm ) in the   between bipolar   bipolar disorder
                   Louis, Mo; NIMH,   Resource   versus 10      amygdala          disorder and   had been exposed
                   Bethesda, Md)  Center       nonpsychiatric                     controls       to valproate or
                                               controls                                          lithium more often
                                                                                                 than patients with
                                                                                                 major depression;
                                                                                                 higher suicide
                                                                                                 rates in patients
                                                                                                 versus controls
           Frank   Germany        Stanley      3 bipolar, 4     Microarray‑based   HML‑2 family   HERV transcription
           et al. [24]  (Mannheim,   Foundation   schizophrenia,   analysis of HERV   (HERV‑K10)   in brain weakly
                   Heidelberg,    Brain        4 nonpsychiatric   transcriptional activity   significantly   correlates with
                   Oberschleissheim)  Collection,   controls for   in the dorsolateral   overrepresented   schizophrenia
                                  Bethesda     comparing retroviral   prefrontal cortex.   in bipolar   and related
                                               RNA in various brain   DNA chip investigated  disorder and   disorders, but may
                                               areas; 35 bipolar,   through Env‑specific   schizophrenia,   be affected by
                                               35 schizophrenia,   QRT‑PCR. An animal   compared to   individual genetic
                                               35 nonpsychiatric   retrovirus‑specific   control brains.   background,
                                               controls for all   microarray was   HERV E4‑1     brain‑infiltrating
                                               analyses in BA   performed to test   transcription   immune cells,
                                               46 (dorsolateral   the hypothesis of   overrepresented   or medical
                                               prefrontal cortex)  zoonosis       in bipolar disorder  treatment; the
                                                                                  Env expression   higher incidence
                                                                                  of HERV‑W,     of HERV‑K10
                                                                                  HERV‑FRD, and   transcripts in
                                                                                  HML unaffected   schizophrenia and
                                                                                  regardless of the   bipolar disorder
                                                                                  clinical picture.   is a probable
                                                                                  No transcripts   consequence of
                                                                                  of any animal   high brain immune
                                                                                  retroviruses   reactivity
                                                                                  detected with pet
                                                                                  chip in all 105
                                                                                  human brains
           Dean    Australia      Autopsied    8 bipolar versus 20   Prefrontal S100β   Decreased BA 9   Postmortem
           et al. [25]  (University of   cases at   schizophrenia versus   levels (indirect   and increased BA   interval arbitrarily
                   Melbourne,     Victorian    20 nonpsychiatric   evidence; astrocyte   40 S100β levels   defined in not
                   Parkville, VIC)  Institute of   controls     S100β and microglial   in bipolar disorder   witnessed deaths;
                                  Forensic                      IL‑1β induce one   I versus other   no suicide
                                  Medicine                      another)          groups
           Foster   England       Stanley      15 bipolar, 15   Double            Higher levels in   Evidence of
           et al. [26]  (King’s‑Maudsley),  Foundation   schizophrenia,   immune‑fluorescence   schizophrenia,   neuroinflammation
                   Canada         Brain Collection  15 major    for the           lowest in controls,   in bipolar
                   (University of              depression, and   neuroinflammation   intermediate in   disorder, but not
                   British Columbia,           15 nonpsychiatric   marker calprotectin   major depression,   so strong as in
                   Vancouver),                 controls         and microglia in   and bipolar   schizophrenia;
                   Norway (Ullevål                              BA 9 (dorsolateral   disorder in   post‑mortem
                   University, Oslo)                            prefrontal cortex)  dorsolateral   interval, age, and
                   and USA (UCSD,                                                 prefrontal     sex distribution
                   San Diego, CA)                                                 microglia      not reported,
                                                                                                 but said to have
                                                                                                 not influenced

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