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Records identified through PubMed search:
                               neuroinflammat* or glia* or microglia* or
                               [(CXCL1 or CXCL2 or IL-1b* or IL-6 or
                               interleukin* or interferon* or tumor necrosis  Additional records identified through Reference
                               factor or TNF* or NKκB) and (brain or  lists, other databases and alternative
                               cerebrospinal fluid or CSF)], and “bipolar  search strategies (n = 40)
                               disorder” or mania or manic or “recurrent
                               depression” in July 11, 2015 (n = 316)
                                                                   Reviews, focused, with reference lists
                                                                   potentially providing further records (n = 42)
                               Total records retrieved and evaluated for
                               inclusion (screened n = 356)
                                                                             Reviews, unfocused (n = 56)
                                                          (n = 98)
                                                                              Case reports/series (n = 5)
                          Screening                                           speculative articles (n = 16)
                                                                               Opinion papers, editorials,

                                                                              Ethics not respected (n = 0)
                                                           Animal studies (n = 55)

                                                       Not relevant, unfocused (n = 100)

                          Eligibility  Human original            Excluded due to inadequate methodology
                                     investigations (n = 82)
                                                                 for investigating neuroinflammation in
                                                                 bipolar disorder (n = 61)

                                   Studies included in qualitative  Peripheral markers (n = 50)  In vitro experiments
                                   synthesis (n = 21)                            (n = 4)

                          Included                               No separate analysis for bipolar disorder or no
                                                                 bipolar disorder patients included or
                                                                 neuroinflammation not investigated (n = 7)
                                  Records after removing studies
                                  using the same or overlapping
                                  samples (n = 20)*
                                                                      Measurements of
                                                                      components in the
                            Post-mortem (n = 15)  In living humans (n = 5)
                                                                      cerebrospinal fluid (n = 4)

                                                       Neuroimaging of neuroinflammatory
                                                       markers in the brain (n = 1)
           Figure 1: Results for search and inclusion and design typology (*Despite the existence of overlapping samples, most studies except one, were not considered
           duplicates since they reported on different datasets)

           BASED ON THE SEARCH, IS THERE ANY                  to its anti‑neuroinflammatory, anti‑oxidative stress, or
           EVIDENCE FOR NEUROINFLAMMATION IN                  anti‑apoptotic effect or to its mitochondrial dysfunction
           BIPOLAR DISORDER?                                  countering or glutamate/dopamine balancing actions, [44]
                                                              unless accompanied by evidence of neuroinflammatory
           This review attempted to answer the question of whether   markers moving in the desired direction  (and the
           neuroinflammation plays a role in the pathophysiology   demonstration  of  their  alteration  at  baseline).
           of bipolar disorder.                               Furthermore, the evidence of abnormal peripheral
                                                              inflammatory reactivity cannot be taken as evidence
           We may not speak of conclusive evidence of         of neuroinflammation.
           neuroinflammatory mechanisms in bipolar disorder
           when the obtained evidence is too indirect. For    Our  search  yielded  a  high  number  of  interesting
           example, when a molecule like N‑acetylcysteine is   articles, but few of them suited the purpose of this
           found to have some therapeutic activity in bipolar   review. This was due to the fact that our search strategy
           disorder, we may not specify whether this is related   was over‑inclusive to avoid missing any suitable article.

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